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1、情绪类高频词汇开心高兴delighted/ cheerful / joyful ,让她高兴的是to her delight ,狂喜be wild with joy精神高涨的in high / cheerful spirits 面带微笑wore a shining smile 心情好in good mood愤怒感到愤怒felt furious 脸气得通红flushed with anger 怒气冲天anger boiled over sb怒视某人glared at sb 气得跺脚stamped her feet in anger 害怕害怕地in panic 恐惧地in terror 感到害怕 c

2、rept over sb 因害怕而哽咽choked with fear全身颤抖trembled from head to toe从心底害怕a flood of fear welled up in sb 脸色变苍白face turned pale难过难过的depressed 沮丧的discouraged 眼睛湿润eyes were wet 低着头dead drooping 把头埋在手里hid her face in her hands沉浸在悲伤中be immersed in sorrow / be overcome with sorrow 心情不好in low spirits 泪流满面tears

3、 rolled down her cheeks 沉浸在悲伤的海洋中floated in an ocean of sadness 困惑迷茫at a loss头脑空白mind went blank 迷惑不解be puzzled /confused 皱着眉头a frown stood on her face 感动一股暖流涌上心头a warm current rose in her heart 眼泪夺眶而出tears welled up in her eyes感到流泪be moved to tears心被融化heart melted 特别感动be touched /moved profoundly惊讶

4、震惊astonished 张大嘴巴with her mouth wide open 惊呆了 be numb with shock 惊讶in astonishment 让她惊讶的是to her amazement / astonishment 骄傲骄傲的proud 充满了自豪感burst with pride 紧张焦躁的、不安的anxious , restless踱来踱去paced up and down 坐立不安got ants in her pants心跳很快heart beat wildly 手心出汗palms got sweaty其他坚定的神色a determined look、坚定的眼

5、神determined eyes 心不在焉absent-minded 后悔be trapped in regret动作类高频词汇笑开怀大笑smiled broadly 朝他笑flashed a smile at him表情变明亮face lighted up 破涕为笑broke into a smile面露喜色a wide smile appeared on her face喜极而泣shed tears of joy 脸上绽放笑容face broadened into a smile哭眼含泪水tears sprang to her eyes 泪流满面tears broke free 流下幸福的

6、泪水shed tears of happiness大哭wept her eyes out 擦去泪水wiped the tears from her eyes 悲痛欲绝cried her heart out 看看到某物She caught sight of sth/ Sth caught her eyes怒视glared at 目光落在eyes fell on sth目不转睛she cant take her eyes off sth吃咀嚼chewed吞swallowed 尝taste 咬bit说脱口而出blurt out 哭着说said through tears尖叫scream 耳语whis

7、per into her eyes 好奇地问ask with curiosity 自言自语talk to herself 安慰comforted 大喊let out a cry 头部动作抬头raised her head 高抬着头held her head high 低头lowered her head 点头nodded her head 摇头shook her head 转头turned her head around 陷入深思 be lost in thought手部动作紧紧拥抱hugged tightly 投入怀抱thrown herself into his arms 挥舞手臂wave

8、 her arms 用手指着 pointed at腿部动作拖着疲劳的双腿dragged her legs 冲进rushed/dashed into 追逐chased after 前往headed for 加快脚步quickened her steps 高频语法杭州新东方读后续写决胜高考一形容词作状语表原因1. Depressed and helpless, she burst into tears. 沮丧和无助,她哭了起来。2. Curious to know what was happening inside,she pushed the door open and slipped into

9、 the house. 她好奇地想知道里面发生了什么,推开门,溜进了屋子。表结果. She finally made it to the top of the mountain, hungry but excited. 她终于到了山顶,饿了但很兴奋。. She was encouraged by the teachers smile, full of confidence in her plan. 她被老师的微笑所鼓舞,对她的计划充满信心。表伴随1. Deep in thought , she sat still against the door. 她沉思着,一动不动地坐在门边。2. Lost

10、 in the forest, she lay under a tree, full of fear and despair. 迷失在森林里,她躺在一棵树下,充满了恐惧和绝望。练习.她躺在地上,醒着,听着呼啸的风She was lying on the ground, awake, listening to the roaring wind2.在直升飞机的帮助下,她安然无恙地出了森林,见到了她的丈夫。 With the help of a helicopter, she got out of the forest and met her husband, safe and sound3. 困在

11、迷雾中,她除了哭泣什么也做不了,无助又失望。 Trapped in the fog, she can do nothing but burst into tears, helpless and disappointed.4. 他们同意再也不吵架了,决心要过充实的生活They agreed never to quarrel again, determined to live a full life。5. 又绝望又疲惫,她跪了下来,眼泪顺着脸颊流了下来 Desperate and exhausted, she knelt down, with tears rolling down her chee

12、ks.二非谓语动词:having done表先后. Having walked for quite a long time, she found herself lost. 走了很久,她发现自己迷路了。. Having failed three times, she didnt want to try again. 失败了三次,她不想再试一次。. 在街上漫无目的地逛了几小时之后,她感到有点饿,想吃东西。 Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wanted something

13、 to eat. 说出真相后,她心里轻松了很多,心情愉快地回家了。 Having told the truth, she felt easier in her mind and went home 三非谓语动词doing/done表原因1. Seeing what I did, my mother frowned as if to ask me to stand up quickly. 看到我做了什么,妈妈皱了皱眉头,好像是要我赶快站起来。2. Scolded by the teacher , she burst into tears. 被老师骂了一顿,她哭了起来。表结果. His fathe

14、r died, leaving him a lot of money. 他父亲死了,留给他很多钱。. Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. 他周围的一切都充满了她的存在,不断地重新揭开伤疤。表伴随. A young man came to the police station, surrounded by a group of journalists. 一个年轻人来到警察局,周围是一群记者。. Ignoring her words, the man walked away

15、 quickly. 无视她的话,男人快步走了。. 她感到累极了,坐在溪边,让疼痛的双脚放松一下。 She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, relaxing/resting her aching feet . 她冷得无法忍受,精疲力竭,完全不知道该如何应对这种可怕的情况。Feeling unbearably cold and exhausted , she had no idea how to cope with the terrible situation. 沉浸在强烈的恐惧感中,她一句话说不出来。 Immersed in a strong sense of fear, she could not say a word. 好奇心切,她从河岸边跑开,穿过田野去追兔子。 Burning with curiosity, she ran away from the bank of the river, and across the field to chase the rabbit.四with的复合结构. S


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