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1、Unit 2 English as a World Language,Learning objectives,In this unit, you will: 1. learn about the importance of English as a world language; 2. familiarize yourself with the words, expressions, and sentence patterns related to the importance of English as a world language; 3. use these words, expres

2、sions, and sentence patterns in writing and speech; 4. research the importance of English as a world language on the Internet; 5. give an oral presentation to the class about the importance of English as a world language; 6. learn to write correct complex sentences.,Part I Approaching the Topic,Part

3、 II Understanding the Text,Part III Integrated Tasks,Part IV Writing Strategy,Part I Approaching the Topic,Task 1 Brainstorming,Task 3 Watching and Retelling,You will need a partner for this activity. 1. Brainstorm a list of 10 words commonly used when discussing the importance of English as a world

4、 language. 2. In what way do you think English is important? 3. Have you ever thought of learning another language? What is it and why?,Task 1 Brainstorming,Unit 2 Part I Task 1,Task 3 Watching and Retelling,1. Watch the video clip from “On the Worlds English Mania”. Use the glossary below as a refe

5、rence.,Unit 2 Part I Task 3,2. Read the following questions based on the video clip. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.,Unit 2 Part I Task 3,1) How many people are trying to learn English all over the world? A. 2.1 billion. B. 12 million. C. 2.5 million. D. 2 billion.

6、 2) _ is the language of science. A. English B. Mathematics C. Native language D. Another language 3) According to the video, in the future, English can serve as . A. the worlds second language B. the language of emotions C. the language of problem solving D. the native language,3. Watch the video a

7、gain and then explain the main idea to your partner., ,【Script】,Unit 2 Part I Task 3,Script,Unit 2 Part I Task 3,Part II Understanding the Text,Main Reading,Related Reading,Part II Understanding the Text,Main Reading,Text-Related Information,Language Points,Tasks,Text-Related Information,Unit 2 Part

8、 II Main Reading,English language,Unit 2 Part II Main Reading,Countries where English is spoken,Countries where English is the official language,Seven reasons why English is important: jobs, travel, education, same country, Internet, children, business communication.,The popularity of English.,Struc

9、ture of Text,Para. A,Para. B-H,1. collectively(L4) adv. jointly, conjointly, together with,Unit 2 Part II Main Reading,Complex, critical choices will have to be made by human beings individually and collectively.,e.g.,Language Points,collective adj. participate,They were engaged last month.,e.g., vt

10、. to pledge or promise, especially to marry.,Unit 2 Part II Main Reading,While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them. They were grinning and watching while one man laughed and poured beer over the head of another.,e.g., whereas,6.while(L16) conj., at the same time that; altho

11、ugh,The first two services are free, while the third costs $35.,e.g.,Unit 2 Part II Main Reading,7.available(L19) adj.,The doctor is not available now.,e.g., obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service,My bicycle is not available, and it is being repaired.,e.g., not busy; not otherwise com

12、mitted,Unit 2 Part II Main Reading,Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances.,e.g.,under no circumstances 决不 under the circumstances /in the circumstance 在条件下,8.circumstance(L26) n. a condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it,Unit 2

13、 Part II Main Reading,a rescue team; a rescue mission,e.g.,9. rescue(L26),Emergency teams use them to rescue people from fires and floods.,e.g., vt. to set free, as from danger or imprisonment, n. recovery or preservation from loss or danger, often used to modify another noun,Unit 2 Part II Main Rea

14、ding,10. bridge(L46),They will bridge it over with planks.,e.g., vt. to connect or reduce the distance between,The decision is an attempt to bridge the distance between the rich and poor.,e.g., vt. to make a bridge across,The bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of vehicles.,e.g., n. a s

15、tructure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.,Unit 2 Part II Main Reading,11. appropriate(L53),The government has appropriated some funds for education.,e.g., adj. suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting,Plain,

16、simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.,e.g., vt. to give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause,The minister was found to have appropriated government money.,e.g., vt. to take possession of by force, as after an invasion,12. bound to(L54), you are sure that sth. will happen,Well have more than one child, and one of thems bound to be a boy.,e.g.,e.g., sth. closely related with each other,Economic gro


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