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1、 PINGDINGSHAN UNIVERSITY 毕业论文题 目: An Analysis of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye院 系: 外国语学院 专业年级: 0级英教本科班姓 名: 陈 学 号: 2007010001 指导教师: 周(副教授)2011年3月10日Thesis: An Analysis of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye麦田守望者主人公霍尔顿人物形象分析School or Department: College of Foreign LanguagesGrade and Specialty: 2007, E

2、nglish EducationName: Chen BaiqiangAdvisor: Zhou Qingchi (Associate Professor)March 10, 2011毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导老师指导下取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以注释和致谢的地方外,论文(设计)中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。与本研究成果相关的所有人所做出的任何贡献均已在论文(设计)中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。签名: 年月日AcknowledgementsWith the composition of the thesis coming to a

3、n end, I have at last obtained an opportunity to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Chou Qingchi, who has not only given me her generous and instructive advice, and valuable materials, but also spent much time reading and correcting the manuscript of the thesis. Besides, teachers constant encour

4、agement and help during my study here could not be underestimated for the fulfillment of this thesis.I am also thankful to other teachers of English Department, whose courses I have attended and from whom I have learned much.I would also like to acknowledge my deep indebtedness to my parents who spa

5、re no pains bringing me up.AbstractHolden Caulfield is the young leading character in The Catcher in the Rye with Salingers celebrated works which was praised in the American literary arena. He was the representative of US youths statue at that time to some extent. His individual character of cynici

6、sm and kind-heartedness deeply shocked generations of American readers.Holden is a man of marked individuality. The key point what this paper analyzes is his personal characters. Holden lives in the society with contradictions. “Phony”, probably the most famous phrase from The Catcher in the Rye, is

7、 one of Holdens favorite concepts. It is his catcherall for describing hypocrisy and ugliness that encounters in the world around him. As a rebel, he is struggling with the world. Meanwhile he is in deep love with purity of his childhood and innocence of children. More importantly, he defends childr

8、ens soul and keeps watch the bright ideal. This paper centers on two major aspects to analyze characters of Holden. One is his rebellious spirit; the other is his consistent pursuit of defending purity and seeking lofty ideal.Through a in-depth study onthe personality of the leading character, this

9、paper helps the readers understand the classical figure of Holden, the reality of American society after World War and the profound significance of this work.Key words: Innocence; Rebel; Phony摘 要霍尔顿是塞林格扬名美国文坛的名作麦田里的守望者的小主人公,他可以称得上是代表当时美国青年的铸像。诚然,个性鲜明的霍尔顿深深地震撼着一代代的读者。霍尔顿的个性特征是本文分析的重点.主人公存在于矛盾对立的社会现实中

10、。“假模假样”是麦田里的守望者这部小说中的经典语言,同时也是主人公惯用的词语。通过它足以把霍尔顿眼中世界的虚伪,丑恶诠释地淋漓尽致。作为社会的反叛者,主人公在孤独,踌躇中苦苦挣扎。叛逆的同时,他又对童年时光的纯真情有独钟,更重要的是他捍卫儿童心灵,守望美好的理想的形象更加发人深思。本文立足于霍尔顿矛盾性格对立的视角,分析其个性特征中的两大层面。一方面是透析他个性中的反叛性;另一方面是解读他捍卫纯真,守望美好的崇高理想。这篇论文通过对主人公个性特征深层次的解析,以求能帮助读者更好地理解霍尔顿这个经典形象,理解第二次世界大战后美国现实社会,以及作品蕴涵的深刻思想意义。关 键 词: 纯真;反叛;假模

11、假样Table of ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstractii摘 要iiiTable of ContentsivChapter Introduction1Chapter The Hypocritical World in Holdens Eyes22.1 Hypocritical World22.1.1 A Byword of SocietyPhony22.1.2 Holdens Sensitivity to Phony42.2 A Liar in the Hypocritical World5Chapter A Rebel Resenting the World

12、63.1 A Rebel against Mundane Affairs63.1.1 A Rebel against the School63.1.2 A Symbol for the Rebel Red Hunting Cap73.2 Evading in the Revolt83.3 Growing in the Revolt10Chapter Holdenthe Innocent image in The Catcher in the Rye114.1 Holden A Young Man Loving Pure Childhood Time114.2 Holden-A Patron G

13、od for Children124.2.1 The Ideal Eden134.2.2 A Catcher13Chapter Conclusion15Bibliography16 Chapter 1 IntroductionJerome David Salinger is born in New York City, on January1st, 1916. He grew up in Newswire and later attended three colleges. As early as the age of fifteen he began writing. When he was

14、 twenty one he published his first short story. After service as an infantry sergeant in Europe during World War he wrote more stories, most of which were published in Colliers, Saturday Evening Post collected papers and other journals. Salinger, a man of mystery and conscientiousness, aliens from a

15、ll things connected with the society. In Salingers works, his protagonists are often sensitive and very aware of adolescents, or adults who, in either case, seek their own identity in relation to an external world with which they find themselves more or less at odds. And also, alienation or disenchantment with the so-called “adult” world figures largely exists in his writings.With the publication of The Catcher in the Rye in 1951, J. D. Salinger


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