四下Unit-8-What-Can-You-Do四年级下册Unit 8 第三课时课件

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《四下Unit-8-What-Can-You-Do四年级下册Unit 8 第三课时课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四下Unit-8-What-Can-You-Do四年级下册Unit 8 第三课时课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Think and tick,Part B Lets learn more Do a survey and report,Unit 8 What Can You Do?,Lets learn more视频, Lets learn more, Think and tick, Do a survey and report,Review,Warm-up/Revision,What can you do ?,Lead-in,Can they.?,Think and tick,Lets learn more,点击“Lets learn more”,跟我一起

2、读吧!,视 频,What are they going to do ?,What can Su Nan do?,Can Liu Zhaoyang play the music at the party? What can he do ?,No, he cant.He can take photos.,They are going to have a party.,He can sing a song.,Presentation,Ask and answer,Can Kevin draw pictures?,Yes, he can.,Lets learn more,We are going to

3、 have a party. What can you do,Su Nan?,Can you sing an English song?,I can sing a song.,Yes,I can try.,Lets learn more,Can you play the music at the party?,Thank you. You are helpful.,No,I cant.But I can take photos for you.,Lets learn more,What can Kevin do?,He can draw some pictures for us.,Thats

4、good.,try,【短语】 try ones best 尽某人最大的努力 【拓展】 try(名词)尝试 【短语】 have a try试一试,(动词)尝试;努力,I will try my best to learn English well.,Try,我将尽我最大努力学好英语。,helpful,【单词巧记】 help(帮助)+ful=helpful(有帮助的) 【拓展】 help帮忙;帮助,(形容词)有帮助的,I want to be a helpful person to others.,Try,我要成为一个对别人有帮助的人。,us,【用法】 us是人称代词we的宾格形式,常在句中作宾语

5、。 【例句】She helped us. 她帮助了我们。,(代词)我们(宾格形式), Can you sing an English song? 你会唱英文歌吗? Yes, I can try. 是的,我可以试试。,重点句型一,这是can引导的一般疑问句及回答,用来询问及回答某人是否会做某事。其中can是情态动词,后接动词原形。,【句型结构】 Can+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答: Yes, 主语+can. 否定回答: No, 主语+cant.,例句,Can you play football? 你会踢足球吗?,Yes, I can. 是的,我会。,Good,Great,Excellent

6、,Show time,Practice,Do a survey and report,What can you do for our party?,I can sing an English song.,Can you sing a Chinese song?,No,I cant.,Practice,Do a survey and report,Kitty can sing an English song.But she cant sing a Chinese song.,Practice,Do a survey and report,Test,按要求写单词。 1.help(形容词) 2.we(宾格形式) 3.can(否定形式) 4.good(副词形式) 5.them(主格形式),helpful,us,cant,well,they,Sum-up,重点词汇: well try helpful us,询问某人是否会做某事及回答的句型 Can you sing an English song? 你会唱英文歌吗? Yes, I can try. 是的,我可以试试。,重点句型:,Homework,


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