高级英语Pub Talk and the King27s Englishppt课件

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1、.,1,Pub Talk and the Kings English,Henry Fairlie,Lesson 1,.,2,Teaching Plan,.,3,Teaching Objectives,To enable the students with the methods of expository writing To enable the students to make a good conversation To trace the history of the Kings English To analyse the features of spoken English To

2、appreciate the language features,.,4,Teaching Focus,Different expressions in folk and official English Language: a set of rules or a living thing The influence of social status and surroundings on the development of English language,.,5,Quotations and allusions from famous writers such as Shakespear

3、es play, Norman Conquest, etc. Some basic knowledge about the writers mentioned in the text such as Carlyle, Lamb, etc.,.,6,Teaching Methods,Teacher-oriented teaching method Student-oriented teaching method The elicited method,.,7,Teaching Procedure,. Introductory Remarks . Background Information .

4、Learning Focus . Key words and Expressions,.,8,. Division of the Text . The Writing Style . Exercises,.,9,Introductory Remarks,.,10,The text is a piece of expository writing of what makes a good conversation. Conversation does not start with a given topic, nor does it develop with a logical structur

5、e, nor does it end with the problems settled.,. Introductory Remarks,.,11,Bar conversation has a charm of its own. The other evening bar friends had a heated discussion on the topic, “the Kings English”, some people thought it was natural that there existed resistance against the Kings English in a

6、low society like Australia.,.,12,It reminded others that there also existed a language barrier between the Saxon peasants and their Norman conquerors.,.,13,After English has become the universal language of England, the Kings English is used and held up as a model by the ruling class and the educate

7、d people, whereas the working people mock and jeer at it.,.,14,Even the literates make mistakes if they keep speaking the Kings English. Hence, informal language is needed in conversation.,.,15,Detailed Study of the Text,.,16,. Background Information,About the author: Henry Fairlie Pub, Pub Talk The

8、 King/Queens English, History of English Relative Information of English History The Washington Post Alexandre Dumas and Other Writers Some Linguistic Terms,.,17,Henry Fairlie 13 Jan. 1924 London, England-25 Feb. 1990 Washington, D.C. a British political journalist and social critic the most notably

9、 book: The Kennedy Promise,.,18,Henry Fairlie a prominent freelance writer on both sides of the Atlantic Both British and American Expressions in his works,.,19,Pub Formally: public house a house open to the public, as opposed to a private house a drinking establishment fundamental to the culture of

10、 Britain, Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.,.,20,.,21,Pub The history of pubs can be traced back to Roman taverns, through the Anglo-Saxon alehouse to the development of the modern tied house system in the 19th century.,a small hotel, an inn,酒厂直营酒吧,出售麦酒的Pub,.,22,Pub Talk conversation held

11、in the public house,.,23,the Kings English or the Queens English standard English used in a monarchy country NOW: The Queens English,.,24,Norman English English used by the Norman Conquest, which actually refers to French For more info, please refer to: Zhang Lichun, “The Influence of Norman Conques

12、t on English”, Overseas English, 2010(11),.,25,Brief History of English,.,26,Brief History of English,.,27,Brief History of England,Norman Conquerors The Normans, under William I, Duke of Normandy, conquered English after defeating Harold, the English king, at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 Norman C

13、onquest,.,28,Brief History of England,Hereward the wake Anglo-Saxon patriot and rebel leader rose up against the Norman conquerors but was defeated and slain in 1071 Hereward the Outlaw or Hereward the Exile Protagonist or Hero,.,29,Brief History of English,.,30,.,31,.,32,.,33,Brief History of Engli

14、sh,.,34,Brief History of English,.,35,文字讲解,Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. The daughter of Henry VIII, she was born a princess, but her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed two and a half years after her birth, and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate.,.,36,文字讲解,Edward VI

15、died on 6 July 1553, aged 15. His will excluded both Mary and Elizabeth from the succession declared as his heir Lady Jane Grey, granddaughter of Henry VIIIs sister Mary, Duchess of Suffolk. Lady Jane was deposed after nine days. Mary rode triumphantly into London, with Elizabeth at her side.,.,37,t

16、he establishing of an English Protestant church the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 the height of the English Renaissance and saw the flowering of poetry, music and literature. England was economically healthier, more expansive, and more optimistic than at any time in a thousand years. Colonization the new world: East India Company in 1600,Main Events in Elizabethan Era,.,38,Main Events in Elizabethan Era,playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christo


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