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1、译林版英语三年级上册第三单元教学要求 教学容及课时安排: 在承接 U3 用 Hes/She s my friend.介绍朋友后 ,本单元进一步学习如何介绍家庭 成员,相互问候,引导学生热爱亲人,启发他们的家庭自豪感。 1.认识人物并会说人物的名字:father, mother,brother,sister, grandpa,grandma. 2.能听懂、会说、会认读: This is my等日常交际用语,并能运用所学介绍家人。 能听懂、会说、会认读和区分:he sshe s等日常交际用语,并能区分运用介绍家 人。 3.字母 Ll, Mm,Nn 的五会要求。 八课时 单元教学目标: 1.认识人物

2、并会说人物的名字:father, mother,brother,sister, grandpa,grandma. 2.能听懂、会说、会认读: This is my等日常交际用语,并能运用所学介绍家人。 能听懂、会说、会认读和区分:he sshe s等日常交际用语,并能区分运用介绍家 人。 3.能根据图片的情景进行描述和对话,正确理解图片含义,并对文字进行指读。 4.字母 Ll, Mm,Nn 的五会要求。 5.初步理解运用 Good evening. 6.会唱歌曲: My family. 7.在教师的指导下,开展自我评价和相互评价。 单元教学重点、难点: 1.This is 发音容易含混不清,引

3、导学生观察口型模仿。 2.家庭成员名称不够熟练, father,mother 等 th 发音,口型容易不到位,引导学生相互倾 听观察和纠正。 3.字母 Ll, Mm,Nn 的认读、书写。 Mm,Nn 发音易混淆,听不清楚,要引导学生相互倾听 观察和纠正。 译林版英语三年级上册3A 第四单元教学设计方案NO:1 教学容Unit4 My family课型 新授课 时间 教学目的 1. 认识人物 Tim, Helen,并会说: father, mother, brother, sister 2. 能听懂、会说、会认读: This is my和 This is 等日常交际用语,并 能运用所学介绍家人。

4、 3. 会唱歌曲: My family. 重点、难点 1. 复习上一单元句型He s my/ She s my 2. 认识新人物 Tim, Helen, 并能分清人物关系代词father, mother, brother, sister. 3. 能用 This is my和 This is 来介绍自己的家人和朋友。 课前准备 人物头像图片,多媒体课件,单词卡片 课时 第一课时 Step 1 Warming up 1.Sing a song: Finger family 2.Greeting with each other 3.Free talk A,What s your name? What

5、 s his/ her name? Who is the boy/ girl? Is he/she your friend? (引导 Ss 用 He s / She s 回答) B. T: I have many photos here, who are they? Ss 用 He s / She s 介绍 Mike/wang bing/ su hai 等。 Step 2 Presentation 1. T: Look at the boy. He s my friend. Who is he? ( 出示 Mike 图片) S: He s Mike. T: Good. And I have m

6、any photos. (出示多 Mike 的图片 ) This is Mike. This is Mike. This is Mike, too. Teach: This is (直接加名字 ) 请学生先听老师读,然后跟读,尤其注意th 的发音, is 要发 成浊辅音。 Practice: T: Now here are our friends. Can you introduce them to your classmates? ( 出示 P.24图片,请学生用This is 来介绍人物 ) 二度修改 2. T: Good job. Look, they are watching some

7、 photos. Whose photos are they? S: Mike. (T 补充说明 They re Mike s.) T: Mike is introducing his families to his friends. Today I bring them to our classroom. Please look they are here.(教师把人物卡 片贴在黑板上 ) T: Look at them. He is Tim. She is Helen Teach: Tim Helen(用直拼法教学,注意尾音m/ n) T: If you are Mike, can you

8、 introduce them? 请 Ss用 This is介绍一下 Tim 和 Helen. 出示: This is Tim. This is Helen. 1) father, mother, brother, sister T: 先指向 father 图片 Can you guess who is he? Teach: father my father 用直拼法教学,注意th 的发音,并将单词分为两部分fa ther,强化 ther的发音。先听 T 读 3 遍,然后请个别 S读, 请读得好的 S 领读,最后分小组、大组读。 T: Now you are all Mike. Who is

9、he? S: He s my father. (引出 my father) Teach :mothermy mother 先给出 ther,请 Ss说一说应该读什么,然后给出mo,用 直拼法读出每个字母的发音,然后请Ss 自己拼一拼,请 Ss自己读出单词, T 个别纠正。 T: Can you guess who is mother?请学生把单词卡片贴在对 应人物旁。 T: Now you are all Mike. Who is she? S: She s my mother. (引出 my mother) Teach: brother my brother T:I can play mag

10、ic 先给出 ther,请 Ss说一说应该读什么,然后给出o,问问 Ss读什么, other 连起来怎么读,再给出br,用直拼法读 出每个字母的发音,请Ss 自己拼一拼读出单词,请读得 准确的 S 领读, T 个别纠正。 Teach :sistermy sister T: the last picture, do you think Who is she? 用直拼法将单词拼一拼,并把单词分成sis ter,将 ter 区别与 ther. Teach: family T: 把单词卡片贴在黑板上Can you read these words? 学生朗读 T :Can you put the ca

11、rds beside the picture? 请 Ss 将人物关系贴在人物图片的旁边,T: They are all my family. T:Now I have father, moter ,brother, sister. They are a family. 直拼法教学 family,并板书课题 my family。 Teach: This is me T: How does Mike Introduce his family, let s watch?学生看完整 个 flash T: let s watch and repeat 学生看视屏逐句跟读。在读到brother 和 sis

12、ter 时教师教 Tim, Helen 并写在人物卡片上。 学生跟读完整段 flash后 T: Look at this photo. Is he Tim? Ss: No. T: Who is he? Ss: He s Mike. T: If you are Mike, how can you say? ( 引导 Ss用 This is me.) Teach: me ( 注意 e发成长音 /i:/ ) Step 3 Story time T: You ve done a good job. You ve finished my family tree. Now let s open our b

13、ooks to P. 24-25. Read after the tape. 1. Read after the tape. (Finger point.) 2. Read after the tape again. ( 请读得好的 S 示) 3. Read after the teacher. ( 将不熟练的句子多读几遍) 4. Read it by yourselves. (2分钟自己读一读课文 ) 5. Read it together. 6. Practice: 1) 每一句都找一个 S 领读。 2) 同桌两人指着书上图片向同桌介绍,自由操练。 3) 每大组请一个 S 上来介绍,大组比

14、赛。 Step 4 Consolidation 1. Compare 给出句型,请 Ss归纳。 This is my father. This is my mother. This is my + 人物关系 . This is Tim. This is Helen. 2. Practice 给出图片,请 Ss用 This is He s(She s) my/ This is my 练习并 介绍. Yang Ling: This is Yang Ling. She s my friend. Bobby: This is Bobby. He s my friend. Ss做 Bobby,介绍妈妈:

15、 This is my mother. 介绍妹妹: This is my sister. 3. Sing a song: Family song Step 5 Homework 1. 听录音 ,指读课文至少 3 遍,尝试背诵。 2带一跟家人的合照,向别人介绍自己的家人。 3. 试着做一做 finger family. 板书设计 爸爸头像妈妈头像 Tim 头像Helen 头像 Mike 头像 father mot Tim Helen sister This is my This is He s my She s my brother This is + 人物姓名 . 译林版英语三年级上册3A 第

16、四单元教学设计方案NO:2 教学容Unit4 My family课型 新授课 时间 教学目的 1. 复习人物 Tim, Helen,并复习人物关系代词father, mother, brother, sister 2. 复习句型: This is my和 This is 等日常交际用语,能区分两者的不 同用法。 3. 能用 He s 和 She s 来介绍人物。 4. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词grandpa和 grandma. 5.补充 son, daughter ,会绘制 family tree 重点、难点 1. 能认识人物 grandpa和 grandma, 并能分清人物关系代词father, mother, brother, sister. 2. 能用 This is my和 This is 来介绍自己的家人和朋友。 课前准备人物头像图片,多媒体课件,单词卡片,家


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