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1、河南省六市2012届高三第一次联合考试(英语)扫描版2012年河南省六市高中毕业班第一次联合考试高三英语参考答案1-5 BACAC 6-10 CABAA 11-15 CBCBC 16-20 ACCAB2125 ABCBA 2630 DCDAB 3135 DBCDC 36-40 BACDC41-45 ACDDC 46-50 CBADA 51-55 ABCDA 56-59 CCDB60-62 DAC 63-66 ABDC 67-70 DACB 71-75 BDGAFLast week our class organized a great activity to look for modern L

2、ei Fengs around us. In Friday Onafternoon, we leave after school with cameras in hand, heading for the street. We first came across leftblood donation bus. Each of these donations would help make a big difference to those in need. aTouched, we took photo. Then, across the street, they noticed someon

3、e who were helping a blind photos we wasman. On the bus back to school, several children eager offered their seats to an elderly lady. A week eagerlylater, we held an exhibition but presented all the moved scenes we had photographed in the street. and movingSeeing so many modern Lei Fengs around us

4、we are confident of that our world will become better and better.书面表达参考范文: Dear Professor Matrix,Im Linda, Chairman of the Students Union. We are more than delighted to learn that you are to participate in the English teachers training conference to be held in our school from 28th to 30th, April 201

5、2.Known as an expert on English teaching, if possible, would you please spare time to deliver a lecture concerning English Writing to us students during your stay?We heartily hope you can accept our invitation. It will be much appreciated if you can give us a prompt reply at your convenience. If you

6、 have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Linda答案解析: 21. 考查交际用语。sort of “有点”,not a little “非常”,not at all “一点也不”。22. 考查非限制性定语从句。which代替前面一句的内容。23. 考查代词 。one 做同位语代替前面a hot word。24. 考查时态。指我父亲曾经当过5年演员。25. 考查非谓语动词。the first后面用不定式作后置定语。26. 考查动词短语辨析。get away from “远离”。27. 考

7、查非谓语动词。动名词做主语,并且是被动 。28. 考查全倒装。介词短语放句首,句子要全倒装。29. 考查时态。will be doing 表示将来正在做。30. 考查并列连词。祈使句or “否则”。31. 考查 where 引导的地点状语从句。意为“一朝情意薄,样样不顺眼”。32. 考查虚拟语气。从语气上判断是与过去事实相反的虚拟。33. 考查时态。据met可知用过去完成时表示过去的过去。34. 考查动词词意。deserve “值得”,serve “服务”,reserved“预订”,preserve“保存,储存”35. 考查交际用语。Its not my cup of tea, “这不是我所喜

8、欢的。”36. B。从第一段最后 divorce 看出。37. A。puzzled 迷惑,律师奇怪这么大岁数还离婚。38. C。story “故事”,了解了情况。39. D。affect“影响”,destroy“毁了”,词意太重。40. C。既然离婚,肯定觉得婚姻是不幸福的。41. A。a dinner, 三餐饭前不加冠词。42. C。令人尴尬的沉默。43. D。immediately adv .“立即,马上”。44. D。合好的可能性,a chance / an opportunity。45. C。问题所在, lie “存在”。46. C。从上文 took the drumstick 可知。

9、47. B。please “取悦”,使她开心。48. A。stand “忍受,容忍”。49. D。reluctant “不愿意”。50. A。pass away “去世”,pass through“通过,穿过”,pass by “从旁边经过”, pass on “传递”。51. A。sadly “悲伤地”,毕竟夫妻几十年了。52. B。belongings “所有物”。53. C。though “尽管”。后面有“only”54. D。flowflowedflowed“流动”;flyflewflew“飞”;float“漂浮”。55. A。never “永远”都不知道明天会发生什么。56. C。词

10、意理解题。从第一段上下文可以看出。57. C。细节理解题。从第五段最后一句可以看出。“be cautious about their own finances”58. D。推理判断题。从最后一段第三行可以看出。“ten percent have delayed retirement”59. B。文章大意题。从第一段可以看出。60. D。细节理解题。Hamlet,折扣为20%,最低的。61. A。细节理解题。排行榜第10位。62. C。细节计算题。(5.59+15.60+4.50)5.0 = 20.69。63. A。细节理解题。第二段在30天内买出600多个纸袋。64. B。推理判断题。从倒数一

11、段“Since there is a lack of an effective management”可以看出。65. D。细节判断题。从第三段中“I dont think people need the logo to make themselves appear wealthy”看出,其它三个选项都不正确。66. C。推理判断题。买东西属于商业领域。67. D。细节判断题。从第六段中“available”可以看出。68. A。段落大意题。从前4段可以看出是在讲“Angry Brides”为什么会出现,流行。69. C。细节判断题。第三段中的第二行的“after marriage”可以看出此

12、答案。70. B。标题归纳题。文中整体都在讲“Angry Brides”之所以会出现是因为大家反对索要嫁妆的旧俗。作文评分标准1. 五个档次给分。2. 根据内容和语法确定所属档次,然后按档次要求衡量确定或调整,最后给分。3. 少于80或大于120字,总分减2分。4. 注意的内容为:要点,词汇语法结构的数量,准确性及上下文的连贯性。5. 拼写与标点视其影响程度以考虑。英美用法,词汇均可接受。6. 书写较差影响阅读,降低一个档次。要点:1.本人简介 2.讲座内容 3. 表示感谢7. 要点可用不同方式表达,可加细节,对紧扣主题的发挥适当,不扣分。8. 判档次时,一定注意要点,但根据词汇语法及表达方法

13、总体评价。五档次:21-25 覆盖所有要点,语言些许错误,应用句间连接成分连接紧凑,较强语言应用能力。16-20 漏一个要点,但覆盖所有内容,语法词汇基本正确,些许错误,应用句间连接成分,结构紧凑。11-15漏掉一些内容,但覆盖主要内容,有一些语法词汇错误,但不影响理解。6-10 漏掉或未描述清楚主要内容,语法词汇单调,错误影响理解。缺少连贯性。15 明显漏要点,写无关内容。未理解题要求。缺连贯。听力材料(Text 1) M: I wonder why the post office is still not open. W: It is not yet eight. In fact, its only half past seven. (Text2) M: The plane to Shanghai left five minutes ago.W: Thats right. Its already 12: 30. (Text 3) M: Do you often write to your friends? W: Seldom. We usually keep in touch by email. But I do send them greeting cards on holidays. (Text 4)



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