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1、Affirmative vs. Negative 正反译法,Definition 1). An Affirmative structure (English and Chinese) refers to a sentence which is positive in its structure or form, i.e. it does not have any negative element in it, as is manifest in the following: He is free with money. etc. 肯定句汉语或英语中不含有否定词或否定意义词语以及带有否定词缀的词

2、的句子。,2). A Negative structure refers to a sentence (clause) which contains one or more than one negative element (negative words: not, never, words with negative affixes: impolite, amoral,etc) in its structures, as is evident in sentences as follows: Americans are well known for their informality. N

3、othing is impossible to a willing mind. This is an insecure house. 否定句汉语中带有否定词,如“无”、“不”、“莫”、“勿”等的句子,和英语中带有否定词或有否定意义的词,如“hardly” 、“but for” 、“fail”等以及带否定词缀的词的句子。,1. Negation in E-C Translation Due to differences between Chinese and English in the way of thinking and in the mode of speaking, what is a

4、ffirmative in form in one language may often mean something negative in another or vice versa. 1). He knew that he was mortally ill. 2). We cant sign the contract in his absence. 3). We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust. 4). The two teams tied.,A. English negative wo

5、rds and expressions: a). Full negatives: no, never, none, nothing, not, nobody, nowhere, nor No trickery can fool us. b). Semi negatives: hardly, scarcely, seldom, barely, few, little Few students went to the party. c). Partial negatives: not every, not all, not both, not much, not many, not always

6、Both proposals are not acceptable.,d). Words with negative implication: a) (verb): fail, miss, lack, ignore, refuse, withhold, refrain (from), neglect, deny, overlook, exclude; b). (noun): absence, failure, refusal, ignorance, neglect, exclusion; c) (adj.): few, little, free from, far from, safe fro

7、m, short of; d). (adv): little, otherwise, tooto.; e). (conj.): unless, before, until, (rather) than, or; f). (pre): without, above, except, beyond, instead of, in place of, out of, etc. (a). He was denied the opportunity to speak at the meeting. (b). He is engrossed in his studies to the neglect of

8、 other affairs. (c). The room is free of dust. e). Affixes with negative implication: a-, dis-, un, ab-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, -less, etc.,B. Chinese negative words and expressions: 汉语常用的否定词:“不、无、非、没、未、勿、莫、否、别、毋”等 A. Full negatives (完全否定意义) “不、没有、绝不、毫无、否则” B. Partial negatives (部分否定意义) “并非都、不总是、

9、未必全部” C. Double negatives (双重否定) 非.不(莫)、不没有,2. Ways to Deal with Negatives in E-C Translation A. Affirmative in English, but Negative in Chinese A). Verbs 1). Such a chance was denied (to) me. 我没有得到这样一个机会。 2). The weather will hold a couple days. 天气在两三天内会保持不变。 3). The first bombs missed the target.

10、第一批炸弹没有击中目标。,Drills: 1). If he had kept his temper, the negotiation would probably have been a success. 假如他不发脾气,谈判可能已经成功了。 2). The ache that had persisted in his chest had turned to severe pain. 他胸部老不消失的疼痛现在疼得更厉害了。 3). Her husband hates to see her stony face. 她丈夫不想(不乐意)看见/到她那张毫无表情的脸。,B). Adverbs 1).

11、 Time is what we want most, but what, alas, many use it worst. 时间是我们最缺少的,但可叹之至,偏偏许多人 最不善于 利用。 2). We may safely say so. 我们这样说万无一失。 3). The subversion attempts proved predictably futile. 不出所料,颠覆活动证明毫无效果。 Drills: 1). He said idly, “Well, what does it matter?” 他漫不经心地说:“哼,这有什么关系?” 2). They resumed their

12、 seats moodily. 他们不愉快地又坐了下来。,C). Adjectives 1). It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out. 甚至只要有一点点风声漏出去,结果就不堪设想。 2). The explanation is pretty thin. 这个解释是相当不充实的。 Drills: 1). We are watching the fluid situation with concern. 我们关切注视着动荡不安的局面。,2). Her face had a strange, lost loo

13、k. 她的脸上有一种奇异的、不知所措的神情。 3). Appearances are deceptive. 外表是靠不住的。 4)I have read your article. I expected to meet an older man. 5). The rocket traveling in space is independent of the earths gravity.,D). Prepositions 1). It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 他无权签订这种合同。 2). This problem is abo

14、ve me. 这问题我不懂(不能理解)。 Drills: 1).The lecturer spoke above the heads of his audience. 演讲者讲得太深奥,观众听不明白。 2). His answer is beside the mark. 他的回答文不对题。 3). Never mind, we can manage without help.,E). Connectives 1). They would fight to death before they surrender. 他们宁愿战死,决不投降。 2). They would rather have t

15、he blue one than the green one. 他们宁愿要那个蓝色的,不愿要绿色的。 3). The stranger had already gone before he hurried to the hotel. 还没有等他赶到旅馆,那个陌生人早已走了。,F). Nouns 1). They feel great anxiety about his sickness. 他们对他的病情感到焦虑不安。 2). Within minutes the men came racing in with the two jeeps. They were all excited, so n

16、ow I had to put on the calm act to prevent my worry from spreading. 几分钟后,那些人乘着吉普车回来了。他们都很激动,所以这时我得故做镇静以免我的不安心情影响他们。 Drills: 1). Tom was a fool for danger.,2). Her abstraction was not because of the tea party. 她那种心不在焉的神气,并不是因为那个茶话会的缘故。 3). Silence reigned all over the meeting room for a while. 一时全场寂静无声。 4). She was politely acquiescent in what was evidently Greek to her. 她有礼貌地默认了她显然不懂得的事情。,G). Phrases 1). I am at my wits end to keep the ch


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