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1、that引导宾语从句时不可省略的情况一、在英式英语中动词add, agree, announce, argue, assume, complain, decide, hold, indicate, insist, intend, learn, promise, point out, remark, suggest, state等之后的宾语从句的引导词that需保留。例如:I complained that I had been unfairly treated.二、及物动词后跟有两个或两个以上的宾语从句时,最后一个从句的that不可省略。例如:I realize that Im in char

2、ge and that everybody accepts my leadership.三、当动词后跟有复合宾语结构时,it作形式宾语,that从句作真正宾语,引导词that不可省略。例如:We consider it an honor that we can have the pleasure of serving you.四、当动词和that从句之间有插入语或者主句的状语时,that不可省略。例如:The secretary said, pleasantly and sternly, that our thinking was too slow to suit the needs of m

3、odern society.We learned at school that everything we see and touch is matter.五、当that从句的状语紧跟在that之后时,that不可省略。例如:They told us that once again the situation was serious.试比较:They told us once again that the situation was serious.六、当作宾语的that从句移到句首时,that不可省略。例如:That she ever said such a thing I simply d

4、on”t believe.七、在简短答语中当that从句单独出现时,that不可省略。例如:What did he say at the meeting?That the situation was serious.八、当that从句中含有一个状语从句,且这个状语从句在主句之前时,that不可省略。例如:Mr Parker understands that unless he pays back the debt, he”ll have to appear in court.九、当that从句用作in, but, except等介词的宾语时,that不可省略。例如:The book is unsatisfactory in that it lacks a good index.


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