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1、1Unit Six I like music that I can dance to.Part One New Words课本 P441. prefer v. 更喜欢 现在分词_ 过去式_prefer = like better .苹果于香蕉相比,你更喜欢哪一种 。 (两种表达)Which do you _ , apples or bananas?=Which do you _ _ ,apples or bananas? prefer (doing ) sth. to (doing ) sth. 喜欢(干 )胜于喜欢(干).(1)He prefers English to math.他喜欢英语

2、多于数学(2)I prefer _(swim) to _(skate).我喜欢游泳胜于滑冰(3)Some of my friends prefer _(read)books _ _(sing)songs .我的一些朋友喜欢读书多于唱歌。 prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做(直接说出结果,不出现比较对象)The old man prefers _(live) in the countryside.老人更喜欢住在乡下。prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿而不愿(1)He prefers _(play) games rather than _(s

3、tudy).他宁愿玩游戏也不愿学习。(2)They preferred _ ( walk )rather than _(ride)a bike.他们宁愿走路也不愿骑车2. lyric n. 歌词;抒情词句 常用复数 lyrics (1)他能自己写歌词。He can _his _ _. (2)他比较喜欢有优美歌词的歌曲。He _ the songs that _ great_.adj. 抒情的她是一位抒情的诗人。 She is a _ _. 课本 P453.gentle adj. 轻柔的; 柔和的 gently adv. gentleman n.绅士 复数: 汉译英:演奏安静轻柔的音乐 play

4、 the _ and _music课本 P4624.dislike v. 不喜欢, 厌恶dislike =dont like= hate 他不喜欢这个颜色。 (两种表达)He _ the color. He _ _ the color.我讨厌和不友善的人说话。I dislike _ _(speak) to the man who is not kind.n. likes and dislikes 喜恶汉译英:喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,我都告诉你了。I have told you all my _ and _.5.remind of 提醒;使记起巧记 re+mind (介意;头脑)= remindr

5、emind sb. Of sb.sth. 使某人想起某人或某事It _me _ my friends Tom .它让我想起了我的朋友汤姆。这曲轻音乐使你想起了什么?What does the soft music _ you _remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事Please remind me _(answer) that email. remind sb. +从句 提醒某人;使某人想起He reminded me that I hadnt washed the clothes. 翻译:_6. heart n. 心;内心 巧记 hear (听)+t =heart用心 b

6、y heart 全神贯注于之中 put ones heart into 丧失信心,灰心 lose ones heart (1)如果你全神贯注于其中,你就会做好它。If you _your _ _it ,you will do it well.(2)用心学英语对我们很重要I t is important for us to _ English_ _.课本 P477. sink v. 下沉;沉没 过去式_ 过去分词_(1) 太阳西下 The sun is _ in the west(2) 撞到冰山后,船沉入海底 。 The ship _ to the floor of the ocean afte

7、r hitting an iceberg(冰山)。 课本 P488.Yellow River 黄河 汉译英:黄河是中国第二大河流The _ _is the second _(long) river in China.39.fisherman 渔夫;渔民 复数_10. latest adj. 最近的 (=recent)(1)最新消息 _ _ (2)最新的电影 _ _late adj.adv. 晚的、迟到的 比较级_ 最高级 _他是我们班来到最晚的eg: He comes to school _ in our class.干迟到 be late for He is often late _ sch

8、oollater adv. 过后、稍后、.之后 Three years later, his family moved to Paris. Later on , it will rain.11. entertainment un.(不可数) 娱乐;乐趣;快乐(1)这个城镇对年轻人来说没有许多娱乐。There _(be not) much _ for young people in this town.(2)如果你在寻找乐趣,就呆在家里看电视。If you are _ _ _,stay at home and watch TV.12. feature cn.(可数) 特点;特征(1)Noise

9、is a feature of city . 翻译:_(2)The movie has a few features 翻译:_13.photography n. 摄影;照相photograph (照片 n.)-photography (摄影 n.) -photographer (摄影师 n.)试一试:(1) The _(photograph) cant take _(photograph) here without permission.(2)He is good at _ _(photograph) so he becomes a _(photograph).课本 P4814.gallery

10、 n. 美术馆这附近有一个美术馆。There is a _ _ _.15.photographer n. 摄影师 photograph n. 照片这位伟大的摄影师拍摄了大量的照片。The great _ took _ _ _.16.display v.n. 展览,陈列 on display 展览,陈列汉译英:她的一些最出名的照片正在展览。_ _ her _ _ photos _ _ _.17. interest v. 引起关注,使感兴趣活学活用:(1) The film he saw _ him very much.4A. interests B. interested C. interest

11、ing D. interest(2)我们对那个有趣的故事很感兴趣。We are _ in the _ story.n. 兴趣,爱好 have/take/show an interest in 对感兴趣= be interested in 他对钓鱼感兴趣。He is _ in fishing. = He _ _ _ in fishing.18.class n. 等级;类别英译汉:This is a great show from a world-class photographer._Have a try! 你还学过 class 的哪些用法,试着总结出来。_19. whatever pron. 不管什么,无论什么whatever 是由 what + ever 构成的合成词,引导让步状语从句 = no matter what.这样的词还有 whenever 无论什么时候, wherever 无论哪里,whoever 无论谁。20. He is a man with great wills. _ happens, hell never change his mind.A. However B. Whatever C. Whenever D. Wherever21. 无论你



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