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1、check, examine or inspect?用check、examine还是inspect?All these words can be used when you are looking for possible problems, but onlycheckis used for mistakes.以上各词均可用于检查可能出现的问题,但检查错误只用check:Examine/Inspect your work before handing it in.Onlyexamineis used when looking for the cause of a problem.查找问题的原因

2、只用examine:The doctor checked/inspected her but could find nothing wrong.Examineis used more often about a professional person.examine较常用于专业人员所做的检查:The surveyor examined the walls for signs of damp.房屋鉴定人检查了墙壁,看是否有水渍。Inspectis used more often about an official.inspect较常用于官方检查:Public health officials w

3、ere called in to inspect the restaurant.公共卫生官员被召来视察了这家餐馆。4.go over sthto check sth carefully for mistakes, damage or anything dangerous指仔细检查看是否有错误、损坏或危险:Go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in.交作业前仔细检查一下拼写错误。PATTERNS AND COLLECTIONS to check / examine / inspect / go over (sth)f

4、orsth to check / examine / inspect / go over sthto see if / whether. to check / examine / inspect / go over sthcarefully / thoroughlyEthic 与 moral,都是指人的行为规范。两个词有什么差别?其微妙的差别在于,moral定义的是个人品格(personal character),而ethics强调的是应用了这些品格的某个社会体系。换句话说,ethics所指的行为规范或准则,是群体的意志。所以,对于个体来说,他的moral通常是不易变的,然而他的ethics则


6、然而,即使在现代汉语的现代用语的翻译中,也还是出现许多混淆,比如,professsional ethics还是被习惯称之为职业道德,而不是职业伦理, company ethics译为企业道德,而非企业伦理,只有social ethics,family ethics,这些词汇中人们会习惯于选择伦理这个词,可见,这种现代汉语翻译中的不规范,还是有受到汉语语言使用者本身对伦理的传统理解的影响的。总之,“Ethic”与“moral”,或者说现代汉语中的“伦理”与“道德”之间的差别在于,前者是集体的意志,而后者是个人的价值观。辩护律师是辨别这两个词的区别的一个好例子。辩护律师都有自己的个人道德准则(mo

7、ral code),这种道德准则促使他相信杀人是不道德的、应当受到谴责的行为,然而另一种道德准则(ethics)却要求他竭尽全力为被告当事人辩护,哪怕他本人知道该当事人是有罪的,如果他最终被释放,有可能会给社会带来更大的危害。在这里,法律的道德规范(legal ethics)必须超越个人的道德观,为的是更好地维护一个能给予被告人公正判决的司法制度。另一个有可能发生个人道德观于集体道德观之间的冲突的领域是工作场所。如果一家公司故意模糊企业道德的边界而无理要求员工超时工作,那么员工就不得不面临选择:是选择一个高压、苛刻、耗时耗神的职业道德,还是选择家庭责任,这一被认为是对伴侣和孩子应承担的道义。作

8、者:WhereTo链接:https:/ /mplken/1.Cusually pl. (for/of sth)a possible effect or result of an action or a decision可能的影响(或作用、结果)The development of the site willhave implications forthe surrounding countryside.这个地点的开发将会影响周围的乡村。They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions.他们没有考虑到他们的行动会产生更

9、广泛的影响。2.CUsomething that is suggested or indirectly stated (= sth that is implied)含意;暗指The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.他那篇文章的含意是,当家庭主妇远远不如所有其他职业。He criticized the Director and,by implication, the whole of the organization.他抨击主管,其

10、实是间接批评了整个机构。3.U (of sb) (in sth)the fact of being involved, or of involving sb, in sth, especially a crime(被)牵连,牵涉SYNinvolvementHe resigned after his implication in a sex scandal.他在涉及一件性丑闻之后辞职了。以上来源于: 牛津词典有道对原文作出修改claim /klem/SAY STH IS TRUE 表示真实性1.to say that sth is true although it has not been pr

11、oved and other people may not believe it宣称;声称;断言V (that)He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing.他声称他未得到公正的申述机会。V to infI dont claim to be an expert.我不敢自称为专家。VNScientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.科学家们宣称攻克癌症已有重大的突破。VN thatIt was claimed thatsome doctors we

12、re working 80 hours a week.据说有些医生每周工作80小时。alsoV speechVN to infDEMAND LEGAL RIGHT 要求合法权利2.VNto demand or ask for sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it要求(拥有);索取;认领A lot of lost property is never claimed.许多失物从未被认领。He claimed political asylum.他要求政治避难。MONEY 金钱3.to ask for m

13、oney from the government or a company because you have a right to it索要;索取VNHes not entitled to claim unemployment benefit.他无权要求领取失业救济金。She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered.她因受伤向公司要求获得损害赔偿金。You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance.你本可以从你的保险

14、中索取旅馆住房费。VYou can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train.你可按你的保险索赔你遗忘在火车上的大衣。ATTENTION/THOUGHT 注意;思考4.VNto get or take sbs attention引起(注意)A most unwelcome event claimed his attention.一件最讨厌的事情需要他去考虑。GAIN/WIN 获得;赢得5.VNto gain, win or achieve sth获得;赢得;取得She has finally claimed a pl

15、ace on the team.她终于成了那支队的队员。CAUSE DEATH 导致死亡6.VN(of a disaster, an accident, etc.灾难、事故等)to cause sbs death夺走,夺去(生命)The car crash claimed three lives.那次撞车事故导致三人死亡。PHRASAL VERBS 短语动词1.claim sthbackto ask or demand to have sth returned because you have a right to it索回;要回You can claim back the tax on your purchases.你可以要求退回购物


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