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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。海归学士应聘外资银行英文简历模板导语:英文简历越来越受欢迎,那么英文简历应该怎么拟写呢?今天小编为大家准备了海归学士应聘外资银行英文简历模板,欢迎阅读参考!海归学士应聘外资银行英文简历模板EDUCATION2020- presentBachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance)Monash University, Clayton CampusAnticipated completion date: June, 20202020- 2020High school Affi

2、liated to BIT BeiJingCompleted: September, 2020EMPLOYMENT HISTORY2020Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Internship programInternCompleted basic sampling tasks and trace to the source documentsFinished the comparison work of current year manufacture contracts for the parents company.Completed subsidiaries Trai

3、l Balance inputs sheets independently.Assisted FIC finishing different types of working papers. For example, Aging, Alternative tests, Major Bank testing.BANK CONFIRMATIONFill in the bank confirmation according to the customer’s bank details.Obtained Bank Confirmations, and communicate with ba

4、nk staff for related issues.Sent Bank Confirmations .FILE ARRANGEMENTRearrange the P-files, also update the P-file index.Reference documents in the audit system and also arrange the files manually.COMMUNICATION SKILLDeveloped through communication with clients face to face or base on the phone.Conta

5、ct with the representatives of the subsidiaries and confirm with the lawyer in charge.2020Kikko SushiCustomer Service StaffHandled cash registerPrepared staff timetableOpened and closed the storeBe able to do cleaning tasksAssisted in training of new employeesShop maintenanceINTERESTSActively involv

6、ed in swimming, playing Chinese traditional instruments GuZheng, and also play squash on a weekly basis温馨提示:简历要点1、尽可能浓缩在一页内,最好不超过1000字;语言精练,去掉不重要的细节,因为简历越长,hr看完简历的可能性就会变得越小。2、尝试不同标题和排版方式,保持最强可读性;hr喜欢的是简单的简历,一些花里胡俏的简历未就越容易出错,简历的板式不能根据自己喜恶来制定,要清楚这是给用人单位看的。3、找准长处和特色,学会扬长避短。同时简历要做到真实、对自己的过度包装,会让早已炼就出火眼金睛的hr一眼识破,反而失去了用人单位的信任。


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