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1、(外研版)四年级英语下册,Module 10 Unit 2,Sam had lots of chocolate.,Period one,1,3,4,5,6,Retell the story,2,I have got a ,Amy has got a ,Sam has got a ,head,ear,arm,hand,foot,leg,nose,mouth,eye,stomach,I have a watermelon today.,I had a watermelon yesterday.,Have 在此处表示吃,相当于eat.,He had lots of apples yesterday.

2、,So today hes got a stomach ache.,He has got,stomach ache,I have got a stomach ache.,I ve got,I have got a cold.,I ve got,I have got a headache.,I ve got,I have got a fever.,I ve got,I have got a,I ve got a cold.,I ve got a fever.,I ve got a headache.,I ve got a stomachache.,He/She has got a,Today,

3、today, I have apples. Yesterday, yesterday, Mum had bananas. Cold, cold , Tiger has a cold. Fever ,fever, Monkey has a fever. Headache,headache, Dog has a headache. Stomach ache,stomach ache, Little pig has a stomach ache.,chant,Period two,Hes got a cold.,Lets review,Whats wrong with him?,Shes got a

4、 fever.,Whats wrong with her?,Hes got a headache .,Whats wrong with him?,Shes got a stomach ache.,Whats wrong with her?,Why does she have a stomach ache?,She had lots of chocolate.,listen to the chant ,then answer three questions.,1.Whats wrong with Little Tommy? 2.Whats wrong with Little Lingling?

5、3.Whats wrong with Little Ben?,Listen and circle the answers.,Whats wrong with Sam、 Daming、 Amy and Lingling today?,M10U2-1,Today hes got a stomach ache .,Today hes got a stomach ache.,Today shes got a headache.,Today shes got a fever .,What did they have yesterday?,Read and circle the answer.,M10U2

6、-1,Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday.,Daming had two watermelons yesterday.,Amy had a cold yesterday.,Lingling had a headache yesterday.,Listen and repeat.,retell the story,had lots of chocolate,had lots two watermelons,has got a stomach ache,has got a stomach ache,1,4,2,3,so,Sam had lots of choco

7、late yesterday.,So today hes got a stomachache.,Look and say,Daming had two watermelons yesterday.,So today hes got a stomachache.,Look and say,has got a cold,has got a headache,has got a fever,has got a headache,1,3,2,4,and,Amy had a cold yesterday.,And today shes got a headache.,Look and say,Lingling had a headache yesterday.,And today shes got a fever.,Look and say,



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