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1、1剑桥少儿英语二级下知识点汇总Unit 1 Going to different places.重点词汇:【默写】丛林 jungle,植物 plant,农田 field,河 river,乡村 countryside,森林 forest,湖lake,岛 island,山 mountain,瀑布 waterfall,村庄 village,银行 bank,电影院 cinema,超市supermarket,动物园 zoo,图书馆 library,医院 hospital,公园 park;(印度 India,吃惊的 surprised,建立start up,人person,无家可归的 homeless)【

2、复习】来 come-came,去 go-went,带 take-took,玩 play-played,爬 climb-climbed,骑ride-rode,参观visit-visited,看 see-saw,买 buy-bought,游泳 swim-swam重点句型:你现在去哪儿?Where are you going now?我现在去动物园。Im going to the zoo.那你假期想要去哪儿?Where would you like to go in the holiday then?我想要去乡村。Id like to go to the countryside.Unit 2 Wha

3、ts the weather like today?重点词汇:【默写】有风的 windy,下雨的 rainy,下雪的 snowy,多云的 cloudy,有阳光的 sunny,彩虹 rainbow,雪花snowflake,天气 weather,因为 because,玩沙子 play with sand,在沙滩上 on the beach,踢足球 playsoccer,待在家里 stay at home,参观动物园 visit the zoo,去钓鱼 go fishing,浅色 light,深色 dark重点句型:今天天气怎么样?Whats the weather like today?是晴天。I

4、ts sunny.2我喜欢晴天因为我们可以游泳和骑车。I like sunny days because we can swim and ride bikes.我不喜欢雨天因为我们不能在外面玩。I dont like raniy days because we cant play outhside.Unit 3 Lets play doctors.重点词汇:【默写】头疼 headache,耳朵疼 earache,胃疼 stomachache,牙疼 toothache,感冒 cold,药medicine,温度 temperature,咳嗽 cough,甜的 sweet,受伤 hurt,拔出 pu

5、ll out重点句型:你怎么了?Whats the matter with you? 我胃疼。Ive got a stomachache.你头疼吗?Have you got a headache? 是的,我疼。/ 不,我不疼。Yes, I have. No, I havent.没关系。It doesnt matter.Unit 4 I can see with my eyes.重点词汇:【默写】剪刀 scissors,石头 stone,纸 paper,听 hear,闻 smell,尝 taste,碰 touch,看see,根 root,茎stem,叶子 leaf,【复习】身体 body,胳膊

6、arm,腿 leg,脚 foot/feet,头 head,手 hand,鼻子 nose,嘴巴mouth,耳朵 ear,眼睛 eye重点句型:我能用刷子清洗大象。I can clean the elephant with a brush.我能用鼻子闻花的味道。I can smell the flowers with my nose.我用了一把大画笔画这幅图画。I painted the picture with a big brush.Unit 6 Id like a glass of water.3重点词汇:【默写】碗 bowl,汤 soup,柠檬汁 lemonade,爆米花 popcorn,

7、意大利面食 pasta,在此刻 atthe moment,立刻/马上 right away重点短语:(度量词)【默写】一杯(有把手的杯子) a cup of,一杯(玻璃杯) a glass of,一瓶 a bottle of,一碗 a bowl of,一袋 a bag of,一盒 a box of,一双/一副/一对 a pair of,一公斤 a kilo of【认读】(Part6) 昨天 yesterday,刮风的 windy,在外面 outside,突然 suddenly,听见 hear-heard,在里面 inside,没有任何东西 nothing,仍然 still,某人 somebod

8、y,起床 get upgot up重点句型:你想要什么? What would you like? 我想要一杯水。Id like a glass of water.你想要一杯水吗?Would you like a glass of water? 是的,我想要。Yes, I would. 不,谢谢。 No, thank you.来一杯水怎么样呢?How about a glass of water?(以上这三种句型都要求同学们会进行替换造句,举一反三。 )多少钱一公斤?How much a kilo? 四元一公斤。4 yuan a kilo.Unit 7 Ive got to go and se

9、e!重点词汇:【默写】邀请 inviteinvited,小丑 clown,有趣的 interesting,令人兴奋的 exciting,表演/演出 show,每个人 everybody,携带/ 搬运 carry,礼物 gift,仅仅 /只不过 just,我的(名词性物主代词)mine,你自己yourself,公寓 apartment;( 1-20)one,two,three,four,five ,six ,seven ,eight,nine,ten,4eleven,twelve ,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nine

10、teen,twenty重点词组:【默写】上演/上映 put on,把某物给某人 give sth. to sb.,想要做某事 want to do sth.,上课haveclass,不得不做某事 have got to do sth.重点句型:我不得不去看看。Ive got to go and see.你不得不去打扫房间了。Youve got to clean your bedroom.你的教室里有多少扇窗户?How many windows are there in your bedroom?在我的教室里有五扇窗户。There are five windows in my classroom

11、.(要求会熟练地应用这个句型,用 How many 句型造句,并会用 There be 句型回答)Unit 8 Who is the first?重点词汇: 【默写】掌握的序数词。重点句型:谁是第一名?ho is the first? 兔子是第一名。The rabbit is the first.(会用其它序数词进行替换对话)你住在哪一层?Which floor do you live on? 我住在第九层。I live on the ninth floor.【序数词记忆规律整理】口决:特殊记,加 h去 e,ve 要用 f 替,结尾 y 要变 ie,词尾 th 莫忘记。10 的基数词变为序数词

12、:不规则变化:one-first,two-second,three-third ( 特殊记)five-fifth (ve 要用 f 替),eight-eighth (8 加 h),nine-ninth (9 去 e)规则变化(词尾后直接加 th):four-fourth,six-sixth ,seven-seventh ,ten-tenth1119 的基数词变为序数词:5不规则变化: twelve-twelfth (ve 要用 f 替),规则变化(词尾后直接加 th):eleven-eleventh,thirteen-thirteenth,fourteen-fourteenth,fifteen

13、-fifteenth,sixteen-sixteenth,seventeen-seventeenth,eighteen-eighteenth ,nineteen-nineteenth20,30,4090 的基数词变为序数词:twenty-twentieth,thirty-thirtieth,forty-fortieth,fifty-fiftieth,sixty-sixtieth,seventy-seventieth,eighty-eightieth,ninety-ninetieth (结尾 y 要变 ie,词尾 th 莫忘记。)“几十几”的序数词表达方式:十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词如:第

14、21 twenty first,第 34 thirty fourth,第 42 forty second,第 53 fifty third,第 65sixty fifth,第 78 seventy eighth,第 86 eighty sixth,第 99 ninety ninth,第 100:hundred-hundredth 注 意:the序数词序数词的简写形式:阿拉伯数字该序数词的最后两个字母。如:the first1st ,thesecond2nd,the third3rd ,the fourth4th ,the fifty fifth 55th,以此类推Unit 9 I like s

15、unny days but I dont like rainy days重点词汇:【默写】沙滩 beach,沙子 sand,日光浴 sunbathe,因为 because,在外面 outside,巧克力chocolate,好吃的 yummy,可爱的 cute,想要 want,告诉 tell重点句型:我喜欢但我不喜欢 I like sth. but I dont like sth. (like +名词)如: 我喜欢晴天但我不喜欢雨天。I like sunny days but I dont like rainy days.我喜欢苹果但我不喜欢香蕉。I like apples but I dont like bananas.我喜欢奶酪但我不喜欢面包。I like cheese but I dont like bread.(注意:这种句式中 like 跟的名词应属于同一类事物,因为同类物体才能进行比较。like 后面所接的名词,如果是可数名词,要用可数名词的复数形式。)我喜欢做但我不喜欢做 (两种表达方式,可互换)要点:like to do sth.=like doing sth.6(1) I like tobut I dont like to (like to+动词原形)如: 我喜欢


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