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1、4.4 Blending拼缀法 4.5 Clipping截短法,4.4 blending 拼缀法,Blending is formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. Words formed as such are called blends(拼缀词) or portmanteau words(混成词).(Page 82 Para 1) 拼缀法是将两个词的某一部分合并,或者将一个词加上另外一个词的一部分而构成新词的方法。用这种方法构成的词叫拼缀词或者混

2、成词。,E.g. flush(脸红) flash + blush(使脸红) smog smoke + frog,Blending,(Page 82 para 2) A very productive process Well-established Models for new formation,E.g. hamburger German seaport Hamburg ham + burger beefburger beef + burger chessburger chess + burger shrimpburger shrimp + burger,In a similar way,

3、(paga 82 para 2 line 5) Watergate(水门事件) Specific case of political crisis resulting from scandalous deception(欺骗),Muldergate (马尔德门) Billiegate (比利门) Cattlegate(牲畜们),具体的政治危机事件,Structurally, blending fall into four categories: (page 82 para 3) 1. head + tail(词尾) 2. head + head 3. head + word 4. word +

4、 tail,1.head+tail (page 82 ) autocide (automobile + suicide) 撞车自杀 broasted (broiled + roasted ) 拷炙 cremains (cremate(烧成灰, 火葬) + remains ) 骨灰 chocoholic ( chocolate + alcoholic) 嗜食巧克力的人 skurfing (skating + surfing ) 溜冰板 nucleonics ( nuclear + electronics ) 核子的,核物理的 chunnel ( channel + tunnel ) 海峡隧道,2

5、.head + head (page 8283) comsat (communication + satellite ) 通信卫星(公司) telex ( teleprinter + exchange) 电传电报 Amerind (American +Indian ) 美洲印第安人的 sitcom ( situation+ comedy )情景喜剧 FORTRAN (formula + translator)公式翻译程序,3. head+word (page83) medicare(medical + care ) 医疗保险 Eurasia (Europe + Asia )欧亚大陆 teles

6、tar ( telecommunications + star ) 电视卫星 telequiz ( telephone + quiz) 电视问答 autocamp (automobile +camp) 汽车宿营地,4.word + tail (page 83) lunarnaut ( lunar + autronaut ) 登月宇航员 bookmobile ( book + automobile ) 流动图书馆 workfare ( work + welfare) 工作福利制 Reaganomics (Reagan +economics ) 里根经济政策 tourmobile ( tour +

7、 automobile ) 观光车,Blends (page 83 para 1) nouns overwhelming(压倒性的) majority telecast (television + broadcast)(电视广播) verb very few guestimate(guess + estimate)(猜估) breathalyse(breath + analyse)(呼吸分析) fantabulous(fatastic+fabulous)(精彩绝伦) adjective even fewer fumious(fuming+furious)(盛怒),(愤怒),Blends are

8、 mostly used in writing related to science and technology, and newspapers and magazines.(page 83 para 2) Serious minded people: slang(俚语) , informal(非正式用词) Instance as blaxploitation (black + exploitation)(剥削黑人) sexaholic (sex + alcoholic) (性癖) bikethon (bike + marathon) (自行车马拉松) eggwich (egg + sand

9、wich) (鸡蛋三文治),Advice:not to use such words too often, particular in formal writing.,4.5Clipping(截短法),Another common way of making a word is to shorten , or slip (修剪)a longer word, known as clipping. It is the formation of new words by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead.(p

10、age 83 para 3) 截短法是指将一个较长的单词截短用以构成新词的方法。 截短法截去原词的某一部分而将剩余部分作为新词来使用。,e.g. omnibus-bus aeroplane-plane examniation-exam,Clipping (page 84 para 2) to be economical and save time bike-bicycle(自行车) auto-automobile(汽车) taxi-taximeter cabriolet(出租车),In school, econ-economics gym-gymnastics math-mathematics

11、 trig-trigonometry (三角几何),In catering business, lunch-luncheon burger-hamburger coke-coca cola,1.Front Clipping(截除首部) Quake(earthquake) Copter(helicopter) Chute(parachute)(降落伞) Phone(telephone) Drome(aerodrome)(飞机场) 2.Back Clipping(截除尾部) deli(delicatessen)(熟食店) memo(memorandum)(备忘录) stereo(stereopho

12、nic)(立体声) gent(gentleman) fan(fanatic) exec(executive)(实行) disco(discotheque)(迪斯科) 3.Front and Back Clipping(截除首尾) flu(influenza)(流感) jams(pajamas)(睡衣) fridge(BrE refrigerater) 4.Phrase Clipping (词组截短) pub(BrE public house) zoo(zoological garden) pop(popular music) perm(permanent waves)(烫 卷发),Four c

13、ommon types of clipping:(page84 para 3),In some cases, clipping gives rise to alteration(改动) in spelling and pronunciation.(page 84 para 4) 在有的情况下,在截短后其拼写和发音会发生一些变化。 Fridge BrE refrigerator Bike (bicycle) Mike(BrE) (microphone) Coke (cocacola) Pram (perambulator) (婴儿车) Telly (television) 电视机,This ch

14、ange in form and sound is possibly due to the informality typical of clipped forms. For convenience and casualness in speech, people often omit one or two syllables from a word; and then it is written down, a new spelling form is coined(创造) to suit the oral form.(page 8485) 在单词词形和读音方面的变化可能是由于截短形式的非正式性造成的。为了说话的方便和随意,人们常常从单词中省略一两个音节。当这些口头形式被记录下来,新的拼写形式也被创造出来,以便和单词的口头形式一致。 E.g. cos (BrE) (because) praps (perhaps) A familiarity maker is added at the end of clipped forms.(page85 para1 line4) 一个我们熟悉的标记被加到截短形式的词尾部分 E.g. Hanky (handkerchief)(手帕) Comfy (comfortable)(舒服的),



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