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1、深圳牛津版七年级下册-词汇选择U1-U5-(含答案)精品文档7B U1Name: Class( )1. You look cheerful, why?My parents are going to take me to see my grandma. I miss her very much.A. surprised B. strange C. happy( )2. What do you think of Tina?She is a beautiful and smart girl.A. cleverB. unusual C. weak( )3. Oh, my God. I forgot t

2、o lock the car last night.You are always so careless. Be careful next time.A. didnt likeB. didnt wantC. didnt remember( )4. Why dont you like Jack?Because he likes making fun of others to have fun.A. talking withB. laughing atC. looking up( )5. Who takes care of your dog when you arent at home?My gr

3、andpa. He lives close to my home.A. looks after B. thinks of C. plays with( )6. If someone _ you, he or she always gives you support, courage or hope.A. visitsB. encourages C. protects( )7. If someone is a _ of a club, he or she joined it and takes part in the activities in the club.A. toyB. cook C.

4、 member( )8. I am too tired. I dont want to study any more.Dont _ your dream. You can make it if you keep studying hard.A. give upB. light up C. cut up( )9. Do you like Tom?Yes. He is a funny boy and he often _ to make people happy.A. has a walk B. tells jokes C. has a picnic( )10. What do you think

5、 of your boss?He is a careful and hard-working person and he is always _ my work.A. famous for B. afraid of C. strict aboutU2( )1. What will you do after you finish your homework? I have no idea. What about you?A. completeB. take C. start( )2. Tina, do you like to live in cities?No. I prefer to live

6、 in the countryside. I like the fresh air and quiet life there.A. start to . better B. like to . better C. want to . better( )3. What are you going to do, Sam?I am going to go to the store near my house to buy some milk.A. flatB. garden C. shop( )4. What do you think of your new English teacher?He i

7、s excellent. All of my classmates like him very much.A. very good B. very healthy C. very different( )5. This city is famous for its beautiful beaches.Yes, many people come here for them.A. known for B. good for C. important forii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共5小题,每小题1分)( )6. A _ is a machin

8、e that carries people up and down between the floors in a tall building.A. stepB. tower C. lift( )7. If a town, village, etc._ in a particular (特定的) place, it is in that place.A. disappears B. lies C. picks( )8. Please give us your _. We will send the present to you as soon as possible.Thank you. It

9、 is No.20 Nanhu Road.A. addressB. dream C. field( )9. Which season do you like best? Winter because I like to _ and skate outside.A. laugh B. swim C. ski( )10. Where will your parents take you to _ this summer holiday?France. It is a great country to visit.A. go on a picnic B. go on holiday C. have

10、a walkU 3( )1. You made your mother very angry. You should apologize to her.I see, Dad. I will.A. say sorryB. say hi C. say thanks( )2. Where is our new classroom?Follow me and Ill lead you there.A. wantB. leave C. take( )3. Finally, we found the right direction with the help of a local (本地的) person

11、.Oh, thank goodness.A. In the middle B. At the beginning C. In the end( )4. My parents never let me go out by myself in the evening.So do my parents.A. all the time B. all the way on my own( )5. How soon can we arrive at the cinema?In about forty minutes.A. get to B. leave for C. return toii)根据句子意思,

12、从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共5小题,每小题1分)( )6. If something is very _, it is really useful.A. successfulB. helpful C. amazing( )7. The _ is a place where you can take a plane.A. stopB. cinema C. airport( )8. Why didnt you _ at the party last night, Nancy?Because on my way to the party, there was som

13、ething wrong with my car, so I didnt go there.A. appearB. protectC. talk( )9. Who will _ the Snow White in the play?Linda. She is a very beautiful girl.A. provideB. keep C. act( )10. We will have a Maths exam next week, so it is difficult for me to _ these days.Take it easy. You can get good grades

14、if you study hard.A. get down B. fall asleep C. get upU4( )1.Dont watch too much TV. It is harmful to your eyes.Yes, Mom. I will turn it off right now.A. useful toB. bad for C. important to( )2. The dirty air makes me hard to breathe these days.Well, you need to buy a mask (口罩) to wear. Air pollution is a major problem in our city now.A. small but important B. big and important C. big but not important( )3 . With the skill, people can produce more food.


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