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1、名词,提纲,名词的概念与分类,可数名词与不可数名词,名词的格,名词的概念与分类,可数名词,不可数名词,个体名词,集体名词,物质名词,抽象名词,familiy class police staff public group committee cattle army children clothes,father student editor pigeon tree flower work novel film tragedy,cloth paper glass stone beef sugar sauce beer water gold fog,honesty imagination hatr

2、ed information thirsty tiredness celebration action childhood success,人名 Anna 地名 London 国名 Australia 机构 WTO 组织 the Red Army 国人 Chinese 月份 January 星期 Sunday 节日 Spring Festival 书名 Harry Potter 称呼 Mum,集体名词,army 部队 cattle 牛 class 班级 committee 委员会 crew 船员 community 社区 company 公司,familiy 家 government 政府 g

3、roup 小组 public 公众 staff 全体员工 police 警察 team 组,队,My family is not large.,The whole family are music lovers.,复合名词,1+1=1,birthday 生日 daylight 白昼 bookshelf 书架 weatherman 气象员,名+名,snowfall降雪量 papermaking造纸 horse-riding骑马 haircut理发,名+动,passer-by过路人 looker-in收看电视的人 banger-on奉 taker-off取出东西的人,名+副,swimming po

4、ol 游泳池 turntable 转盘 chewing gum 口香糖 measuring tape 卷尺,动+名,look-over 检查 come-off 结局 go-around 回合 make-up 捏造,动+副,greenhouse fastball goodwill highway bystander onlooker incomer income outlet upholder,温室,棒球,善意,公路,旁观者,旁观者,进来者,收入,出口,支撑物 支持者,可数名词,规则变化,一般加“s”,book-books overcoat-overcoats pea-peas house-ho

5、uses room-rooms dog-dogs,以s、x、ch、sh 结尾加“es”,watch-watches bus-buses box-boxes class-classes,以th结尾 加“s”,mouth-mouths path-paths month-months,以f、fe结尾 改为“v”加“es”,life-lives leaf-leaves wife-wives half-halves knife-knives thief-thieves wolf-wolves self-selves loaf-loaves shelf-shelves,特殊:chief-chiefs ro

6、of-roofs belief-beliefs gulf-gulfs,领袖站在屋顶宣告信仰我要征服这个海湾,以o结尾 加“s”,zoo-zoos studio-stusios photo-photos piano-pianos radio-radios memo-memos,特殊:negro-negroes hero-heroes volcano-volcanoes potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes echo-echoes,黑人英雄吃了火山的土豆和西红柿产生了反射,The_(roof) of these cottages were covered with_(le

7、af). A. roofs;leafs B. roofs;leaves C. rooves;leafs D. rooves;leaves,真题链接,以y结尾变y为i 加“es”,baby-babies factory-factories study-studies city-cities family-families cuntry-cuntties university-universities,特殊:boy-boys day-days monkey-monkeys toy-toys,男孩天天玩猴子玩偶,表示“某国人”的名词的单复数形式 (1)直接加-s。Russians(俄国人),Germ

8、ans(德国人),Americans(美国人)。 (2)以-man或-woman结尾的改为-men或-women。如:Englishmen(英国人),Frenchwomen(法国女人)。 (3)以-ese结尾的词和Swiss(瑞士人)单复数同形.如:Japanese(日本人),Chinese(中国人),Portuguese(葡萄牙人)。,中日不变,英法变,其余-s添后面,Both Marx and Engels are _(German).,2010辽宁卷 Like the rest of my classmate, I didnt really want to get closest to

9、her.,改错练习,前面的“the rest of”(剩下的)+classmates,2009辽宁卷When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles.,most of (大多数的)my + friends,2014辽宁卷Weve called several time about Cleos early morning barking.,表示次数,是可数名词,用times,2013辽宁卷I saw him lying in bed, looking at some of the picture we had taken toge

10、ther.,picture图片,可数名词,前后some of(一些)+ pictures,2008海南卷More than 1000 painting will be on show.,painting表绘画作品,可数名词,前有量词1000 + paintings,2005全国卷Thereareadvantageforstudentstoworkwhile studyingatschool.,前面谓语动词are可知,是可数名词复数+ advantages,2006全国卷Hehadnoideasthatthekitchenwasnotforguests.,have no idea 固定搭配,20

11、11辽宁卷In early January this year, the rate of UFO reports were steady,around three per weeks.,前面per表示“每一”+单数week,2007全国卷I looked at his other hands,共有2只,other表另外1只,用单数hand,2010宁夏卷Christie was one of my best friend at high school.,one of + 可数名词复数表其中之一,用friends,2014新课标lSince then - for all these year -

12、 we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.,year可数名词,前面these表复数,用years,不规则变化,单复数同形的名词,Chinese Japanese Swiss craft spacecraft crossroads headquarters people police public counsel series species means crab deer reindeer sheep fish fruit,只有复数形式或多以复数形式出现的名词,clothes stockings socks je

13、ans tights shorts trousers pants,glasses spectacles chopsticks compasses scales scissors pincers,衣,对,savings wages earnings goods belongings leavings remains spirits thanks congraduations stairs contents pains arms fireworks ashes,多,死记硬背类单复数变化,child-children mouse-mice woman-women foot-feet ox-oxen

14、tooth-teeth goose-geese man-men analysis-analyses crisis-crises basis-bases thesis-theses medium-media phenomenon-phenomena,不可数名词,常见的不可数名词,advice 建议 air空气 baggage行李 chalk粉笔 gas汽油 change零用钱cloth布,coffee咖啡 cotton棉花 light光 equipment设备 fire火 hair头发 food食品,fruit水果 fun乐趣 furniture家具 glass玻璃 grain谷物 grass草

15、,bread面包,knowledge知识 luggage行李 meat肉 money钱 music音乐 news新闻 paper纸,waste废物 water水 wealth财富 weather天气 wheat小麦 wind风 work工作 wood木头,progress进步 tea茶 rain雨 rice大米 sand沙子 smoke烟 snow雪 sugar糖,traffic交通,2009海南卷I plan to make friend with them so they we can help each other on the course work.,make friends with sb固定搭配,俩人之上的,用复数。,2011海南卷It felt very strange to travel without any luggages.


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