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1、intangible cultural heritage: 非物质文化遗产hold off:保持距离barrage:接连发问sound-detection gear:声音探测器spam:垃圾邮件hideout: 藏身点snap: 仓促的coup plotter: 政变策划者lip synching: 假唱stem cell: 干细胞play up: 大肆渲染graffiti: 涂鸦fever pitch: 高度兴奋, 狂热overstaff: 人员过多peace saboteur: 和平破坏者comatose:昏迷的crackdown:取缔,制裁down-to-earth:实际的,切实的错误的

2、正确:关于名称含有Time的刊物名及其他专有名称的翻译美国报刊用语社会篇Ballistic Missile Test:弹道导弹试验Ordeal:严峻的考验Kidnapper:拐子、绑匪Atomic Nucleus:原子核Confidence Vote:信任票Denuclearization:非核化Blast:爆炸,冲击波Green Belt Movement:绿带运动Argumentative:爱争论的Cram:塞满、拥挤Snap Poll:即席调查Premature:过早的,仓促的Paralyzed:瘫痪的Lift An Embargo:解除禁运Barbecuestoppage: 中止;中断

3、abstention: 弃权clinical trial: 临床试验Chrysanthemum Throne:天皇王位VaccinateBlockbusterMascotSleasyCULLOut of whackhot words: field work时事热词:riotRed tape:繁文缛节Cold frontAbduct:诱拐,绑架Preemptive:先发制人的Footage:电影胶片Incumbent:现任者,在职者Military Chief:军事最高统帅State Visit:国事访问Permanent Member:常任理事国Relevance:意义,实用性Uranium

4、Enrichment:铀浓缩Power Plant:发电站Evacuate:撤退、疏散Bayard:骑士,勇武异常者launch pad: 发射台Constituency:选区,选民at a discountTabloidAchilles heelPostmodernCome out (of the closet)ReggaeRap musicPlatonicPunkBlackballCoattailLame duckIndependent counselPreset Orbit:预定轨道Milestone:里程碑,转折点Ballistic Missile:弹道导弹NASA:美国国家宇航局He

5、art Bbypass Surgery:心脏搭桥手术Wail:大哭Denunciation:谴责、指责Hole up:藏匿Step Down:辞职,下台Benchmark:基准点,衡量标准Beaked Whale: 突吻鲸,喙鲸Procurement: 采购Handset: 手机Stake: 股份Portal: 门户网站Showcase: 展示Sedan: 小轿车Strategic Petroleum Reserve: 战略石油储备Back Tax: 退缴税Semiconductor: 半导体Crude Output: 原油生产Log On: 进入系统Lag Behind: 落在后面Team

6、Up: 合作,协作Audience Rating: 收视率Play Down: 对不太重视Floor Trader: 场内交易人A Package Of Proposals: 一揽子建议Operating Margin: 营运利润率Hedge-Fund: 对冲基金Shortfall: 不足、差额、赤字Anti-Trust: 反托拉斯Full Swing: 达到活动的高潮Claw Back: 夺回,费力收回Balance Sheet: 资产负债表Inventory: 货存、库存量Mutual Fund: 共同基金Loan Guarante: 借款保函Class Action: 集体诉讼Antid

7、umping:反倾销Confetti: 五彩纸屑Federal Reserve: 美国联邦储备系统Ink:签署(合同、文件等)H*C: 汇丰银行Hot Money: 国际套利资本Scooter:速克达、踏板车、单脚滑行车IMF:国际货币基金组织In A Row:一个接一个Net Worth:资本净值APEC:亚太经合组织ABM = anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹abortive coup attempt 未遂政变absent trial / absent voting 缺席审判/缺席投票absolute majority 绝对多数abstain from voting

8、 弃权abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私academia 学术界academic career 学历,学业academician 院士Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖academy sciences 科学院accredited journalist 特派记者acquit / be acquitted 宣告无罪 / 无罪释放acting president 代总统active capital 流动资本active substance 放射性物质active trade balance 顺差activist 活跃分子administration pa

9、rty 执政党admit the best examinee 择优录取adverse trade balance 逆差advisory body 顾问团after-sale service 售后服务air crash 飞机失事album 专辑allied powers 同盟国all-out ban 全面禁止all-round title 全能冠军alumnus (复数: alumni) 校友amendment 修正案,附加条款amicable relations 友好关系amnesty 特赦anarchy 无政府状态animal year 本命年anti-corruption 反腐败 anti

10、-robbery bell 防盗铃apartheid 种族隔离appropriate authorities 有关当局arch-foe 主要的劲敌armed intervention 武装干涉arm-twisting 施加压力arson 放火,纵火assembly hall 会议厅assembly line 生产流水线assembly man 议员,装配工assistant secretary (美)助理部长assistant secretary of state (美)助理国务卿attach 专员,(外交使团的)随员audience rating 收视率audiophile 音乐发烧友aut

11、horitative information 官方消息authoritative source 权威人士autonomous region / prefecture自治区 / 州axis power 轴心国bachelor mother 未婚母亲background briefing 吹风会,背景情况介绍会bacteria 细菌bail 保释,保释金ballot 选票,投票bank book 银行存折bank failure 银行倒闭bar code 条形码bargain price 廉价be responsible for ones own profit and loss 自负盈亏be ho

12、nest in performing ones official duties 廉洁奉公beeper BP机behind-the-scene maneuvering 幕后操纵benefit concert 义演音乐会best supporting actress award 最佳女配角bid up price 哄抬物价big gun 有势力的人,名人big lie 大骗局bistro 夜总会black box 测谎器black market price 黑市价blanket ballot 全面选举blast 爆炸blind alley 死胡同blockade 封锁bloodless coup 不流血政变Blue Berets 蓝盔部队bluff diplomacy 恫吓外交bombard 轰炸,炮击boom (经济)繁荣,兴旺borrower 债方botanical garden 植物园bottle up 抑制bo


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