9A Unit6 Grammar

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《9A Unit6 Grammar》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《9A Unit6 Grammar(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 TV programmes,Grammar,To learn to use if and unless,Please read the following sentences and try to translate them into Chinese,1. I will ask the teacher for help if I dont understand. 2. She will be happy if she joins the party. 3. If you copy homework, you will start a bad habit.,We use if t

2、o talk about the result of a possible action. We make sentences with if like this:,Pay attention: We put a comma after the if-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.,1. Diana (will go/go/goes) to Europe if she (will pass/pass/passes) the exams. 2. The graduates (will teach/teach/teaches) in

3、the poor village if the Ministry of Education (will agree/ agree/agrees) soon. 3. If there (will be/ are/is) a car accident, they (will call/call/calls) 110 for help at once.,Choose the proper words.,What will happen if . ? Millie is thinking about herself, her friends and TV programmes. Complete th

4、e sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,If I _ (go, will go) to the Reading Club this afternoon, I _( do not have, may not have) any time to watch TV. 2. If Simon_(gets, will get) home late, he _ (misses, will miss) his favourite cartoon.,go,may not have,gets,will miss,3. If Amy

5、 _(completes, will complete) all her homework quickly, she _ (watches, will watch) the chat show.,completes,will watch,4. If Daniel _ (takes, will take) part in the game show, he _ (wins, might win) a prize.,takes,might win,5. If Sandy _(finds, will find) a programme interesting, she _ (introduces,

6、will introduce) it to us.,finds,will introduce,Work out the rule! We often use the simple _ (future, present) tense in the if-clause. We need a _ (comma, full stop) after the if-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.,present,comma,Asking about animals Millie watched a documentary about anim

7、als. Help Millie answer her fathers questions with the help of the words in the box.,Dad: What will a bear do if its in danger? Millie: If a bear (1)_, it (2) _ people. Dad: What will a polar bear do if its hungry? Millie: If a polar bear (3)_, it (4)_ fish from the water.,attack catch hunt live pro

8、tect walk,is in danger,will attack,is hungry,will catch,vt./vi. 攻击,进攻,n. 北极熊,Dad: What will elephants do if theyre thirsty? Millie: If elephants (5)_, they (6)_ until they find a river. Dad: What will tigers do if they live in the wild? Millie: Tigers (7)_ for their own food if they(8) _.,attack cat

9、ch hunt live protect walk,are thirsty,will walk,will hunt,live in the wild,Dad: What will tigers do if they have babies? Millie: Tigers (9)_ as a family if they (10)_. Dad: What will male wolves do if theres danger? Millie: Male wolves (11)_ their families if there (12)_.,attack catch hunt live prot

10、ect walk,will live,have babies,will protect,is danger,adj. 雄性的,Please read Part B on page 85,Pay attention to the use of unless.,Using unless We can use unless to say that something can only happen or be true in a particular situation. e.g. He wont come to the party unless you invite him.,Sometimes

11、we can use if . not to replace unless. e.g. The situation will continue unless humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones. The situation will continue if humans do not stop hunting them for their fur and bones.,e.g. Unless it rains tomorrow, we are going to play football in the park. If it doe

12、s not rain tomorrow, we are going to play football in the park.,The unless-clause can come first or after the main clause. e.g. Unless you try your best, you will not realize your dream. You will be late unless you leave right now.,A trip to a film and TV studio Sandy has prepared some tips for a sc

13、hool trip to a film and TV studio. However, she tore the tips by accident. Help her put the tips back together. Match the two parts of the sentences and write the correct letters in the blanks.,Unless the weather report says it is going to rain, _ 2 We will arrive at the studio around 9:30 a.m., _,c

14、 you will not have to take an umbrella with you. d unless the traffic is very heavy.,c,d,Unless you already know the studio very well, _ 4 You will buy your lunch at the restaurants in the studio, _,a unless you take your own food with you. f you will travel around it with a tour guide.,f,a,5 Unless

15、 you are tired, _ You will have a chance to see how a TV programme is recorded, _,b,e,b you will not need to take the minibus in the studio. e unless you have little interest in it.,Work out the rule! We use the simple _ (future, present) tense in the unless-clause.,present,条件状语从句 条件状语从句主要由if或unless引导: if条件句 1) if条件句:条件句用于陈述语气,表示 假设的情况可能发生,其中if是“如果” 的意思。 e.g. If it rains, we will stay at home. 如果下雨我们就待在家里。,Grammar,Summary,2)用法: (1)条


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