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1、VocabularyUnit 1accustomedprecautioncampaignartisticinfiniteplungedisastrousovercomereviveretreatdistractmission1. Ive always envied painters and poets I have no _ abilities at all. Artistic2. Hes struggling to _ his fear of flying, but he still panics sometimes when he has to board a plane. overcom

2、e3. She held her newborn baby with _ tenderness. infinite4. The whole nation was _ into profound grief when Princess Diana died in an accident. plunged5. The volunteers _ is to work with the police to reduce crime on the streets of New York. mission6. The city is planning a public _ to awaken people

3、 to the problem of noise pollution. campaign7. He was knocked unconscious by a stone, and after I _ him, he didnt recognize me. revived8. Once their books are open, A students dont let anything _ them from their studies. distract9. Amanda wasnt feeling well that day but she performed in the play wit

4、h her _ ease. accustomed10. When you feel overwhelmed by the complications of life in the big city, its good to _ to the countryside for a few days. retreat11. In times of war, people usually buy and store more food as a _ against shortage. precaution12. The closing of the cigarette factory had _ ef

5、fects on the towns economy. disastrousUnit 2recommendationconvergesacrificehorrifysurgelabeltransplantconstituteresentbondprejudice1. Please _ all the boxes clearly so that well know which ones are ours and which belong to you. Label2. Its not a simple question. Many different factors have _ to crea

6、te the current crisis. converged3. I can never repay my parents for the many _ they made for me. sacrifices4. Research shows that humor and fear are two excellent ways to _ students. motivate5. At first tea was produced only in China; it was later _ to India and Japan. transplanted6. The sight of th

7、e animals sufferings so _ him that he vowed never to visit the zoo again. horrified7. A mothers _ with her newborn baby is an infinitely deep one that nothing can replace. bond8. In Australia, women _ 51% of the population, but occupy only 19% of the managerial positions. constitute9. Thousands of s

8、triking workers _ into the city square, demanding higher wages and better working conditions. surged10. There was a deep-rooted racial _ long before the two countries became rivals and went to war. prejudice11. Mary _ having to go to work while her husband sits about the house all day. resents12. No

9、t all of the authors _ for improving students performance at school are logical. recommendationsUnit 3Thrive ensure surpass conflict justifyEscalate represent qualified apparent approve1. We expected Ellen to do well, but when she got straight As she _ all our expectations. Surpassed2. You made a go

10、od decision, and I thoroughly _ of it. approved3. They arrived at the stadium three hours early to _ that theyd get good seats. ensure4. The company is now _ thanks to the skillful management and outstanding technology. Thriving 5. The directors disagreement rapidly _ into a fight, so the meeting be

11、came more exciting than anyone had expected. escalated6. As a junior member of the schools teaching staff, Janet didnt feel _ to discuss the issue with the principal. qualified7. The 20-year-old tennis players dream is to _ China at the next Olympics. represent8. It was becoming _ that the elderly c

12、hemists skills were no longer needed. apparent9. I dont understand how you can _ spending money on space exploration when there are hungry children in the world. justify10. Many of the _ that spring from cultural differences can be avoided if you keep an open mind. conflictsUnit 4emphasispronedistin

13、guishobsessprecludealikeapplyaffordpracticallypromptimpulseenquire1. After Henry lost his job, he couldnt even _ the necessities of life. afford2. Our current economic circumstances _ any nonessential purchases. preclude3. The article puts a lot of _ on the value of failure as a learning experience.

14、 emphasis4. Success that comes too easily makes people more _ to failure when real challenges arise. prone5. Scientific discoveries would make greater contributions to society if all of them are properly _ to industrial production. applied6. Nancy _ herself as an ice-skater at a very early age, winn

15、ing three national competitions before she was fifteen. distinguished7. She was so _ with ice-skating that she never had time for normal childhood activities and experiences. obsessed8. Failure is painful for adults and children _, but it can also be a good teacher. alike9. Sam called the interviewer to _ about why his application had been turned down.


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