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1、M4U2-Our-favourite-festival-is-the-spring-festival,Western Festivals 西方节日,April Fools Day,Christmas Day,Flag Day,Thanksgiving Day,1.What do they do on Thanksgiving Day? 他们在感恩节会做什么? 2.What do they do on Flag Day? 他们在国旗日会做什么?,1.What do they do on Thanksgiving Day?,A. They have a big family dinner.,B.

2、They say “thank-you” for our food, family and friends.,C. They watch a big football game on TV.,2.What do they do on Flag Day?,A. They fly the flag .放飞旗帜。,B. They sing songs .唱国歌。,Chinese Festivals中国传统节日,春节,元宵节,端午节,中秋节,Spring Festival 春节,Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,Lantern Festival 元宵节,Dragon Boat Festi

3、val 端午节,What do you do on these festivals? 在这些节日你们会干什么呢?,Spring Festival,Lantern Festival,Mid-Autumu Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,On Dragon Boat Festival,see the dragon boat race 看赛龙舟,eat zongzi. 吃粽子,Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,eat moon cakes 吃月饼,watch the moon 赏月,familly dinner 家庭聚餐,watch TV 看春晚,get s

4、ome money压岁钱,We have a special family dinner.我们吃特别的一餐。 We eat dumplings. 我们会吃饺子(汤圆)。,wear new clothes 穿新衣,Spring Festival 春节,Lantern Festival元宵节,hang lanterns挂花灯,eat yuanxiao吃汤圆,do dragon dances 舞龙,Spring Festival,春节,Lantern Festival,元宵节,Dragon Boat Festival,龙舟节端午节,Mid-Autumn Festival,中秋节,race比赛,moo

5、n cakes月饼,dumplings 饺子/汤圆,hang lanterns 挂灯笼,连线。,Spring Festival We see lots of lanterns. We go to see dragon dances. Mid-Autumn Festival We see dragon boat race We eat zongzi. Lantern Festival We eat moon cakes and see a big and round moon. Dragon Boat Festival We have a big family dinner. We eat du

6、mplings.,The Dragon Boat Festival端午节,I love this festival. 我喜欢这个节日。 We all go to see the Dragon Boat race. 我们所有人都去看赛龙舟。 We eat zongzi. Its very delicious. 我们吃粽子。非常美味。,The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,My mother loves this festival .我的母亲喜爱这个节日。 She makes moon cakes . Her cakes are delicious . 她会做月饼。她做的月饼非常

7、好吃。 My father likes this festival, too .我的父亲也喜欢这个节日。 He sings songs about the moon. He sings very well .他会唱有关月亮的歌。他唱非常好。,一般现在时态 表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态. 1.“经常发生的动作”,比如每天起床、吃饭、上学,一个星期去几次超市或新华书店等。这些事件中,有的是有规律的,有的是偶尔做几次。这些都算经常发生的事件。我们要告诉人们的,是这个动作经常发生,是一般的情况而不是具体的某一次。 2.事物存在的状态。 3.有些动作或状

8、态是永恒的,比如长江向东流、地球绕着太阳转,比如谚语中举的事例、文学作品中描绘的事例,像“好马不吃回头草”等等。,肯定句:主语+动词(s)+其它,I, we You They 名词复数,He She 名词单数,动词原型,动词s,I like this festival .We like this festival. Daming and Simon like this festival. He likes this festival. My father likes this festival.,The Spring Festival春节,This is my family . 这是我的家人。

9、 Our favorite festival is the Spring Festival. 我们最喜欢的节日时春节。 We have a special family dinner . 我们吃一顿特殊的家庭晚餐. And we eat dumplings.而且我们会吃饺子。,The Lantern Festival 元宵节,My favourite festival is the Lantern Festival . 我最喜欢的节日是元宵节。 Its after the Spring Festival. 元宵节在春节之后。 People eat yuanxiao, hang lanterns and do dragon dances. 人们会吃元宵,挂元宵和舞龙。,Talk about your favourite festivals like this.谈论你最喜欢的节日。,Spring Festival,We have a special family dinner. We eat dumplings.,A:What s your favourite festival?,B:My favourite festival is A:What do you do on ? B:,


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