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1、译林版三年级下册英语unit1练习精品文档 三年级下册英语 unit1 In Class测试卷 姓 名: 得 分:第一部分:听力一、听录音,选出所听到的内容。(4分)( ) 1. A. Miss Li B. Mr Green C. Mike( ) 2. A. black B.blackboard C.birthday( ) 3. A. am B. up C. cap( ) 4. A. robot B. ruler C. rubber二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分)( ) 1. A. Its a parrot. B. Thats a parrot.( ) 2. A. Its black.

2、 B. Its a blackboard.( ) 3. A.Good morning, Mr Green. B. Good afternoon, Mr Green.( ) 4. A. Yes, Miss Li. B. Thanks, Miss Li.( ) 5. A. OK. B. No, its not. 三、听录音,完成句子。(8分)1 Liu Tao, please _ the _ . 2 Wang Bing , please _ the _.第二部分:笔试一、翻译(12分)in class Im sorry close the window stand up open the door

3、 a door 二、填空(8分)1.Li ping,please (开)the door.2. in ,please.3. down ,please.4.早晨风见到老师应说: morning,Miss Li.三、选出与其他两项不同类的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. blue B. ball C. black( ) 2. A. pie B. stand C. sit( ) 3. A. come B. listen C. me( ) 4. A. ball B. book C. look ( ) 5. A. Miss Li B. Mr Green C. Mike( ) 6. A. run B.

4、 skirt C. T-shirt( ) 7. A.eat B.drink C.sweet( ) 8. A.sleep B.in C.talk( ) 9. A.robot B.sleep C.run( ) 10. A.here B.shout C.open四、选择正确的序号填入括号中。(10分)( ) 1. -Look at the blackboard.-_. A. Im sorry. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. Its nice.( ) 2.Would you like eat_? A. milk B. a pie C.an pie( ) 3. Dont _ my milk.

5、 A. eat B. drink C. run( ) 4. Its too cold(冷). _ the window, please. A. Dont open B. Open C. Dont close( ) 5 - Is this a window? - _ A yes ,it isnt B yes, it is C No ,it isnt ( ) 6. a lunch box?No, it isnt. A. Is that B. That is C. is this ( ) 7. your brother?No, it isnt. A. Is it B. He is C. Is he(

6、 ) 8. Dont the parrot. A.listen B.look at C. look( ) 9. Wheres your T-shirt? Its. A. a nice T-shirt B. brown C. over there( )10. Is this your pencil? . A. Its a pencil. B. Yes, youre right. C. Yes, it isnt.五、根据所给情境,选择正确的答案。(8分)( ) 1. 格林老师请你开门,他说: A. Open the door,please.B. Close the door, please.C.

7、Close the window, please.( ) 2. 外面刮风了,妈妈对你说: A. Please open the window. B. Please close the window. ( ) 3 你想问别人是否想要吃冰淇淋时,应该怎么说: A What about an cake? B Would you like an ice cream? ( ) 4 上课时,老师请大家看黑板时,应该怎么说: A Dont look at the blackboard. B Look at the blackboard.( ) 5.你告诉别人那不是你的书包时,你可以说: A This isn

8、t my schoolbag. B That isnt my schoolbag.( )6.请别人帮你关门应说:A.please open the door. B.please close door.( )7.请进:A.Stand up. B.Come in, please.( )8.起立:A.Sit dowm. B.Open your books. C.Stand up ,please.六、匹配。(6分)( )1.What about the jacket? A.OK. Thank you.( )2.Wheres my schoolbag? B. Its over there.( )3.Wo

9、uld you please close the door. C. No. Its a schoolbag.( )4.Is that a pencil case? D. Its good.( )5.Dont sleep here. E. Yes, Mr Green.( )6.Drink the milk, please. F. Yes, Miss Li. Im sorry.七、选用方框内适当的句子,完成对话,将序号填在横线上。(5分)A. Look at the blackboard. B. What colour?C. Would you like a hot dog? D. Whats t

10、his? E. Im sorry1. -Dont drink here. -_ 2. -_ -Its an English book. 3. -_ -Yes, Mr Green. 4. -_ -No, thank you.5. -_ -Its blue.八、连词成句,注意大写和标点。(10)1. girl listen Dont to the (.) 2.you there What can over see(?)3.like big Would yourubbera (?) 4. your lunch box this Is(?) 5. an What ice cream about (?)收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除



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