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1、昨天已经过去,明天还没到来。只有今天是一份礼物。,Yesterdayis history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.,Welcome to our class,Unit2 Healthy eating,Basic Writing,Round1(第一轮)竞赛规则 全班分四组:奔奔队,跑跑队,家家队,族族队 选择明星队长,并完成队长布置任务,即可获得相应分数,分数高的将在本轮获胜。 注意:组内每人限答一题!,Competition!,Competition!,Choose your captain! 选队长吧!,1. 健康(1分) n.

2、 _ adj. _,health,healthy,2.再好不过了。(2分) _,Nothing could be better.,3. 我不会允许你再次迟到却逃脱惩罚。(3分) (can/could/will not have sb doing, get away with) _ _,I wont have you getting away with getting late again.,1. 平衡膳食(1分) _,balanced diet,2. 强项和缺点(2分) _,3. He did not look forward to being in debt. His restaurant

3、was no longer popular. (合成一句话,tips:because引导原因状语从句) (3分) _,He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.,strengths and weaknesses,1. 减肥(1分) _,2. 劳(study)逸(exercise)结合(2分) _,lose weight,combine study with exercise,3. 我们很有必要学会应对压力。 (3分) (Its adj. for sb. to do

4、sth.) _ _,Its necessary/essential for us to learn how to deal with stress.,1. 应当,应该(1分) _,2. 权衡利弊(2分) _,ought to,balance the advantages against the disadvantages,3. 这部电影那么有趣,我们大多数人都已看过两遍。(3分) (sothat ) _,The film is so interesting that most of us have seen it twice.,An article consists of many _, an

5、d a sentence is made of _.,各位童鞋,你们词汇量有多少啊?句式灵活度呢?,Running Lan,sentences,words,1.短文改错 10分 2.书面表达 25分,高考写作:,Round2(第二轮)竞赛规则 本轮有三道问答题,最先举手回答的小组获得回 答机会,回答正确获得相应分数。,Competition!,Task 1,回忆基础写作的评分标准,针对哪三方面? (说出一点得1分,共3分),【评分标准】 句子结构 ,信息内容 ,篇章结构 。,correctness 正确性,completeness,完整性,coherence,连贯性,准确,完整,连贯,Task

6、 2,如何做到句式灵活,可以用什么结构或句式?(说一点得1分),1. 并列句 2. 复合句 (定语从句, 状语从句,名词 性从句等) 3. 非谓语动词 4. 强调句型 5. with复合结构等 其他句型及结构,简单句基本句型 主语+系动词+表语(SVP) 主语+动词(SV) 主语+动词+宾语(SVO) 主语+动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(SVOO) 主语+动词+宾语+宾语补足语(SVOC),Task 3,回忆基础写作的写作步骤主要包括哪六步? (说出一点得1分,共6分),1.【审题】 2.【整合信息】 3.【确定短语句型】 4.【连词成句】 5.【连句成篇】 6.【检查修改】,最近我们班进行了一次

7、关于“健康”的讨论。请根据下表内容介绍这次讨论的情况。,【写作要求】使用5个句子表达全部内容。,一、审题 文体:议论文 人称: 时态:,第一人称,一般过去时和一般现在时,二、整合信息(5句话),【写作要求】使用5个句子表达全部内容。,信息整合后为: (1)上周五下午,我们全班同学在教室里进行了一次关于“健康”的讨论。 (2)健康是由于有强壮的身体,也就是说,多运动。 (3)关注健康饮食。 (4)保持心理上的健康,身心健康才是真正的健康; (5)有积极乐观的态度,学会应对压力和适时进行自我放松。,三、确定短语,have a discussion about,that is to say,pay

8、attention to,mentally and physically healthy,deal with stress,relax oneself,attitude(towards),due to,四连词成句,1. 上周五下午,我们全班同学在教室里进行了一次关于“健康”的讨论。,_afternoon, our class _health in the classroom.,had a discussion about,Last Friday,2.健康是由于有强壮的身体,也就是说,多运动。,Health is _ strong body, _, much exercise.,due to,t

9、hat is to say,3.关注健康饮食。 (Its suggested that),We should _ having a healthy diet.,谁关注?缺主语,Its suggested that _.,pay attention to,we should pay attention to having a healthy diet,4.保持心理上的健康(也是很重要的),身心健康才是真正的健康 。,_is also very important, _being healthy in mind and body is true health.,多少句话?关系?,Being men

10、tally healthy,because,5.(我们要)有积极乐观的态度,知道如何学会应对压力和进行自我放松。 (Its adj. for us to do),We must have_, know how to deal with stress and relax ourselves.,Its _to have a positive attitude, know how to deal with stress and relax ourselves.,a positive attitude,essential for us,necessary,Last Friday afternoon,

11、our class had a discussion about health in the classroom. Health is due to strong body, that is to say, much exercise. Its suggested that we should pay attention to having a healthy diet. Being mentally healthy is also very important, because being healthy in mind and body is true health. Its essent

12、ial for us to have a positive attitude, know how to deal with stress and relax ourselves.,Is it a good paragraph?,Task 4,请问如何使文章具有连贯性?(1分),恰当使用连接词,A、表并列: B、表转折: C、表原因: D、表结果: E、表列举等:,如何使文章连贯,and, also, besides=in addition(而且)= Whats more, or(或者/否则).,but, however, yet,because, because of, due to,so,

13、therefore, as a result,such as, for example, like,Last Friday afternoon, our class had a discussion about health in the classroom. health is due to strong body, that is to say, much exercise. 1._(此外), its suggested that we should pay attention to having a healthy diet. 2._(还有), being mentally health

14、y is also very important, because being healthy in mind and body is true health. 3._(因此), its essential for us to have a positive attitude, know how to deal with stress and relax ourselves.,如何使文章连贯?,According to some students,Besides,Whats more,Therefore,五、连句成篇,四人一组,完成写作任务,每人扮演重要角色如下:Role 1:Leader(领导者,分配任务) Role 2: Grammarian(语法大师,检查句法) Role 3: Coherence Master(流畅大师,连句成篇) Role 4: Presenter(展示者将展示作品) 用时:10分


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