Unit 10 I would like some noodles测试题.doc

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《Unit 10 I would like some noodles测试题.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 10 I would like some noodles测试题.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 I would like some noodles测试题一、英汉互译1.想要_ 2. what kind of_ 3.多大号_ 4. play with_5.绿茶_ _ 6.牛肉西红柿面_ _7.饺子店_ _ 8. orange juice_ 9.noodle(复数)_ 10.tomato(复数)_ 11.Hed(完全形式)_ 12.potato(复数)_ 13.Fri.(完全形式)_14.large(反义词)_ 15 Id(完全形式)_ _B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There _(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.2. T

2、here_(be) some onions and mutton in the bowl.3. Look, they _(buy) fruit and vegetables in the market.4. She _(have) an egg, a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day.5. I like _(listen) to the pop music and watching TV.6. They would like _(see) the animals in the zoo.7.Special 1 (have

3、) onions and beef.8. I and Jack _ (do) homework in the classroom now.9. They enjoy _(have) beef.10. There are some _(tomato) and _ (porridge) on the table.11. Id like (go) shopping.12. How many (dumpling) would you like?13. Can he _ (watch) TV with you?三、单选1. Jim doesnt like tomatoes,potatoes _ cabb

4、ages.A. andB. with C. orD. for2. There _ some beef on the table. A. have B. are C. is D. has3. Im hungry. I would like _ a large bowl of dumplings.A. have B. eat C. eating D. to eat4. Do you like noodles _ chicken? A. with B. of C. in D. to5.What size shoes do you want? _.A. Small shoes B. Size 36 C

5、.36 size D. Big shoes6. There are _ tomatoes on the table.A. many B. much C. a little D. any7. -Would you like _tea with ice in it? - Yes, I _A. any, would B. some, would C. any, will D. some, will8. The noodles with orange juice _ only $1.5. A. is B. are C. for D. with9.What size bowl of dumplings

6、would you like,small,medium _ large? A. and B. or C. in D. on10. Please give a bowl of .A.him, porridges B. she, porridge C. her, porridge D. me, porridge11. My family usually _ bread,eggs and milk _ breakfast.A. has; for B. eat; for C. have; for D. have; on12.Would you like a cup of tea? _.A. Id lo

7、ve B. Yes,please C. No,I wouldnt D. Sorry13. We have music _ Monday and Wednesday. A. in B. onC. at D. /14. He likes English _ its fun. A. when B. why C. because D. where15. They usually go _ home _ lunch.A. to; for B. to; at C. at; in D. /; for16. Would you like mutton? A.some B. any C. a D. many17

8、.What kind of noodles would you like? A. A large bowl B. A medium bowl C. beef noodles D. Yes, please.18. My brother _ dumplings with beef very much,but I dont.A. like B. dont like C. doesnt like D. likes19. Id like _ an action movie. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. watch20. I and Mike _ English now.

9、A. reads B. is reading C. read D. am reading四、句型转换1. Hed like a large bowl of porridge.(划线提问)_ _ bowl of porridge would he like?2. My father would like beef dumplings.(同义句)My father _ dumplings _ beef.3. Can I help you?(同义句) _ can I _ _ you?4. There is a pay phone across from our school.(同义句)_ _ _ i

10、s across from our school.5. Id like a small orange juice.(一般疑问句)_ you _ a small orange juice?6. I like to have some porridge and onions. (否定) I _ like to have _ porridge _ onions.7. She wants to eat dumplings. (同义句) She _ _ to eat dumplings.8. Id like beef and tomato noodles. (划线提问) _ _ _ noodles _

11、you like?9. I like green tea. (划线提问) _ _ you _?10. My favorite food is noodles. (划线提问) your favorite food?11. I like rice and fish. (否定句) I _ _ rice _ fish.12. He wants to have beef for lunch.(同义句)He _ _ to _ beef for lunch.13. Would you like milk? (用green tea改为选择疑问句) Would you like milk green tea?1

12、4. Id like some soup. a. _ _ you like? (提问) b. _ you _ _ soup?(一般疑问句)15. Do you want to have some tea? (同义句)_ you _ to _ some tea?IV.用所给词的适当形式填空:(10分)1. He _ like to sit here. ( would)2. How many _ of bread do you have ? ( piece)3. She sometimes _coffeeat home. ( drink )4. I would like you _ to my house . ( come )5. They have different _ oftea. ( kind )6. We want tobuysome _ . ( tomato )7. We have some great _ . (special )8. How about _ some beef ? ( have )9


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