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1、,Ogilvy socially reborn.” (Brazil) “Whenever you need her, Kleenex will be there.” (Taiwan),Core Truths,1. Kleenex is a global “Trustmark”. 全球性的“信任标志” 2. Kleenex means “clean”. Kleenex 意味着“干净” 3. Kleenex has “always been there”. Kleenex “一直伴随着我” 4. Kleenex evokes the fondest memories. Kleenex “唤醒最深的

2、记忆” 5. Kleenex means “home”. Kleenex 象征着“家” 6. Kleenex “knows you”. Kleenex “了解你” 7. Kleenex never “takes over”. Kleenex 从不“强取” 8. Kleenex says “everythings going to be fine”. Kleenex 说,“一切都会好起来的”,Bottom-up works Our teams around the world are good at this! There are truly Global Brands - Kleenex is

3、 one It takes special skills to lead this process globally Our brand print composers are a precious commodity,What we have learned,DOVE多芬 BrandStewardship,Dove,A successful U.S. Brand for 40 years 一个40年的成功美国品牌 A global Mega-brand in just 3 years 仅用3年成为全球大品牌 76 countries in 4 years 4年内进入76个国家 No. 1 i

4、n North America and Europe 北美和欧洲的第一品牌 Dominant in Australia, Hong Kong and Brazil 在澳洲,香港和巴西强势 One brand idea, global network, local knowledge 同一品牌概念,全球网络,本地知识,What we learned from consumers消费者告诉我们,The bar has endowed the Brand with a rich set of core values : 丰富的核心价值 integrity, honesty, credibility,

5、 unpretentiousness, shuns hype, etc. 正直,诚实,不造作,不接受奉承 The bar delivered a real solution to a real consumer problem 为消费者解决了一个真正的问题 Not many of our new products will be in such a unique position 并非许多新产品能拥有如此独特的定位,What we learned from consumers消费者告诉我们,A strong but grounded emotional connection exists be

6、tween the user and the brand 一种强有力并且实在的联系存在于使用者和品牌之间 The uniqueness comes from how Doves skin feel makes her feel “Glad to be a woman”独特之处在于多芬给女人的皮肤让她觉得“作女人是快乐的” “Hope” and “Transformation” are not words that resonate with the Dove users; they are beyond what they desire from Dove “希望”和“转变”绝不仅仅是些引起多

7、芬使用者反响的文字,它们超出了女人们的期望,“Dove Is The Promise Of Femininity Restored - To My Skin. And To Me.” A personal promise that I can be my best. The promise that when the mere act of washing my face has drained me dry, it will replenish me. The promise that when a shower is my only escape to a peaceful place,

8、it will reward me. The promise that when the softness I used to see every day hasnt been seen in a while, it will reveal it to me. The promise that when Ive had to put on hold the fact that Im a woman, it will remind me. The promise that when my skin needs protection and nourishment, it will remoist

9、urize it. It is a simple and unselfish promise, made to the woman inside me.,“多芬的承诺是还给我女人的天性 - 给我的皮肤,也给我自己。” 一个让我能保持最佳的个人承诺。 当我的脸因清洗而干燥时,它承诺给我补充滋养。 当洗澡是我逃脱到平和世界的唯一方式时,它承诺给我奖赏。 当本应属于我的柔软肌肤片刻不见时,它承诺找还给我。 当我有时不得不暂时遗忘我是个女人时,它承诺会提醒我。 当我的皮肤需要保护和营养时,它承诺给我重新滋润。 它是一个简单而无私的承诺,对我心底里女人的天性,MasterBrand Positionin

10、g主品牌定位,Dove helps a woman look and feel her best by helping her experience noticeably softer, more beautiful skin 多芬帮助女人显著体验更柔软更美丽的皮肤,由此让女人的外表和内心都处于最佳状态,IBM,Information Technology Brands 信息技术品牌,The BEST technology does not always win 最好的技术并不总能赢 The BEST brand does 最好的品牌却可以 These companies did not ma

11、nage their brand 这些公司没有好好管理他们的品牌 Novel WordPerfect Silicon Graphics,Situation Pre 1994,IBM Stumbles 蹒跚而行的IBM Reputation diminished, declining 名声下降 $18 billion losses over 3 years 三年中亏损180亿 Breakup into 13 “Baby Blues” considered 可能分化为13个小公司 50+ agencies, 200+ campaigns 50多家代理商,200多个不同的广告活动,O&M Appoi

12、nted,Single worldwide agency, June 1994 奥美成为全球唯一代理 Advertising Direct Marketing Promotions Internet,Global Brand Audit,Professional 专业 Quality 质量 R&D, a national asset 研发 The standard against which all others are judged 衡量别人的标准,You dont have a laugh with IBM你不会与IBM一起欢笑 IBM will only talk to your bos

13、s, everyone else is insignificant IBM只会与你的老板交谈,其他人都不重要 Monolithic, for big business only, “fortress IBM” 只做大生意 Not a leader in networking, software, services 在网络,软件,服务上落后 Trying to be “all things, to all people”, unsuccessfully 总想成为万能 No clear vision & focus 目标含糊,O&M,Strengths and problems consisten

14、t worldwide,Challenge挑战,Increase perceived value of anything from IBM 提升价值感 Establish new relevance in considering IBM 树立相关性 Convey new, more approachable, customer driven attitude 带出新的,易于接近的,客户导向的态度 Reinforce latent strengths 加强潜在优势 Global scope Technological leadership Reliability,Speak With One V

15、oice 众口一声,Consolidate all communications to build and leverage the brand Focus budgets for maximum effect to solve IBMs primary problem: “If they dont buy your brand, they wont even consider your products” 集中解决主要问题:“如果他们不买你的品牌,他们对你的产品根本连考虑都不考虑” Make the whole more than the sum of the parts,The IBM B

16、randPrint,IBM is the underlying fabric of the Information Agethe intellectual horsepower to conceive the truly amazing and the will to deliver its promise. It is the power to transform our lives and realize the most unexpected possibilities IBM combines global stature with a human voicegentle, positive, occasionally even self-deprecating. Ceaselessly surprising. Reassuringly certain. IBM is magic you can trust.,O&M,IBM品牌写真,IBM是信息时代的基础 - 改变我们生活的推动力 IBM站在全球发展的高度,兼顾人性化的需



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