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1、Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.,Section B,soap,shampoo,sunglasses,toothpaste,2a 2b Listening,No,No,No,Yes,Useful expressions,1.mysterious look 迷人的外貌 2.silky skin 丝质般的皮肤 3.It tastes terrible. 它尝起来很可怕。 主语+系动词+表语(形容词) Eg:You look happy. The food smells very good. He seems very worried./,4.keep out 5.It

2、 worked really well. 6.It didnt work.,1. pros and cons n. 赞成和反对的理由 2. in the modern world 在当今世界 3.,3a Reading,2. Its true that some ads can be very useful. 一些广告的确很有用。 (1) Its + adj. +that 其中it 是形式主语,代替that引导的主语从句。 如: It is strange that he had made a mistake. 真怪, 他竟做错了。,(2) useful adj. 有用的 useless ad

3、j. 无用的, 无价值的 如: a useful idea 有用的主意 a few useless suggestions 一些无价值的建议,3. For instance, they can help you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really need(定语从句). 如: 他们能够帮你比较两种不同的产品, 以至于你能买到你真正需要的那个。,(1) for instance, for example 例如 (2) compare比较,对照 compare.with. 把与相比 如:

4、If we compare French schools with British schools, we will find many differences.,如果我们把法国的学校与英国的学校 相比, 会发现许多不同之处。 compare.to.把比作 如: The poet compares the woman to a rose. 这位诗人把他所钟情的女人比作玫瑰花。,(3) the one you really need 是定语从句the one 是定语从句中的先行词, that作为引导词在从句中做宾语省略掉了。,4. However, some advertising can be

5、 confusing or misleading. 然而, 一些广告会混淆或误导你。 (1) confuse sb 使某人迷惑 如:,confusing a. 令人迷惑的 如: The instructions are very confusing and I cant understand them. 这些指示莫名其妙, 我没有办法理解。 confused adj. 迷惑的, 糊涂的 如: I am confused with the instructions.。,(2) misleading adj.令人误解的 如: a misleading description / advertise

6、ment 误导人的描述(广告),5. but dont really tell you anything about the quality of the product. 但没有真正告诉你有关产品质量的 任何问题。 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人有关某事,tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 例: (2)The old man told us about his sufferings in the old days. 老人告诉我们他过去受的苦。,(3) He told the happy news to everybody. 他把好消息告诉了大家。 (4) Tell m

7、e where you live. 告诉我你住在哪儿。,6. You have to be careful. 你得小心。 be careful“小心,当心”, 后常跟of短语。与它同义的有look out。 例 : (1) You must be careful of your actions. 你必须小心你的言行。,(2) Be careful when crossing the road. 过马路要小心。 (4) Look out! Theres danger ahead. 当心!前面有危险。,7. At times an ad can lead you to buy something

8、you dont need at all. 有时,一个广告能导致你去买你根本 不需要的东西。 (1) at times,sometimes 有时 如: At times I wonder if its all worth while. 有时我怀疑我干这件事是否值得。,(2) lead sb. to do 引诱某人去做某事 例: The ad led me to buy a bad bike. 她诱使我相信她很有权势。,I would love to jump out of a plane.,Not me. This picture makes me feel tense.,Pepsi,Nike

9、,Self Check,1. Mom and Dad hadnt left me a note. 妈妈和爸爸也没有给我留个便条。 hadnt left, 这是过去完成时, 过去 完成时的动作必须是在过去时间以前 完成, 基本结构为had + 动词的过去分 词。,例: I had finished my homework before supper. 我在晚饭前把作业做完了。 supper 是过去某一时间, had finished 这一过去完成时就是在 supper之前完成的。,例: When we got there, the basketball match had already sta

10、rted. 我们到那里时, 篮球赛已经 开始了。,2. In class, the teacher asked me for my homework. 在课上, 老师问我要家诞作业。 ask sb. for sth. “向某人要某物”, 而ask for则表示“请求, 通过询问寻 找”。,例: (2) The stranger asked the old man for his address. 那陌生人问老人要家庭住址。,(3) He came to ask for help. 他来求助。 (4) Did anyone ask for me? 有人找过我吗?,3. but as I was

11、so tense when I left home, I had forgotten to bring it with me. 但是由于我离开家时太紧张了, 我已 忘记了带着来。 (1) as 连词, 因为 例: As she has no car, she cant get there easily. 因为她没有汽车, 去那里很不容易。,as 连词, 当的时候 As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. 他年纪越来越大, 除了喜欢园艺外, 对一切都失去了兴趣。,(2) forget to do 忘记做 例

12、: Yesterday when I left home, I forgot to lock the door. 昨天我离开家时, 忘记锁门了。,forget doing 忘记了已经做过的事情。 例: Ill never forget finding that rare old coin in my garden. 我永远不会忘记在我花园里找到 的那枚稀罕的古币。,(3) bring 带来 如: Bring that book to me. 把那本书拿来。 take 带走 Take your umbrella when you go out. 你出去时把伞带上。,fetch 去取某物并带来 例

13、如: Please fetch the scissors from the kitchen. 请到厨房把剪刀拿来。 carry 携带。 例如: She carried the bag on her back. 她把包背在背上。,4. I pretended that I liked it pretend v. 假装 pretend that / to do 例如: She pretended she didnt know me/pretended not to know me when we met in the street. 我在街上见到她时她装作不认识我。,Write a short p

14、assage talking about feelings when receiving a gift. What was the gift? Who gave it to you and why? How did you feel when you opened it?,Homework,(4) Did the person who gave it think carefully about it. You may use some sentences like the following: 1. My best/worst gift is 2. I got it on my thirteenth birthday. 3. gave it to me. 4. It made me 5. I hope my gift is ,Thank you for listening!,



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