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1、iBT TOEFL Reading (Basic Level),主讲 : 何 康,Introduction,iBT TOEFL托福阅读简介 iBT TOEFL基础阅读课程设置简介 攻克iBT TOEFL阅读的基本要求 iBT TOEFL托福Direction讲解 托福真题测试 总结iBT TOEFL考试的特点和做题原则 讲解句子的结构,iBT 托福阅读V.S.笔试托福阅读,iBT TOEFL 特点 1.新托福所有的文章都加了标题 main idea题型取消,取而代之的是文章内容小结题 2.文章明显加长 老托福 350 新托福 700 老托福 11分/篇 新托福 20分/篇 注意加试: 第1部分

2、若3篇,则听力为9个段落或篇幅的文章 第1部分若5篇,则听力为6个段落或篇幅的文章,iBT TOEFL 特点 6. 明显增加了对句子和篇章的考察 体现在新增题型中 7. 新增题型 句子简化题:句子结构的理解 句子插入题:考查逻辑 文章内容小结题目:6选3(2分);7选5(3分) 图表题 :从文字到表格,TOEFL iBT Reading Question Types Basic Information Detroit : 汽车城 Characteristics : abundance of ore,forestation, labor benefit from the transportati

3、on connection The land : The Midwest is the flattest region in the US. It is the only one with no mountain ranges The Midwest has more lakes than any other region in the country,Midwest of America,The Midwest of America,One of the worlds biggest open pit iron mines operates near Hibbing, Minnesota T

4、he tallest building in the United States is in Chicago. It is the Sears Tower, 110 stories or 1454 feet tall More cars and trucks are made in Michigan cities , such as Detroit and Flint Because Kansas is the nations top wheat-growing state, it has been called the bread-basket of America,The Midwest

5、of America,Famous Universities : The University of Chicago The Northwest University Michigan University Illinois Institute of Technology,The west of America,Main States : Washington Oregon California Nevada,California,With many big cities including San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, Californ

6、ia has the most people of any state Hollywood and Disneyland,The land : The tallest tree in the world is the General Sherman tree in Californias Sequoia National Park. It is 368 feet tall and is 3000 to 4000 years old Rocky Mountain is called the “the backbone ” of America. The mountains form a line

7、 called the continental Divide. The Dead Valley is in sunny southern California. It is called “ground on fire”. On a summer day the air is usually around 100 degrees in the shade.,The economy Redmond, Washington is home to the biggest personal computer software company in the world , Microsoft Boein

8、g , the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world , is one of Seattles most important employers. Silicon Valley in California is a cluster of towns that are high-tech today. Silicon is used to make computer chips that are brains of computers,The West of America,Universities UC of Berkeley UC of L.A

9、. Stanford University the University of Washington,corn , rice,tobacco , cotton,manufactured goods,finished product,New words summary : Geography,hemisphere 半球 equator赤道 latitude纬线 longitude经线 / 经度 altitude 海拔 horizon地平线 topography 地形 / 地形学 plain平原 basin盆地 lowland 低地 oasis绿洲 plateau / highland 高地,Ne

10、w words summary : Geography,waterfall 瀑布 cascade小瀑布、喷流 reef 暗礁 coral reef珊瑚礁 tide湖水 dune沙丘 cliff山崖 valley山谷 hillside / mountain slope 山坡 canyon / gorge峡谷 channel / strait 海峡 the primeval forest原始森林 tropical rain forest热带雨林,Topic 2 American Geography,Read Passage 2,Topic 3 American History (美国历史),Pre

11、-Columbian period The earliest known inhabitants of what is now the United States are thought to have arrived in Alaska by crossing the Bering land bridge, at least 14,000 30,000 years ago. Some of these groups migrated south and east, and over time spread throughout the Americas.,These were the anc

12、estors to modern Native Americans in the United States and Alaskan Native peoples, as well as all indigenous peoples of the Americas.,Mississippian culture,Around 900 1450 AD the Mississippian culture developed and spread through the Eastern United States, primarily along the river valleys. The loca

13、tion where the Mississippian culture is first clearly developed is located in Illinois.,Colonial Period,After a period of exploration by people from various European countries, Spanish, Dutch, English, French, Swedish, and Portuguese settlements were established.,Christopher Columbus was the first E

14、uropean to set foot on what would one day become U.S. territory when he came to Puerto Rico on November 19, 1493, during his second voyage. In the 15th century, Europeans brought horses, cattle, and hogs to the Americas and, in turn, took back to Europe corn, potatoes, tobacco, beans, and squash,Col

15、onial period : British colonization colony 殖民地 colonial 殖民的 colonist = settler 殖民者 The first successful English colony was established in 1607, on the James River at Jamestown in Virginia.,The Plymouth Colony was established in 1620. The area of New England was initially settled primarily by Puritan

16、s who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. The Middle Colonies, consisting of the present-day states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, were characterized by a large degree of diversity,Formation of the United States of America (17761789),The 13 Colonies began a rebellion against British rule in 1775 and proclaimed their independence in 1776. They subsequently constituted the first thirteen states of the United States


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