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1、Period 4 训练案 (Writing课本P36),Unit 6 Im watching TV.,写作一:完成课本P36的3a和3b的练习。 写作二:现在是下午6点。请根据下表提供的信息写一篇短文,描述一下初一(2)班学生放学后的活动情况。,Period 4 训练案,Period 4 训练案,作文要求:1.语句通顺,可适当发挥; 2.70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 【思路点拨】 第一步:审题:人称_ 时态_ 第二步:列出主要的短语和句型。 1.看黑板_,第三人称,Period 4 训练案,现在进行时,look at the blackboard,2.做笔记_ 3.努力学习_ 4.忙

2、着做某事_ 5.历史方面的书籍_ 6.打扫教室_ 7.玩游戏_ 8.聊天_,take notes,Period 4 训练案,study hard,be busy doing sth.,the books about/on history,clean the classroom,play games,talk with sb./chat with sb.,第三步:运用一些连接词将以上要点连成文章,注意文章的连贯和句型的多样化。 It is 6:00 p.m. now.The students in Class 2,Grade 7 are busy doing different activiti

3、es. _,Period 4 训练案,In the classroom, Jody is looking at the blackboard and taking notes.Jim is studying hard and he is busy doing his homework.Gina is reading a book about history.Lily is cleaning the classroom with her friends.Where is Tom?,Period 4 训练案,He is playing games with some boys in the hal

4、lway.Some boys are playing chess.They are very happy.Some girls are chatting happily in the classroom.Lucy is drawing. She can draw well. How busy the students are! And they are having a good time.,Period 4 训练案,第四步:修改文章自己复查,小组互改。 1.用红笔在文章中纠错。2.欣赏好词好句:评选小组内写得最好的三个句子摘抄下来。 _ _,Period 4 训练案,(作文评分细则与标准请参

5、照本书最后一页),Period 4 训练案,单元语法专练 一、单项填空。 ( )1.Is your brother running in the park? No,he _ in the river. A.swim B.swims C.swimming D.is swimming,Period 4 训练案,D,( )2.Jane,do you often _ online? Yes,I often buy clothes online. A.cook B.exercise C.shop D.drive,Period 4 训练案,C,( )3.Kangkang often _ TV on Sat

6、urday evenings.But now he _ an English book. A.is watching; is reading B.watches; reads C.watches; is reading D.watching; reads,Period 4 训练案,C,( )4.What would you like _? A glass of juice, please. A.drink B.eat C.to drink D.to eat ( )5.Lucy, what are you doing? I am _ my bag.But I cant _ it. A.looki

7、ng; finding B.look for; finding C.look for; find D.looking for; find,Period 4 训练案,C,D,( )6.Tony can _ the guitar. Now he _ the guitar. A.play;plays B.playing;playing C.plays;is playing D.play;is playing,Period 4 训练案,D,( )7._? Yes,she is. A.Whats he doing now B.Is the girl singing now C.How old is sh

8、e D.Are you singing now,Period 4 训练案,B,( )8.Mary and Ann are talking _ the phone _ the school trip. A.to; on B.with; for C.on; about D.in; at,Period 4 训练案,C,( )9.Listen! Someone _ the violin in the music classroom. A.plays B.played C.is playing D.are playing,Period 4 训练案,C,( )10.Alice,turn down the

9、TV,please. I _ my homework. Oh,sorry. A.doing B.finish C.am doing D.do,Period 4 训练案,C,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.Look at the two _(man)over there.They are my father and his friend, Mr.White. 12.Lets go _(shop)this afternoon. 13.Listen! Who is _(sing)in the next room?,Period 4 训练案,men,shopping,singing,14.He

10、often _(wash)his car himself. 15.How many _(child)are there in your family?,Period 4 训练案,washes,children,单元基础巩固 一、单项填空。 ( )1.Does the soup taste good? Yes,it is _.But it is too hot. A.beautiful B.interesting C.delicious D.boring,Period 4 训练案,C,( )2.The clothing store _ a sale.The clothes are very ch

11、eap. A.has B.had C.is having D.was having ( )3.There _ many trees in front of my house now. A.is B.are C.was D.were,Period 4 训练案,C,B,( )4.Hello,this is Wendy.Can I speak to Mike? Yes,_. A.my name is Mike B.Mike,please C.Mike is me D.this is Mike speaking,Period 4 训练案,D,( )5.Nancy,I bought you a new

12、bike. Thank you,Dad.Its _ what I want. A.just B.still C.only D.already,Period 4 训练案,A,( )6.Ben,would you like to play soccer with us? _,but I have to wash my clothes first. A.No,I cant B.I dont want to C.Yes,please D.Id love to,Period 4 训练案,D,( )7.What about the red sweater? It is too small.Could yo

13、u please show me _ one? A.any B.any other C.other D.another ( )8.The Chinese ping-pong players will join in the match.Lets _ them to win. A.wish B.to wish C.hope D.to hope,Period 4 训练案,D,A,( )9.At _,we eat rice dumplings and have a boat race. A.the Mid-Autumn Festival B.the Spring Festival C.the Dra

14、gon Boat Festival D.Halloween,Period 4 训练案,C,( )10.I _ to go shopping now.Would you like to go with me? A.want B.wants C.to want D.am wanting,Period 4 训练案,A,二、根据中文提示或音标填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 11.My brother is too _(年轻的)to go to school. 12.Mary is good at _(使用)the computer.,Period 4 训练案,young,using,13.We like to watch the boat _ (比赛)on TV. 14.He is _(学习)in No.1


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