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1、牛津初中英语8A Unit 1 Friends Reading (II),主讲教师 刘红头 (南京树人国际学校),一、年级:八年级 二、教学内容:8A Unit 1 Friends 三、课型:Reading (II) 四、教学目标 1.知识目标 1)词汇:学会运用本课时的四会单 词。,简要提示,2) 理解并学会运用以下词组。 be willing to do sth. be ready to do sth. share things with sb. any time in need knock sth. off sth. make sb. laugh say a bad word about

2、 sb.,3) 句型 She is as slim as I am. He is the tallest boy in my class. She is shorter than I am. 2.能力目标 学会运用本课所学的主要词汇、句 型介绍自己最好的朋友。 五、教学重难点 掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、 词组和句型。,Part One Revision Read the passages and finish Part B1 and B2.,Task One Choose the best friend,P9 B1 1 May, true, secret 2 Max, smart, humo

3、ur 3 Betty, generous, helpful B2 1 c 2 b 3 b,Task Two Choose and answer,What does May look like?,She is shorter than the writer. She has straight, shoulder-length hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty.,What does Max look like? What is his special quality?,He is the tallest boy in his class. He has poo

4、r eyesight. He wears small, round glasses and they make him look smart.,He has a good sense of humour. He is so funny.,What is Bettys quality? Whats her future plan?,She is generous and helpful.,She wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up.,What does Betty look like?,She is

5、 as slim as the writer. She has short hair.,What is Mays quality?,She is true and kind.,Part Two Language points Answer the following questions,1 Is Betty slim or fat?,She is slim. She is as slim as the writer.,as+ adj. + as 表示“和一样” ,形容词为原级。 I am 1.6 meters tall. Mary is 1.6 meters tall, too. = I am

6、 as tall as Mary (is).,2 Why does the writer think Betty is generous?,Because she is willing to share things with her friends.,be willing to “情愿、愿意干某事”,情愿 照料他妈 / 为他溜狗 / 喂它食物,be willing to look after his mother be willing to walk his dog be willing to feed it,sharewith “与分享 ”,share_(卧室 / 快乐) with Tom

7、,share sunshine with_(她 /我和他),share a bedroom with Tom share joy with Tom,share sunshine with her share sunshine with him and me,3 Why does the writer think Betty is helpful?,Because she is ready to help people any time. She helps the writer with the homework and she always gives seats to someone in

8、 need.,be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事,乐意做某事,你准备好明天的测试了吗? Are you ready to take tomorrows test?,他们乐意帮助我吗? Are they ready to give me their hands?,any time 随时随地, 任何时候,If you have any problem, call me any time.,如有问题,随时给我打电话。,someone in need 需要帮助的人,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,患难朋友才是真朋友。,4 Why does t

9、he writer think Max has a good sense of humour?,Because Max tells funny jokes and always makes the writer laugh.,make+ sb. +adj. He is funny and always makes me happy.,make + sb. + do sth. Its time for bed, so dont make your brother laugh all the time.,5 What happens when Max walks past the desks?,H

10、e often knocks the books and pens off the desks.,knock sth. off sth. 把某物撞离某物,6 What does the writer always do when something worries him?,The writer always goes to May because she can keep a secret.,7 Does May say a bad word about anyone?,No, never. She is kind.,say a bad word about sb. 说某人的坏话,Its i

11、mpolite _ _behind him.,在别人背后说他的坏话是不礼貌的。,to say a bad word,about anyone,Useful phrases,be willing to do sth. 乐意去做某事 be ready to do sth. 随时准备好去做某事 share things with sb. 与某人分享某物 any time 任何时候 in need 需要帮助的 knock sth. off sth. 把某物撞离某物 make sb. laugh 使某人大笑 say a bad word about sb. 说某人坏话,Part Three Practi

12、ce Task One Vote for the best friend,Who will you vote for ? Why? Model: Ill vote for _because_.,Task Two Fill in the blanks,1 Are you _ (will) to sing an English song for us? 2 Maybe she is ready _ (dance). 3 He will watch TV when he feels _ (bore) at home. 4 He is _(help). He always gives seats to

13、 people in need. 5 He tells jokes and makes us _ (laugh).,willing,bored,to dance,helpful,laugh,Task Three Complete the following sentences,1 我们都喜欢历史老师因为他很有幽默感。 We all like our history teacher because he has _. 2 这本书很乏味,它让我觉得无聊。 This book is _ and it makes me _.,a good sense of humor,boring,bored,Tas

14、k Three Complete the following sentences,3 当你经过我的书桌时,请别撞掉我的铅笔。 Dont _ my pencil _ the desk when you walk past my desk.,knock,off,4 长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。 The straight long hair _. 5 我和我的父亲一样高。 I am _ my father.,makes her look beautiful,as tall as,Homework Who would you like to make friends with, Betty, Max

15、or May? Why? Write a short passage about your ideas.,short,pretty,straight, shoulder-length hair,helpful,funny,Additional exercise Write a passage about the girl in the picture,本课是8A第一单元阅读课的第二课时。学生的主要任务是在熟悉课文的基础上掌握并运用本课中的语言知识。,说明,因此,课堂上要通过回答问题、小组活动或练习进一步加深学生对文章的理解。其次,以复习课文内容为主线,把文章中的语言要点呈现给学生。并配以各种形式的训练,多给学生开口和动手的机会。力求在运用中掌握语言点、提高基础知识与基本技能。,


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