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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。TED英语演讲:在死亡面前,生活如何有意义在这个感人至深的演讲中,Lucy Kalanithi女士通过讲述其已过世丈夫的故事,告诉大家生命和死亡, 爱与逝去,都是我们要经历的。当死亡降临,不可避免时,直面它,并不意味着我们的生活会因此凋零,生活是可以继续繁盛扩张。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:在死亡面前,生活如何有意义,欢迎借鉴参考。在死亡面前,生活如何有意义演说者:Lucy KalanithiA few days after my husband Paul was diagnosed with sta

2、ge IV lung cancer,we were lying in our bed at home,and Paul said,Its going to be OK.And I remember answering back,Yes.We just dont know what OK means yet.就在我的丈夫Paul被确诊为肺癌晚期的几天后,我们躺在卧室里,Paul说,一切都会变好的。我记得我回答说,是的。我们只是还不知道变好的意思。Paul and I had met as first-year medical students at Yale.He was smart and k

3、ind and super funny.He used to keep a gorilla suitin the trunk of his car,and hed say, Its for emergencies only.我跟Paul是在耶鲁医学院读第一年时认识的。他聪明、友善、超级有幽默感。他常年在车里的后备箱放着一件大猩猩服,他说,“以备不时之需。”I fell in love with Paul as I watched the care he took with his patients.He stayed late talking with them,seeking to unde

4、rstand the experience of illnessand not just its technicalities.He later told me he fell in love with mewhen he saw me cry over an EKG of a heart that had ceased beating.We didnt know it yet,but even in the heady days of young love,we were learning how to approach suffering together.我在目睹了他细心照顾他的患者之后

5、便爱上了他。他跟患者可以聊到很晚,希望能够理解疾病带来的感触,而不仅仅是技术层面的细节。他后来告诉我,从他看到我面对着一份停止跳动的心电图哭泣那刻就爱上我了。我们那时不知道,早在我们尚未坠入爱河之前,我们就已经在学习如何共同承担痛苦。We got married and became doctors.I was working as an internistand Paul was finishing his training as a neurosurgeonwhen he started to lose weight.He developed excruciating back paina

6、nd a cough that wouldnt go away.And when he was admitted to the hospital,a CT scan revealed tumorsin Pauls lungs and in his bones.We had both cared for patients with devastating diagnoses;now it was our turn.我们结婚了,毕业后都当了医生。我选择了当内科医生,Paul当时即将结束神经外科的训练课程,但他的体重也开始往下掉。他的后背逐渐开始疼痛,咳嗽总是不见好。当他被收治住院时,CT显示肿瘤已

7、经遍布他的肺和骨头。我们都细心照顾过各种身患重大疾患的病人,现在轮到我们了。We lived with Pauls illness for 22 months.He wrote a memoir about facing mortality.I gave birth to our daughter Cady,and we loved her and each other.We learned directly how to struggle through really tough medical decisions.The day we took Paul into the hospital

8、 for the last timewas the most difficult day of my life.我们跟Paul的癌症抗争了22个月。他写了一本回忆录,记录面对死亡的感受。我们的女儿Cady顺利出生。我们爱她,爱彼此。我们学会了如何面对各种艰难的医学选择。Paul最后一次收治住院那天,对于我而言是最艰难的一天。When he turned to me at the endand said, Im ready,I knew that wasnt just a brave decision.It was the right one.Paul didnt want a ventilat

9、or and CPR.In that moment,the most important thing to Paulwas to hold our baby daughter.Nine hours later,Paul died.当他在最后的时刻,看着我,说,“我准备好了。”我明白,那不仅是勇敢的选择,也是正确的选择。Paul并不想要呼吸机和心肺复苏,在那一刻,对于Paul而言最重要的事情是抱着我们襁褓中的女儿。九个小时之后,Paul走了。Ive always thought of myself as a caregiver most physicians do and taking care

10、 of Paul deepened what that meant.Watching him reshape his identity during his illness,learning to witness and accept his pain,talking together through his choices those experiences taught methat resilience does not mean bouncing back to where you were before,or pretending that the hard stuff isnt h

11、ard.It is so hard.Its painful, messy stuff.But its the stuff.And I learned that when we approach it together,we get to decide what success looks like.我一直认为自己是一名照料者就像其他医生一样而照顾Paul的经历让我对于照料者的理解更深刻。目睹他在跟病魔斗争的过程中对自己的重塑,学会见证和接受他的痛苦,跟他一起接受他的选择这些经历让我学会了坚强并不意味着回到过去的自己,或假装那些很痛苦的事情没什么大不了的。太艰难了。过程充满痛苦,让人伤透脑筋。但

12、是就是这个过程。我知道了当我们一起努力,我们就能知道成功是什么样子。One of the first things Paul said to me after his diagnosis was,I want you to get remarried.And I was like, whoa, I guesswe get to say anything out loud.当他的诊断结果出来后,他对我说的第一句话是,“我希望你能再嫁。”我当时想,哇,我觉得我们当时什么都敢说了。It was so shockingand heart breaking .and generous,and reall

13、y comfortingbecause it was so starkly honest,and that honesty turned out to be exactly what we needed.Early in Pauls illness,we agreed we would just keep saying things out loud.Tasks like making a will,or completing our advance directives tasks that I had always avoided were not as daunting as they

14、once seemed.非常的震惊,令人心碎同时也是一种大度,同时也非常舒心,因为我们完全的诚实,这种诚实正是我们最需要的。在Paul患病的早期,我们商量好,我们什么事情都敞开说。像是立遗嘱这样的事情,完成预留医疗指示(ADS)(译注:丧失主观意识时的医护指示)那些我一直逃避的事情当真正面对时并没有那么可怕。I realized that completing an advance directive is an act of love like a wedding vow.A pact to take care of someone,codifying the promisethat til

15、 death do us part,I will be there.If needed, I will speak for you.I will honor your wishes.That paperwork became a tangible part of our love story.我意识到预留医疗指示(ADS)是一种爱的举动就像是婚礼上的誓言。一种照料对方的契约,将誓言铭刻下来直到生死相隔,我永不言弃。我会在需要时为你表达你的意愿。我会完成你的愿望。这个法律文书成为我们爱情故事的见证。As physicians,Paul and I were in a good positiont

16、o understand and evenaccept his diagnosis.We werent angry about it,luckily,because wed seen so many patient sin devastating situations,and we knew that death is a part of life.But its one thing to know that;it was a very different experienceto actually live with the sadness and uncertainty of a serious illness.Huge strides are being made against lung cancer,b


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