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1、致供應商:To suppliers:因應本公司推行ISO 14001:2004環境管理系統,特此向供應商宣導本公司之環境政策與環境承諾如下所列,請收到本通知書後,確認您已知悉後,請您簽署並寄回,謝謝您的合作。For the purpose of Environment Management System (ISO 14001:2004) implementation, hereby, Young Optics Inc. announced the corporate Environmental Policy & Environmental Commitment as the following

2、. Please kindly be informed & signed for. And please mail the confirmation to us. Thanks very much for your cooperation.環境政策(Environmental Policy):1. 產品活動符合法規。Product activities should comply with Regulation.2. 節流減廢預防污染。Reduce and reuse to prevent pollution.環境承諾(Environmental Commitment):1. 有效利用能源與資

3、源,保護環境。Protect the environment by efficient use of resources and energy.2. 持續不斷的改進,努力防止污染,並保護員工的健康與安全。Continues improvement to prevent pollution and protect employees health and safety.3. 在產品的生產上,做好工業減廢及資源回收以減少廢氣、噪音及廢棄物的產生與排放。Promote reuse of material and reduction in air emission, noise and waste in our production.4. 遵守環保法令與其相關要求,並予宣導告知全體員工。The staff should be informed to comply with all the regulations and relatedrequirements.Signature:公司名稱 Company Name:地 址 Address:代 表 人 Representative:職 稱 Title:


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