最新课件Unit 3 第五课时

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《最新课件Unit 3 第五课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新课件Unit 3 第五课时(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一教学课题 Unit 3 It was there!(第五课时)二教学目标:1、通过游戏进一步巩固句型Where was/were a moment ago/just now?It was/were 2、了解字母组合ear和ere在单词中的读音ZE。3、进一步巩固对歌曲Wheres my diary?的掌握。三教学重点和难点:能在语境中灵活运用句型Where was/were a moment ago/just now?It was/were 。四主要教学方法:1 任务型教学2 情景教学五课时安排:第五课时六教具:A磁带和录音机。B四个大纸盒以及文具、食物、书、衣物这四类物品。C设计并制作多媒

2、体教学课件。准备多媒体教学的设施。D. 把班级分为若干个小组,并确保座位的安排能使小组的每个成员都参与活动。七教学过程:Step 1. Preparation teachingSpeak English:What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What date is it today? What date was it yesterday?Where was your a moment ago/just now?It was Where were your a moment ago/just now?It were Step 2.Re

3、view and checkT: I think youre so clever. So today,weare going to do detective work.(课件中出现名侦探柯南的图片)Here are two pictures of a crime spot:before and after.You have two seconds to remember the difference between them.Have you got it?Now you can only see the picture “after”.Where is the now?Where was i

4、t just now?Where is it now? Where are now? (板书出示) Where was a moment ago? Where werejust now?Step 3. Presentationa、 T:Look at this picture,what do you see?(课件中出现F部分插图的一部分)Ss:A bear is standing under a pear tree(板书bear,pear).T:Is it next to us?Ss:No,its over there. (板书there)T:What do you see now?(课件中

5、出现完整的F部分插图)Ss:Two boys are pointing to the pear tree and talking.T:Can you see the bear anymore?Where was it?Ss:The bear was under the pear tree over there.T:What are they talking about?Can you guess?Ss:They want to find out where is the bear now? (板书where)Read these four words on the blackboard tog

6、ether.T:Pay attention to these four words.Can you find the same thing?Ss:The red part have the same pronounciation: ZET:Youre really good detector!Read these words and the two sentences together:The bear was under the pear tree over there,but where is it now?T:Now,lets do brain storm.Can you tell me

7、 any other words which contains the pronounciation?Ss:Hair、pair、their、theirs、carefullyb、 T:You all did a good job.Youre good at spying.Now Im in trouble.Can you help me?Ss:OK.T:There are a lot of things of mine.And theyre in a mess.But I need my diary right now.Who can give me a favor? I worry about

8、 it.So can you sing the song Wheres my diary?together with me to make me feel better?One student helps teacher to find the diary out and the others keep singing.(The diary should be a tiny one and not easy to find it out.Then students can keep singing the song twice.)T:Thank you very much.But can yo

9、u tell me where did you find it?Where was it a moment ago? (板书Where was it a moment ago?)S1:It wasT:Its good to find it out.But now I know thats really bad to put everything together.So I want to make them in order.Do you think so?I need four students to help me.And I want the others to remember eve

10、rythings former place.Teacher puts four pieces of papper on four box.They are stationeries、food、clothes and books.Ask four students to arrange them.Teacher divide the whole class into two teams.Give right answers to these questions ,then can get one point for his team.(1) Where is it now?/Where are

11、they now?(2) Where was it a moment ago?/Where were they just now?Step 4.Practice and consolidationT:There are four boxes in every team.And in these boxes,there are something different kinds of things.Its your time to make them in order and try to remember their original place.Then finish your form.B

12、eforeAfterWhere (was/were)the a moment ago? .Where (is/are)the now? .Where (was/were)the a moment ago? .Where (is/are)the now? . ? . ? . ? . ? . ? . ? .Lets check.Now you make everything in order.All of you did a good job.Step 5.Homework1.Conclusion:Words contain the pronounciationZE.2.Finish the form and correct faults in it.八、板书设计 Unit 3 It was there! bear pear there whereWhere was a moment ago? Where were just now? It was They were 此教案由苏州市实验小学朱贇老师提供


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