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1、编号: 毕业论文课 题: 家具企业物流外包决策分析 院 (系): 电子工程与自动化 专 业: 08物流管理 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 工业工程系 姓 名: 职 称: 讲 师 题目类型(A ) A:理论综述型 B:专题研究型 C:调查报告型 D:方案设计题目来源( 2 ) (1) 与教师立项科研课题挂钩 (2)自选课题2012年 4月 25日摘 要近几年来随着我国经济的突飞猛进,全球化经济日益加大,家具行业的物流问题也日益凸显,不仅地区家具交易效益较低,家具出口需求也遭遇到了物流瓶颈。从整体营销的角度上看,物流管理是实现营销战略的一个重要环节。物流管理水平的高低,对内,将直接影响到企


3、市场竞争力。然而家具物流市场尚未规范,在实际业务操作过程中,物流外包供需双方又存在着不可小觑的问题! 由此,本文先表明家具企业现在面临的种种物流问题,然后对其普遍的物流运行模式进行分析,从家具发展现状的角度考虑其发展急需变革,阐述家具物流外包的优势,说明其外包注意事项,实施问题。提出决策分析方案及绩效考核项目。最后以宜家家具为例,讨论了它的运营模式及物流分拨方式,及这样的所带来的效益,激励我国家具企业物流模式创新,形成竞争优势,实现效益飞跃。关键词:家具企业;物流管理;物流外包;竞争优势AbstractIn recent years, along with the economy by lea

4、ps and bounds, the growing economic globalization, the furniture industry logistics issues are becoming increasingly highlights, not only area furniture trade efficiency is low, the export demand furniture also met with logistics bottleneck. From the point of view of the whole sale on look, logistic

5、s management is to achieve the marketing strategy is an important link. Logistics management level, internally, will directly affect the enterprise operation of the whole performance, foreign, the furniture is a direct manifestation of enterprise brand image. It is often consumers the key indicators

6、 of evaluation furniture enterprises. Face furniture increasingly fierce competition between enterprises and people to the requirement of furniture consumption are also increasingly not satisfy, even if the furniture of logistics enterprise recognition of the importance of gradually deepening, but t

7、o specialization, muti_function the demand of modern logistics has also become a very hectic day. Facing the fierce competition in the industry environment, how to give full play to the core competitiveness, highlights the enterprise competitive advantage, improve the service level, enhance brand in

8、fluence? Improve the efficiency of the logistics enterprises has become a furniture enterprise urgent problems! At present our country the development of furniture industry speed relatively lags behind, the furniture and belong to traditional industry, it need to logistics enterprise to provide more

9、 system management and more careful service. If use logistics outsourcing to the third party logistics company operation mode, in order to reduce logistics cost, run a risk dispersedly, improve the service level, in order to increase the market competitive power. However furniture logistics market h

10、as not standard, in the actual business operation, the logistics outsourcing to both the supply and the demand and there are reckoned problem!Thus, this paper first show that furniture enterprise now faces all sorts of logistics problems, and then the general logistics operation mode analysis, from

11、the point of view of the current situation of the development of furniture to consider its development need to change, expounds the advantages of logistics outsourcing furniture, it shows the outsourcing note, the implementation of the problem. Puts forward decision analysis scheme and evaluation pr

12、ograms. The last to ikea as an example to discuss its operational mode and logistics distribution mode, and this brings the benefits, incentive China furniture enterprise logistics mode innovation, and form competitive advantage, to realize efficient leap.Key words:Furniture enterprise; Logistics ma

13、nagement; Logistics outsourcing; Competitive advantage目 录引言91 企业物流外包概述111.1 企业物流的相关概念111.2 企业物流外包的概念111.2.1 我国自营物流与物流外包市场分析121.2.2 自营物流存在市场132 家具企业物流现状分析142.1家具物流的特点142.2 家具企业物流发展现状142.3 家具企业物流急需变革152.3.1 家具企业发展现代物流的目标162.3.2 企业物流外包的优劣势分析162.3.3 物流外包对提升企业核心竞争力的作用162.4 外包对于家具企业的意义173 家具企业物流外包存在的问题193

14、.1 家具企业物流外包的问题193.2 企业物流外包注意事项203.3家具企业外包合作中的风险与制约204家具企业物流外包的决策分析224.1家具业现有物流运作模式分析224.1.1 自营物流经营模式224.1.2 联营物流经营模式224.1.3 外包物流运作模式224.1.4 混合物流运作模式234.2 企业物流外包模式决策分析234.2.1 物流外包决策考虑因素234.2.2 物流外包的决策分析244.3 物流外包的实施264.4 制定绩效评估指标284.4.1 企业物流战略绩效考核及控制284.4.2 物流外包的绩效评估294.5 举例宜家家居企业物流管理策略304.5.1 宜家实行的竞

15、争战略304.5.2 宜家物流运作模式315 结论34参考文献35致 谢36引言随着生活水平的提高,人们对中高档家具的需求与日俱增,家具生产企业、家具卖场与专卖店如雨后春笋般在全国各地建立,买方时代已经到来。在这样的环境中,家具竞争愈演愈烈。在经历了广告、降价促销大战后,家具行业必须寻找新的竞争点以突出重围,那就是服务。目前大型家具商场如月星、红星、居然之家、吉盛伟邦等都提出了差额退款、先行赔付的服务承诺。就这些方面来看,家具行业已无太大差别。要想取得竞争优势,就必须寻找新的切入点,在管理、服务等方面进行创新,争做行业的领跑者,于是家具物流便以其独特的服务方式开始被重视起来。我们仅从家具终端销售方面就可以看到物流的重要。如果没有物流商的适当(时间、货物、数量、地点)配合,不仅会因为二次运输而增加额外的物流费用,还会造成顾客


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