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1、山东省栖霞市第二中2015-2016学年高一语文下学期学段检测试题(扫描版)20152016学年度第二学期学段检测高一英语参考答案第一部分:15 BCBAA 610 BCAAC 1115 ABCAC 1620 BACBC第二部分:2124 CCDA 2527 DAC 2831 BCAB 3235 BCBA 3640 DFCEG第三部分:4145 BAACD 4650 DACBA 5155 BCCAD 5660 CBDDB61. which 62. supplies 63. at 64. to sell 65. surprisingly 66. were 67. refused68. are a

2、dvised 69. longer 70. an第四部分:第一节:Dear Alex,Im glad to accept your letter asking me something about my school life. Im now writing to receivetell you my recently situation. recentMy school life is busy or meaningful. I am busy prepare for the coming college entrance but/and preparingexam, which mean

3、a lot to me. At same time, I often took physical exercise after class to means the takemake me relaxed and energetic. In addition, I often do voluntary work at weekend. That can enrich weekendsmy life, improve myself and help me make much more friends. many/muchOur summer vacation is coming. Would y

4、ou like to visit to my hometown? Im looking forward to your early reply.YoursLi Hua第二节:(One possible version)Dear Joan,Im glad to send you an e-mail to tell you about how I am getting along with my English study.To tell the truth, I was never interested in English. I used to think that learning Engl

5、ish meant memorizing grammar rules and words, which was really boring. I didnt like doing any reading in English, nor was I willing to practice speaking English with my classmates.Now, with the teachers help, my attitude towards learning English has changed greatly. I come to realize that English sh

6、ould be learned through listening, speaking, reading and writing more. So I begin to enjoy listening to English and communicating with my classmates. More importantly, I often read English articles and try to keep diaries in English. As a result, I have made great progress in English. Best wishes. Y

7、ours, Li Hua附:听力录音材料Text 1W: Mr. Smith, I heard you have a big farm. What kind of crops do you grow?M: Well, I grow beans and wheat. But I hope to grow some potatoes next year.Text 2W: I hope the rain will stop this afternoon.M: It will. But it wont be fine. The weather forecast says it will be fogg

8、y then.Text 3M: Have you seen my keys? I left them on the sofa last night, but now theyre gone.W: Did you check the kitchen table? Oh, I see them. Theyre still in the front door.Text 4 W: Jack, can you tell the class what answer you got for the first question?M: Sorry, Ms. Johnson. I didnt understan

9、d that one.Text 5W: How are we going to the hospital to help sick people this Sunday? By bus or by bike?M: Neither. We should walk there, I think.Text 6W: Dad, Im flying to visit Aunt Dianes family next Monday. Should I pack my bags today?M: Yes, I think so.W: OK! What clothes should I take? I know

10、its hot there.M: Yes, but it rains a lot. You can borrow an umbrella or a jacket if its wet. Just pack some dresses.W: OK. And whos meeting me at the airport?M: Well, Aunt Diane and Uncle Matt will be at work, but your cousin David can pick you up.Text 7W: Dad, have you considered my plan?M: No, you

11、 are not allowed to go on a holiday by yourself.W: Dad! Im a big girl now! Besides, its only for four days!M: Stop! Ive decided!W: But I have got everything ready! My plane will leave in two hours.M: At ten? All right, you win! You must give me a call when you get there.W: Of course. I love you, Dad

12、!Text 8M: Hows it going, Alice?W: Great. I just finished my last exam for the semester. What about you?M: I will have my last exam this afternoon. Im on my way to the library now to study for it. Where are you going this summer?W: Im going to work on a boat.M: Sounds good. Ill be working in my uncle

13、s restaurant nearby the coast. W: Ill be too busy on the boat during June and July. But in August, I will have some free time. We can get together then.M: OK. August is the best time before the town gets too crowded with tourists.Text 9W: Dave, is Mr. Smith in his office?M: I dont think so. I saw hi

14、m leaving his office about five minutes ago. He said hed have lunch with an important customer at noon.W: Will he be in the office this afternoon?M: I dont know. Do you want to talk with him?W: Yes. I need to take a few days off because my grandparents are coming over to visit.M: Were quite busy these days. I dont think Mr. Smith will permit it.W: What should I do? I cant let my grandparents walk around the city by themselves.M: Do you have any friends who can show them around?W: I dont think so.


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