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1、1,Speech at International Conference,2,Attending International Conference,Meeting (总称) Conference (比较正式的会议,常指专业性、学术性的专门会议) Symposium (侧重专题学术讨论会。研讨范围小、具体) Congress (代表会议,规模较大。 delegate, representative) Convention(规模较大,时间较长的大型集会,如有些专业领域的年会) Colloquium (有关专家参加的小组集体讨论会panel discussion) Workshop (除了专业理论学

2、术研讨外,侧重示范表演、实际操 作。 规模不大,重视实践) Forum (论坛。某领域专家学者围绕一个问题发表演讲,答复问 题, 展开讨论) Seminar(请专家对某一具体问题进行系统探讨和讲授,有讲学的特点),3,The Procedure of Conference,Registration Opening ceremony (opening speech) Plenary session ( plenary lectures; key note 1-2 ) Tea/Coffee break Invited lectures (25 5) Lunch break Parallel ses

3、sion (Oral 15 5) Tea /Coffee break Poster session (display) Banquet Closing ceremony (awarding),4,Paper Submission Information,Abstract (deadline, style, word count) Paper (deadline, length, format ) Presentation (invited, oral, poster) Collected papers (periodical, EI, SCI,IEEE),5,How to Prepare Sp

4、eech,1. Know your subject 2. Know your audience 3. Make a point 4. Prepare (PPT) 5. Practice,6,How to Prepare Speech,6. Stay calm 7. Eye contact 8. Impression 9. Vary tone 10. Body language,7,Approaches to the Opening,Begin with Straight Forwardness (开门见山式) Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen, The ti

5、tle of my presentation is Begin with Appreciation (致谢赞扬式) Dear colleagues, First of all, Id like to thank our chairman and generous hosts, Begin with Background Introduction(背景介绍式) Good afternoon, ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, Id like to make an explanation The paper I Begin with Wits and Humo

6、rs (风趣幽默式) Begin with Impromptu Development (即兴发挥式),8,Ways of Delivery,Speaking without any reference (自由式) Speaking with short notes ( 提纲式 PPT) Opening (130) I. The Project (530) 1. Project description 2. II. Students (6) Conclusion (2 30) Speaking from the text (摘录式 PPT) abstract, main dates, expe

7、rimental results, graph, table, conclusion Reading the Full Text (朗读式),9,Techniques in Oral Presentation,1. Turning to a New Topic ( 启转话题 ) 先说一句使对方有精神准备的话,然后再把主要事实说出来。 1) Ladies and Gentlemen, it would be very interesting to take a look at this curve, which tells us 2) Well, may I say boldly? It is

8、common 我可以冒昧地讲,10,3) The interesting thing in this experiment is that 4) It is not an exaggeration to say 5) Another important fact 在连续表达中,往往会有许多需要转移话题、转移重点、转移听众注意力的情况,运用这类语句不仅对听众具有提醒和吸引作用,而且还能起到向下文过度的作用。,11,2. Arranging Facts Logically(例举事实),在介绍研究工作时,常常需要例举一系列的事实、论据和数据等来论证或说明某一结论。如: To meet the end

9、 of , we have adopted the following concrete measures: First, we used , then we . Afterwards, we . Next, we put . And eventually, we ,12,One ; Two ; Three First ; Second, To begin with, ; Next, ; Furthermore, Finally To start with, ; the second point, ; Furthermore, ; And to conclude, ,13,3. Display

10、ing Formula, etc. (展示实例),在解释计算公式、展示图片、图表等实物时,常常用“be”句型。 Here is the expression of the structure that we are discussing now. It is reviewed that 回顾了 It is noteworthy that many atoms have been 值得注意的是,14,这类句型有助于连贯表达论文内容: It is adj. that It is apparent that It is notable that It is available that It is

11、P.P. that It is outlined that It is assumed that It is calculated that ,15,4. Highlighting Ideas ( 强调重点 ),先入为主。 “先出口, 先入耳” a) MMM is the very subject that we have studied for three years. b) We have studied MMM for many years. 利用“ It is that ” 强调句型 It is only with the reduction of that 利用具有强意功能的词:do

12、, ever, even, quite Dr. Miller did have given us a very informative.,16,利用重复 要反复的内容很多,如重要数据、结果等。语音“一瞬即逝”,听众“一听而过”。要想听清听懂,印象深刻。非常有必要重复。 如强调“小型化”这一技术突破,可重复 “miniaturization”; “miniaturized prototype”; “to be miniaturized”; “in miniaturizing” 利用重读、语调、语气、手势等,17,5. Simplifying Longish Terms(长术语处理),用等意词代

13、the solvent (该溶剂); the testing agent (该试剂); the compound (该化合物); the metal (该金属) 用符号代 Here, Xm presents the Now lets assume Xm to be constant, then 用代词代 “it”, “that”, “they” 用缩略词代 DNA,18,Amending a Slip of the Tongue (修正口误),讲得不当或错误发生时,要及时加以解释或修正。 In the experiment I discovered a new way, well, I mea

14、n I used a new method to observe the movement. (用词过大) Of course, the experiment techniques cannot be called advanced yet I mean in regard to the automation and its management. (否定面太大),19,Filling the Silence (避免冷场),当讲话中出现思考、犹豫或停顿时 “well”, “ehm”, “here you see”, “you know”, “Im afraid”, “I suppose”, “

15、as matter of fact”, “that is to say”, “to make a long story short” 冷场时间较长时, 要做必要的 “重复”填补。 “what I said just now was about” “That is what we have done. Under condition, which is essential for ”,20,Methods of Ending a Speech (结束发言),By Briefing the Windup (直截了当式) Thats all. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Tha

16、nk you all. By Summarizing Main Points (总结归纳式) The themes I have dealt with can be boiled down as follows: First, ; Second, ; Third, Last but not least, Thats all. Thank you for attention.,21,By Posing Questions (征求意见式) 1) Now that I have finished my speech, I hope youll give me your comments and suggestions. Theyll help me improve my work. 2) To conclude, it seems that if we are to succeed in solving the many interrelated problems of , only


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