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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part B Read and write,六年级英语上册,Where is the hospital? Is it near the park? Where is the cinema? Is it near the mall? Come to the bookstore. Its next to the light. Come with me! Come with me! Come with me tonight!,Lets sing,map,Good to know,compass,Good to know,GPS,Good to

2、know,stars,Good to know,You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place?,Lets think,You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place?,Lets think,Wu Yifans grandpa gave(给)Robin a new feature(特点). He now has GPS.,Lets think,Where are they?,Look and discuss,They are in front of the

3、 cinema.,Look and discuss,Where are they?,Look and discuss,They are behind the hospital.,Look and discuss,Where are they?,Look and discuss,They are in front of the hospital.,Look and discuss,Where are they?,Look and discuss,Look and discuss,They are in front of the restaurant.,How many places did th

4、ey pass by? 他们经过了几个地方? Underline them in the text. 在课文中划出来。,The first reading,Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _ and _. They _ and then turn right again.,Read and fill in the blanks,go straight,turn left at the bookstore,turn right,The second reading,Lis

5、ten and repeat,Read and draw,请画出吴一帆、迈克和罗宾去意大利餐馆的路线图!,Make a summary,指南针 星星 给(过去式) 定位导航,compass star gave GPS,Make a summary,特点,特性 找到 奏效,起作用,feature find work,Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature. 吴一帆的爷爷给了罗宾一个新特点。 He now has GPS. 他现在有了定位导航系统。 He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant. 他能

6、帮助男孩们找到意大利餐馆。,Make a summary,Were in front of the cinema. 我们现在在电影院的前面。 Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore. 让我们直走,然后在书店向左转。 We are behind the hospital. 我们在医院的后面。,Make a summary,Lets turn right and turn right again. 让我们右转后再右转。 There is the restaurant! 餐馆在那儿! There is a restaurant. 有一家餐馆。,Make a summary,My new GPS works. 我的新导航系统奏效了。 Ill tell grandpa. 我会告诉爷爷的。,Make a summary,Homework,1听录音,熟读课本 P8 Read and write 的内容。 2预习P10Lets check和 Lets wrap it up 的内容。 3完成本课时配套的练习题。,Thank you ! Goodbye!,


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