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1、2003年 6月,Conference Background,北京現代 Communication Review & Inspection,根据SONATA Brand Line-Up的 日后 Communication 方向协商,日后 Brand Management的必要性,提高北京现代 Value Up/SONATA Brand Power,“根据市场环境的变化 Marketing Trend 也将不同. 假如昨天为止,作为我们的原 则,信赖不疑的对 Marketing的 信念,如今成了 传统概念,那么树立 我们对于成功的信心的对于现在 和未来新的Marketing原则将会 是什么?,T

2、raditional Marketing 特点,Functional Feature & Benefit (F&B),Customers are Rational Decision-Maker,Methods are Analytical, Quantitative & Verbal,Narrow Definition of Product Categories & Competition,21C 新的3种 Marketing Trend,1. 情報技術 普遍化 2. Brand 覇權化 3. Communication和 娛性 普遍化,Experiential Marketing,Marke

3、ting Paradigm 變化,Experiential Marketing 特徵,Experiential Marketing,Change the rules!,Brand is?,Differentiation,Image, Value,Consumer Sense,Structure of Brand,Step of Branding,Power Brand,只有做到 Power Brand 才是从竞争中生存下去的唯一道路, 随之也将解决构筑与客户之间关系这一问题.,根据技术与客户变化的所有环境 将趋于Branding. 目前对于 Marketing 关键在于如何构筑战略性 Bran

4、d Management System.,随后从传统 F&B脱离 将形成日后构筑与客户关系时的 Brand Identity Image, 应该把重点放在强化上. 之后就是实现为 Brand Equity的 Experiential Marketing时机.,北京現代 Brand Composition,We Have Three Brand,Corporation Brand (北京現代),Family Brand (EF SONATA, SONATA),Individual Brand (ELANTRA),Flagship Brand,规定Brand之间相互关系,Corporation B

5、rand (北京現代),Family Brand (EF SONATA, SONATA) Flagship Brand,Individual Brand (ELANTRA),Image,Value,Credibility,Basic,Image Transfer Credibility = Halo Effect,Treat (Competition,Social Environment),Entry Wall (Price, Place),Easy Marketing Performance,So,Corporation Brand (北京現代),Family Brand (EF SONAT

6、A, SONATA),Individual Brand (ELANTRA),企業廣告 必要性,Communication 量集中,But,Corporation Brand (北京現代),企業廣告 必要性,Launching 初期进入早期市场的必要性,High Marketing Cost,不完善的Brand Line Up,Solution,形成通过SONATA Communication的 企业品牌 Identity,北京現代,Brand Communication Strategy,Communication Strategy Guideline,Corporation Brand (北

7、京現代),Family Brand (EF SONATA, SONATA),Individual Brand (ELANTRA),北京現代的 Brand Communication应该在 Brand Management 层次上展开 ,而它的重点则在品牌之间的 连贯性(Relational Communication) 和持续的Campaign上.,What do you think about?,Good Car,Communication Review,Brand,北京現代,SONATA,Launching1 (02/11/27-03/3/16),Launching2 (03/3/24-0

8、3/6/30),Follow (03/7/1),追求卓越 公創幸福 Seeking Excellence, Finding Common Happiness,我有我的風格,中國新動力,?,效果如何?,Relevance(?),Relevance(?),Corporation Brand Slogan 是否以现代这一资产作为铺垫开发的?,Campaign是否有个性?,企业 Brand和 Family Brand之间的 Relevance?,SONATA Brand Identity是什么? 即,给消费者展示的是什么样的形象?,北京現代 Brand Identity,北京現代,北京現代 Brand

9、 Identity,World Wide (世界化),GLOBAL Brand 現代,GLOBAL 技术 現代,GLOBAL 质量品质 現代,So,北京現代 Brand Identity World Wide,SONATA Brand Identity,Individual Brand Identity,Transfer,为(EF)SONATA Brand Identity的,准大型级别大小 新古典主义STYLE 最尖端安全装置 尖端驾驶系统 准大型级别的高级配置,舒适的驾驶 最佳预防安全性 安静柔和的试驾感 卓越的 Driving Performance 有品位的形象,坚韧的 既有品位又精炼

10、的 乘坐大型轿车般的自信 感觉像是走在别人前端的 驾驶的乐趣,柔和精炼 /都市化 Intelligent/有格调的 /值得信赖的 代表性的 自信,差别化,Brand Essence,Value,Benefit,Attribute,Personality,Advance & Credible,世界 认可 的 技术 品质,(EF)SONATA Target,(EF)SONATA Brand Identity,Brand Essence,Target Essence,Advanced & Credible,引领中国的新动力,Brand Identity,Luxury Challenge Superi

11、or Pride,(EF)SONATA Brand Identity,For Advanced Leader,Old Leader,Authoritative,Conservative,Passive,Stereotyped,Traditional,追求进步,进取趋向的新Leader-我将乘坐 (EF)SONATA,Advanced Power, Safety, Comfortable, Driving Performance,And so,For Advanced Leader,(EF)SONATA Brand Identity(Image),+,World Wide,北京現代 Brand

12、Identity(Image),Communication (开发Message),Campaign,Summary,Corporation Brand (北京現代),Family Brand (EF SONATA, SONATA),Individual Brand (ELANTRA),日后企业PR的必要性 通过SONATA形成 Identity, Relational Communication Campaign, Advanced Leader + World Wide,Product Oriented Communication,形成Image,Umbrella Effect/Image

13、 转移,Communication Identity,确立Brand Identity,北京現代,EF SONATA Communication Strategy,Communication Strategy Guide ,目前 Communication 目标,Communication Strategy Guide ,Product Oriented Communication,Target Oriented Communication,Communication Strategy Guide ,北京現代 Identity : World Wide,Communication Strategy,AD Concept Alt - 1,“开启世界的人群,“道路不同人生也将不同,AD Concept Alt - 2,“美丽的你,AD Concept Alt - 3,I am EF SONATA,AD Concept Alt - 4,Tools of campaign ,Tools of campaign -1,以北京现代 CI为铺垫选择 Color (需要Manual 化),Tools of campaign ,使之联想到品牌的伟大的乐谱(豆牙),



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