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1、牛津3B小学英语Unit12单元检测试卷班级 姓名 得分 听力开始了!小朋友们,竖起小耳朵仔细听哦!一、听录音,填序号。10 二、找到你所听到的物品,把它圈一圈。10三、听录音,选出你所听到的,把序号填在()内。10 ( )1. A. Storybook B. copybook C. desk ( )2. A. crayon B. tape C. ruler ( )3. A. school bag B. clock C. knife ( )4. A. my computer B. your computer C. her computer ( )5 A. Whats this? B Whats

2、 that? C. Whats this in English? ( )6 A .How nice! B How pretty! C .What a nice watch! ( )7 A. Is this a camera? B. Is that a camera? C .This is a camera. ( )8. A. in English B. in Chinese C. in the box ( )9.A.come here B come in C. pencil box ( )10.A. on the desk B on the chair C .on the ruler 四、 下

3、面小朋友都有一些什么文具?仔细听,将相应的用线连起来10 1.动一动小手,比一比谁最棒!一、找出不同类的单词。10( )1. A pencil B stapler C pear ( )2. A green B red C radio( )3. A watch B what C clock ( )4. A apple B banana C knife ( )5. A camera B panda C zebra ( )6. A. stapler B. storybook C. cake ( )7. A. sofa B. knife C. window ( )8. A. radi

4、o B. computer C. window( )9. A. copybook B. crayon C. camera( )10.A. watch B. door C. key二、找出相应的应答句。5( )1. Is that a radio? A. Its a knife.( )2.Can I have a look? B. Thank you.( )3. May I come in? C. No,it isnt.( )4. Whats that on the desk? D. Sure.( )5. What a nice sweater! E. Come in ,please.三、将中文

5、和英文互相搭配,选正确的序号。10( )1. Whats in your school bag?( )2. Come here, Yang Ling, whats this?( )3. Whats that in English?( )4. Thank you.( )5. Im sorry.( )6. How are you?( )7. This is a copybook.( )8. I see.( )9. Excuse me, Gao Shan, whats this?( )10. Its a pencil in your book.A 谢谢你。 B. 你好吗?C 对不起,高山,这是什么?

6、 D. 我明白了。 E. 一枝铅笔在你书里面。 F. 这是一本抄写本。 G. 过来,杨玲,这是什么? H. 对不起。 I 你书包里的是什么? J. 那样东西用英语怎么说?四、根据情景,选择填空。13 ( )1、当你去拜见朋友,想进房间时,应说: A.May I come in? B. Come in, please. C. Oh, I see. ( )2、看见一个漂亮的照相机,你会说: A. How old are you? B. Thank you. C. How nice! ( )3、询问某件东西是否是电脑,别人应答: A. Is this a computer? B. Yes, it i

7、s . C. How pretty! ( )4、你想看一看某件东西,别人会说: A. Can I have a look? B. No, it isnt. C. sure. ( )5、在打扰别人时,你应说: A. Here you are. B. Excuse me. C. Hello! ( )6、别人告诉你桌上是蜡笔时,你可以说: A. Thank you . B. How are you? C.This is a crayon. ( )7、Is that your tape? A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is.( )8Can I ha

8、ve a ? Sure A.book B.look C.good ( )9、May I come in? A. Yes. B. Come in, please C. Sure.( )10、Whats that in English? A zebra. B. Yes, it is a stapler. C. Its a sharpener. ( )11、当别人叫你过来,他要说: A. Come in ,please . B. Come here ,please. C.May I come in? ( )12、当你想知道远处桌上的物体是什么时,你会问: A. Whats this on the d

9、esk ? B. Whats that on the desk ? C. Whats that in the desk ?( )13、你想说朋友的手表好看,可以说:( ) A. How a nice watch ! B. What a nice clock ! C. What a nice watch !五、根据所给中文写出相应单词。6 1. 闹钟 2. 书 3 .钥匙4 .修正带 5. 手表 6. 包六将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。16 A. ( ) Whats that on the desk? ( ) All right.( ) Fine, thanks. And you? ( ) Im fine, thank you.( )Lets go to the supermarket. ( ) Its a box.( ) Hi, David. How are you? ( ) I see.B. ( )Is that a radio? ( )Come in, please. ( )Can I have a look? ( )Whats that in English?( )No, it isnt. ( )Sure, here you are. ( )May I come in? ( )Its a Walkman.


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