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1、NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH BOOK 2 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话【New words and expressions】 生词和短语private adj.私人的 如果妈妈想看你的信, 你可以说 : Its my private letter.如果陌生人想进你的房子, 你可以说 : Its my private house.private life 私生活由此引申出privacy n.隐私 : private life 私生活Its privacy.这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的)新东方是private school(私立学校),

2、与此相反, 公立学校是public school.所以, private的反义词是public.eg.public 公众; public letter 公开信; public place 公共场所private还有一个值得注意的意思 : 普通的. 如 : private citizen 普通公民:Im a private citizen.private soldier 大兵; 我们熟悉的拯救大兵瑞恩就是Private Ryanconversation n.谈话subject of conversation : 话题(天气是英国人最喜爱的话题)几种谈话 : 1、talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也

3、可以私人 : Lets have a talk.2、conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式: They are having a conversation.3、dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈 : China and Korea are having a dialogue.4、chat 闲聊, 就是北京人说的 “侃” , 说的是无关紧要的事. 5、gossip 嚼舌头, 说长道短have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词seat n.座位 这个词很重要, 考试常考. have a goo

4、d seat,这里的seat指place(指地点不错), 而不是chair. take a seat/take your seat 坐下来, 就坐下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见 : Is the seat taken?(这个位置有人吗?)考点 : 作为动词的seat与sit的区别sit-vi; seatvteg: He is sitting there.他住在那儿. You seat him.你给他找个位置. seat sb 让某人就坐,后面会加人eg: seat yourselft.Seat him.play n.戏loudly adv. 大声的angry adj. 生气的cross=an

5、gry ; I was angry.He was cross.annoyed: 恼火的; 程 I was annoyed. 度 I was angry/cross.加 I was very angry.深 be blue in the face : I am blue in the face.(脸色都青了, 相当生气了)bear(bore,borne) v. 容忍bear,standI cant bear/stand youendurein5djuE :忍受,容忍put up with :忍受I got divorced(离婚).I could not put up with himbear/

6、stand/endure忍受的极限在加大put up with=bear=standbear n.熊 white bearbear hug :热情(热烈)的拥抱give sb a bear hugbusiness n. 事, 生意business man :生意人do business: 做生意go to some place on business:因公出差I went to Tianjin on business.thing 可以指事情,也可以指东西business:某人自己的私人的事情Its my business (指私人的事, 自己处理的事) its none of your bus

7、iness【课文讲解】go to the theatresee a film=go to the cinemago to the +地点 表示去某地干嘛go to the doctors 去看病go to the dairy 去牛奶店go to the + 人 + s 表示去这个人开的店go to the butchers 买肉go to school: 去上学go to church: 去做礼拜go to hospital(医院):去看病go to the Great Wallgo home; 跟home相连一定表示没有事情可做,回家休息I am at home 在家休息enjoy, enj

8、oy oneself:玩的开心enjoy+sth :喜欢,从当中得到一种享受I like something very much./I love something.I enjoy the class.I enjoy the music.I enjoy the book.enjoy the dinner/film/progeam/gamewere sitting :当时正座在过去进行时态 :过去的某个时间正在发生的动作一个故事的背景往往用进行时态描述I+be+v(ing)The girl was reading a book in the garden.A boy came to her.go

9、t :变得,表示一种变化,got angryI am/was angry 是一个事实I got angry:强调变化过程It is hot.It got hot.got取代be动词,got是一个半联系动词,可以直接加形容词turn round:转头not pay any attention = pay no attention 表示注意,pay attention; 对什么加以注意,pay attention to sthnot any=noI could not bear it./you./the noise.I cant hear a word.美音:肯定I can kAn 否定,I ca

10、ntkAnt/,它的/t/是吞进去的, 在读音上很难区别, 只能根据上下文来定2.如果时间和地点连在一起,先放地点,再放时间如果问何时何地,是一个固定搭配 when and where(4).ahead of : 在.前面 (+时间、位置)(动态的行为)ahead of timeHe goes ahead of me.5 _ did the writer feel? Angry.a.Where b.Why c.How d.When(5) .c.how 对一个方式、状态提问特殊疑问词对后面的答案提问angry(adj)how(adv.)对形容词、副词、介词短语提问where 用介词,地点when

11、 用介词,时间why 用because回答11 The writer could not bear it. He could not _ it.a.carry b.suffer c.stand d.lift(11).suffer:遭受,忍受 (精神或肉体上)+痛苦bear: 忍受=standI suffer the headache.He often suffers defeat. Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?【New words and expressions】 生词和短语until prep.直到直到.才; 直到.为止后面加(时间状语)从句,前面

12、就是主句1) His father didnt die until he came back. (肯定)直到他回来,他爸爸才死. 2) His father was alive until he came back. (否定)直到他回来为止,他爸爸都是活着的. 到他回来这一点之前,没死 : not die; 活的 : 不加not.把until作为时间终止线从句的时间终点之前,这个动作做了还是没做?做了肯定;没做否定.For he _A(C)_(wait) until it stopped raining. A. waited B.didnt waitA.leave B.left C.didnt

13、 leaveI stay in bed until twelve oclock.I didnt get up until 12 oclock.outside adv. 外面作状语He is waiting for me outside.It is cold outsid.ring(rang.rung) v.(铃、电话等)响 (刺耳的)注这种响是刺耳的, 往往是提醒人做某事The telephone(door bell) is ringing.而风铃等响要用jingle jingle(bell): (铃儿) 响叮当给某人打电话 : ring sb.Tomorrow Ill ring you.打电

14、话(名) : give sb. a ringRemember to ring me/remember to give me a ring戒指(名词) naunt n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈(所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼)与此相同, 男性则是uncle: 叔叔 他们的孩子 : cousin : 堂兄妹(不分男女)cousin的孩子 : nephew : 外甥, niece : 外甥女记 : “捏死” repeat v.重复【Text】Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题. Why was the writers aunt surprised?It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. What a day! I thought. Its raining again. Just t


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