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1、Play a game (I say , you do.),WatchTV playfootball playbasketball listentomusic, singsongs swim, read abook rowaboat, play on the computer run,play played walk walked talk talked look looked cook cooked listen listened watch watched live lived,go went have had sing sang drink drank eat ate see saw t

2、ake took make made,读读我最棒!,Review the past forms,Free talk,Eg: T:DidyouwatchTVyesterday? S1:Yes,Idid. No,Ididnt. T:Didyouplay on the computer yesterday? Did you ( playfootball/listentomusic/sing a song/readbooks/run/swim/fly a kite)? DidDamingliveinNewYork?,Module9 Unit1 Did he live in New York?,Do y

3、ou know?,Wheres New York? Its in the US. What do you know about the US? the US=the USA=America(美国),Some famous cities in the US,自由女神像,New York 纽约,the Statue of Liberty,San Francisco 旧金山,金门大桥 Golden Gate Bridge,the White House白宫,Washington DC华盛顿,Postcard明信片,Dear Daming, 亲爱的大明,dear亲爱的,travel 旅行,cousin

4、 表(堂)兄弟 ,表(堂)姐妹,书写我最棒!,postcard明信片 dear亲爱的 travel 旅行 cousin 表(堂)兄弟,表(堂)姐妹,Listen and chant,Welcome to China! Welcome to Beijing! Did you come by train? Did you come by plane?,Welcome to China! (欢迎来到中国!) Welcome to Beijing!(欢迎来北京!),Did you come by train?No,I didnt. I came by plane.,come came,过去式,plan

5、e,bus,train,car,bike,ship,Learn the text,1.Listen to the text for the first time. 2. Listen, circle Did he .?then answer. Q1:Who lives in the US? Q2:Does he live in New York? Q3:Did he live in New York last year? Q4:Did he travel by plane?,Q1:Who lives in the US? Dalong lives in the US. He is Daming

6、s cousin. Q2:Does he live in New York? No, he lives in San Francisco now. Q3:Did he live in New York last year?No, he didnt.He lived in Washington DC last year. Q4: Did he travel by plane? Yes, he did. It says, “I came here by plane.”,PLAY IN THE ROLE,同桌两人分角色扮演课本中人物进行对话练习,注意语音语调的准确性和规范性。,Practice :

7、1.Chant,New York, New York, Did he live in New York? San Francisco, San Francisco, Did he live in San Francisco? Washington DC, Washington DC, Did he live in Washington DC?,Did he?,travel by plane,No, he didnt.,Did she?,visit San Francisco,Yes, she did.,Did you?,No, I didnt.,watch TV,Did he,Yes, he

8、did.,play football,Did she,No, she didnt.,read a book,Practice.,- Did he in Washington DC? - Yes, he .,- Did he travel by plane? No, he didnt. He travelled by bus.,live,did,Did he ?,talk to,watch,cook,help,walk,play,phone,小操练:火眼金睛,Did you,Grandma?,d,Yes, I did No, I didnt,Mum?,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,?,?,

9、?,?,?,summary,询问他人过去是否做了某事时: Did +主语+动词原形+过去的时间? 回答:Yes,主语+did. /No, 主语+didnt. Eg:,Did he live in New York last year?Yes,he did./No, he didnt.,Did you?,Yes, I did No, I didnt,Homework.,1. Talk about Dalongs travel to your father/mother.向你的家人讲述Dalong的旅行。 2. Make a poster about your travel in the holiday.制作一张关于假期旅行的海报。,Childrens Day is coming! 新建文件夹Good kids.ppt,亲爱的小朋友们: 祝你们六一儿童节快乐!,Dear children: Happy childrens Day!,Goodbye! Thank you!,


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