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1、,英汉语篇翻译教程,著者:范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪 2011年6-9月,Text A: AMERICAS BRAIN DRAIN CRISIS: WHY OUR BEST SCIENTISTS ARE DISAPPEARING, AND WHATS REALLY AT STAKE,Passage 9:,译文讲评:Text A (PPT v 2.0),小标题,其中Edge即表示“有一点优越于”(a margin of superiority; an advantage),如(to have, to get, to hold) a slight edge over the opposition; A

2、 new poll shows Democrat Jerry Brown with an edge over GOP rival Meg Whitman in the race for California governor.,Losing the Global Edge(正在丧失全球优势地位),第1段第1句,其中geek被译成“极客”,又译作“奇客”。在“美国俚语”中意指智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的学者或知识分子,含有贬义。在PC 革命初期,极客开始衍生为精通并沉迷于电脑技术、但拙于人情世故的电脑英雄,他们对计算机与网络的痴迷有时会达到不正常的状态,其行为怪怪的,所以我们将这个词译成“

3、怪才”是不错的,意思完全吻合。,William Kunz is a self-described computer geek.,British Education System Flowchart,Taiwanese all others were male. The Sibylline Oracles are a collection of oracular utterances written in Greek hexameters ascribed to the Sibyls, prophetesses who uttered divine revelations in a frenzi

4、ed state.,下面的company profile说明创建者使用Oracle的初衷。,可见oracle这个词原本跟我们的甲骨文没有什么关系,只不过中国学者借用了这个词“神谕”的意思,来表述我们的甲骨文有一部分这方面“预示”的功能罢了。,第3段,其中looked set to become即look quite likely to become or to do之义,如Chinas leaders, keen to avoid joblessness and the unrest that might follow, look set to take steps to spur the e

5、conomy; Chinese media outlets look set to make IPOs; Prince Georges council members look set to hold off challengers.,Kunz looked set to become a star in his field.,第4段第2句,其中pale to的意思是 To decrease in relative importance,即重要性相对降低,也可以说是与相形见绌,如Google Nexus One Sales Pale Next to Apple iPhone and Even

6、the Motorola Flurry; Torontos contenders pale next to Calgarys exciting new mayor Marcus Gee; Replica Handbags: Never Grow Pale Next to Their Authentic Counterparts。, because his earning potential paled next to friends who were going into law or business.,第5段第1句,其中turn out有To end up; result之义,如The c

7、ake turned out beautifully. standout 的意思是one that is prominent or conspicuous especially because of excellence,如She is a standout among the available candidates.,Things are turning out very differently for another standout in engineering,第5段第2句,其中cohorts有associates, buddies之义,即A generational group a

8、s defined in demographics, statistics, or market research: “The cohort of people aged 30 to 39 . . . were more conservative” (American Demographics).,A student at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Jia shines even among his gifted cohorts at a school sometimes called “the MIT of China.”,第5段第3句,其中decide

9、后跟宾语从句时,其含义有时是“断定”。I decided that I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere. 我断定我一定是在某处拐错弯了。我们再从下面所给的该词的义项,来品味这个词在此处的用法:,He considered applying to Harvard for his PhD, but decided it wasnt worth it.,decide v. decided, deciding, decides v.tr. 1. a. To settle conclusively all contention or uncertain

10、ty about: decide a case; decided the dispute in favor of the workers. b. To make up ones mind about: decide what to do. 2. To influence or determine the outcome of: A few votes decided the election. 3. To cause to make or reach a decision. v.intr. 1. To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict. 2. T

11、o make up ones mind.,Synonyms: decide, determine, settle, rule, conclude, resolve These verbs mean to come to a decision. Decide is the least specific: “If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each” (John Marshall). Determine often involves somewhat narrower

12、issues: A jury will determine the verdict. Settle stresses finality of decision: “The lama waved a hand to show that the matter was finally settled in his mind” (Rudyard Kipling). Rule implies that the decision is handed down by someone in authority: The committee ruled that changes in the curriculu

13、m should be implemented. Conclude suggests that a decision, opinion, or judgment has been arrived at after careful consideration: She concluded that the criticism was unjust. Resolve stresses the exercise of choice in making a firm decision: I resolved to lose weight.,第6段第1句,其中cutting-edge之义是 the le

14、ading position in any field; forefront,如 on the cutting edge of space technology。 international professors我们成为外国教授,international students就是外国留学生了。,His university is investing heavily in cutting-edge research facilities, and attracts an impressive roster of international professors.,On the cutting ed

15、ge或 at the cutting edge 最早出现在五十年代,它的字面意思是锐器的锋利的部位,现在最通常的隐喻义是处在最前沿的位置。例如Ever since it outlawed public school segregation in 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court has been on the cutting edge of civil rights advances. (Time, 1988) 类似的短语leading edge也属于这种隐喻用法,不过起先它的意思是指机翼或螺旋桨叶。 Cutting edge目前还在广泛使用,而leading edge

16、则多少有点过时。如今可用来描述新概念,新款式和新产品的词汇实在太多了。,比如,bleeding edge通常描述有一定风险的新生事物,如可能带来经济灾难或只是昙花一现的新事物。下面的一段解释就可以反映出“风险”的意思 “Leading Edge or Bleeding Edge: Staying at the forefront of technological innovation without going overboard. Working on the edge of technological innovation can be a difficult balancing act” (Newport Communications, 1997)。Bleeding edge 大约在20年前在句子 “Environmental management is an organization that addresses change and manages that change so the DP community can be state of th


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