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1、Assignment specification (BA Program)英语专业必修课程作业要求 (专升本课程)Course:Practical Business Project DesignAssignment:02 (Units 6-10)Assignment title:Data Collection/Appendices, Project Implementation, Discussion, Conclusion, Introduction, Abstracts, and the first draft of the whole paper重要声明:本课程的各阶段作业要求以网院在平

2、台上发布的作业要求为准,而不是根据教材中的作业要求完成作业。姓名: 李柏锐 学籍号: 081025160001 年级: 2008春高起本 学习中心: 广州奥鹏学习中心辅导教师: 曾昭涛 Based on the project design you have completed in the previous stage, you are asked to implement your project and then compose the core parts of your BA degree paper in this assignment. Please refer to units

3、 6-10 of Practical Business Project Design for guidance and support to this assignment. The information in brackets indicate the specific unit you can refer to. There are SIX parts in this assignment.Part One Data Collection/Appendices (Unit 6Activity 2)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:In your online coursew

4、are, two categories of forms/methods are introduced to collect primary data: l Observation and logsl Surveys and interviewsPlease present the types of forms you plan to use to collect data in this project, which are going to be attached as appendices in your BA degree paper. You should give a title

5、to each of the form, such as “Focus Group Discussion Outline”, “Training Evaluation Form” and “Questionnaire”. But first, please restate your project objective and hypothesis to which your tutor can refer while they evaluate the types of data you are going to collect.Project objective: _The objectiv

6、es are promptly increasing the revenue and the profits by 5% and 10% respectively through adopting an useful training program, mastering proficiency job skills, and arousing employees enthusiasm by the end of October, 2012._Project hypothesis: _We can provide a good training program we will increasi

7、ng sales revenues and cut down the operating expenses, we will not only see a well -trained employee team but also make profits reach at 10% by the end of Oct, 2012._Insert your description after the prompts in the space below.Form I: 1 SurveysForm II:2 QuestionnairePart One Data CollectionAppendix

8、I. Employee and customer survey Questionnaires员工培训需求调查问卷亲爱的同事们:感谢您的努力工作,公司的成长,离不开你努力的付出。为了解您对公司培训的看法和要求,以便进行准确的分析,从而更好地建立和完善公司的培训工作。调研结果将是公司制定培训方案的重要依据。调查问卷也为您提供了一个能自由表达自己建设性意见的平台,您的建议将有助于实现您对培训的需求,同时也能帮助我们构建和完善公司的培训体系,为公司的发展奠定文化基础。请您坦率真诚地发表意见。非常感谢您的配合与支持!1. 您的年龄在A. 21-40岁 B. 41-50岁 C. 50岁以上OptionsS

9、ubtotalScaleScaleA. Age 21-40B. Age 41-50C. Over 5051170%14%14%2. 您在公司目前的工作职位是 A. 销售人员 B. 售后人员 C. 行政人员D. 其他:OptionsSubtotalScaleScaleA. Sales staffB. After-sales staffC. Administrator staffD. Others302343%0%29%43%3. 您觉得什么原因导致工作热情不高多选题A. 公司现行制度B. 薪金C. 发展前景D. 没有激励机制OptionsSubtotalScaleScaleA. Current

10、systemB. SalaryC. DevelopmentD. No incentive system633586%43%43%70%4. 您认为目前最急需哪些方面的培训多选题A. 制度文化 B. 工作流程C. 专业技能技巧D. 产品知识OptionsSubtotalScaleScaleA. System and cultureB. Job processC. Professional skillsD. Products knowledge665586%86%70%70%5. 您认为做好全员营销,最需要哪些方面的提高多选题A. 工作相关知识 B. 熟练销售技巧C. 良好服务态度D. 熟练沟通技

11、能OptionsSubtotalScaleScaleA. Related knowledgeB. Proficiency sales skillsC. Well service attitudeD.Proficiency communicate skills7777100%100%100%100%6. 我认为通过下列的方式,能提高团队合作精神和凝聚力多选题A. 户外活动B. 员工会议C. K歌或聚餐OptionsSubtotalScaleScaleA. Outside activitiesB. Empolyees meetingC. Karaok and dine together736100

12、%43%86%7. 通过培训,您会A. 提高效率B. 更新知识C. 提升技能D. 学以致用OptionsSubtotalScaleScaleA. Improving efficiencyB. Updating knowledgeC. Improving skillsD. Appying it in job564786%86%70%70%8. 感谢您回答以上的问题,作为公司的一员,您希望公司在哪方面需要改善?您有何宝贵的意见?(请用文字描述):Appendix II员工培训签到表培训内容:公司制度、文化;时间管理;团队精神培训时间:2012-08-17培训地点:公司办公室会议区培训讲师:Assi

13、stant to GM序号参加人员部 门签到备 注12345678员工培训签到表培训内容:产品知识、销售技巧、服务沟通培训时间:2012-08-18培训地点:公司办公室会议区培训讲师:Wan序号参加人员部 门签到备 注12345678Appendix III客户满意度调查问卷尊敬的客户:感谢您的对我司工作一直以来的支持与配合!为提升我司的服务水平,更好地为您提供服务,特设计此满意度调查问卷。您的声音,对我们很重要。在此,恳请您完成我们提供的调查问卷。请将填写后的问卷传真给我们。传真号码:020-8198*再次感谢您的热情参与! JHMIC2012年8月15日1. 您与我司的合作关系是A. 终端客户B. 经销商2. 您觉得怎样才符合您选供货商的标准A. 必须是当地招标中标者B. 优质的服务C.产品质量好D.物美价廉E.便捷的物流方式3.您怎样评价我司员工目前与之前提供的服务543214.您怎样评价我司员工目前与之前的专业技能543215.您怎样评价我们双方的合作关系543216.感谢您回答以上的



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