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1、 I.限定用法(定语)a.形容词(一个字)+名词1. The old man lived in a small village.2. His elder brother is a famous musician.b.名词+形容词(thing, body, one等,两个字或以上的形容词片语和子句)1. I want to drink something cold.2. Is there anything interesting in todays paper?3. I dont like riding on trains full of people. ride on train搭乘火车4.

2、He tried to climb a fence two meters high.5. He is a boy (who is) five years old.He is a five-year-old boy.2. 叙述用法(表语)a. 主词补语1. Sea water tastes salty.2. The rainbow is very beautiful.b. 受词补语1. Youll find the book difficult.2. I left the windows open. 使开着(adj.)I let the windows be opened. 使被打开(v.)重点

3、a. 只能用限定用法的形容词(定语形容词)Word文档onlymere 只mainwoodenupper上面的inner 里面的Live/livingdailylone 孤单的,古语1. This is a wooden house.2. He is a mere child. 他不过是孩子b. 只能用叙述用法(表语形容词)alivealoneafraidasleepawakewellcontentgladaware1. Im afraid of dog.2. The baby is still asleep.3. Are you aware of your mistakes?限定用法和叙述用

4、法意思不同的形容词1. I met a certain lady. 某一个It is quite certain. 确定2. He is my present assistant. 目前He is present today. 出席 absent缺席3. The late Mr. Smith was an able man. 已故He was late for the meeting. 迟到4. She gave me a fond look. 温柔的I am very fond of ice cream. 喜欢3. 形容词的位置:1) 形容词作定语通常前置,但在下列情况后置:1修饰some,

5、 any, every, no和body, thing, one等构成的复合不定代词时nobody absent, everything possible2以-able, -ible结尾的形容词可置于有最高级或only修饰的名词之后the best book available, the only solution possible3alive, alike, awake, aware, asleep等可以后置the only person awake4和空间、时间、单位连用时a bridge 50 meters long5成对的形容词可以后置a huge room simple and be

6、autiful6形容词短语一般后置a man difficult to get on with2) 多个形容词修饰同一个名词的顺序:代词数词性状形容词冠词前的形容词冠词指示代词不定代词代词所有格序数词基数词性质状态大小长短形状新旧温度颜色国籍产地材料质地名词allbothsuchtheathisanotheryoursecondnextonefourbeautifulgoodpoorlargeshortsquarenewcoolblackyellowChineseLondonsilkstone3) 复合形容词的构成:1形容词+名词+edkind-hearted6名词+形容词world-famo

7、us2形容词+形容词dark-blue7名词+现在分词peace-loving3形容词+现在分词ordinary-looking8名词+过去分词snow-covered4副词+现在分词hard-working9数词+名词+edthree-egged5副词+过去分词newly-built10数词+名词twenty-year复合形容词有下列五类1. 形容词-连缀动词的现在分词a good-looking man形容词-及物动词的过去分词a white-painted wall2. 名词-现在分词 (主动)a peace-loving people名词-过去分词 (被动)a hand-made ca

8、ke3. 副词-现在分词 (主动)a rapidly-moving tornado副词-过去分词 (被动)a well-behaved boybehave vt. 后接修饰词语使(自己)表现得,使(自己)举止例句: he behaves himself well.4. 名词-名词eda baby-faced girl形容词-名词eda open-minded leader5. 数词-名词eda two-headed monstera three-legged tablea second-hand car.three-minute first-class 一流的three-year- oldte

9、n-meter-long 4.特别注意的形容词用法a. 不能以人为主词的形容词dangerous, difficult, hard, easy, useful, useless, tough, convenient, important, necessary, regrettable遗憾的, natural, possible貌似这些形容词都是人做某事才能体现只能用It be 形容词 for人 to V1. It is necessary for you to see a doctor.2. Is it possible for you to attend the meeting?b. 以人为

10、主词的形容词都是与情绪有关的形容词angry, ashamed, delighted, disappointed, excited, glad, happy, proud, sorry, thankful1. We were excited about the baseball game.The game was exciting for us.c. The+形容词1. The rich are not always happy.2. We search for the true, the good, and the beautiful.d. 形容词的副词用法1. It is burning

11、hot. 天气热的厉害2. It is freezing cold. 3. They were dead asleep. 睡得很熟5.数量形容词a. many/much1. do you have many books in your study?2. Theyve spent much money on adverting.否定句中的not many/much 可译成不太多1. This garden doesnt have many trees.2. My son hasnt made much money.口语中,可用a lot of, lots of, plenty of+可数/不可数

12、 代替many/much1. There were a lot of/lots of/plenty of people in the shop.2. She ate a lot of/lots of/plenty of ice cream.A large number of=large numbers of number中文有数数的意思,故后接可数名词A large amount of=large amount of amount指量,故后接不可数名词b. a few/fewa few=somefew=not many(几乎没有) 表否定,不可和not同时出现1. There are a fe

13、w vegetables in the refrigerator.2. Few people were injured in the accident. 几乎没有c. a little/littlea little=somelittle=not much几乎没有1. I have a little money with me.2. We need little butter to make this cake.3. The little of his work that remains should be done within a today.口语中,可用not many/hardly an

14、y代替few可用not much/hardly any代替little1. There were not many/hardly any people in the park.2. There is not much/hardly any danger of an earthquake.d. some/anysome的用法1. 肯定句Some students take lessons in Spanish. 语言前用in2. 表示邀请的疑问句Wont you have some more tea?Any的用法1. 用于疑问句和否定句-Do you have any question?-Yes, I have some questions.-No, I dont have any questions.2.用于表示任何(皆可)之意的肯定句You may come any time.3.用于条件句(if子句)Ask him if you have any doubt.



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