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1、安徽工程大学毕业设计(论文)运输型物流企业的运输系统设计优化摘要摘要:本文阐述的运输型物流企业是仓储与运输一体化的运输系统管理与服务其中货物运所需的成本、时间及货物在途的状态控制是整个系统管理过程中的重要环节将现在的运输技术与仓储管理相结合将会极大地提升物流的服务水平现代物流与智能运输的结合点是交通运输信息的采集与提供系统运输技术而言,可用于物流管理的有移动信息技术、车辆定位技术、车辆识别技术、通信与网络技术等结合物流业务特点,构筑了物流运输系统框架. 目前,物流业已经成为经济全球化过程中最重要的话题之一。随着全球经济一体化的发展,生产企业为了提高自身的企业核心竞争力,已经将越来越多的业务“外


3、又是如何制定长期发展策略,来提高服务从而赢得客户,占据市场,最终推动公司的前发展与品牌影响力。本文以1物流为例,对提升物流服务管理的意义和现状分析的基础上,特别对提升1物流公司的物流服务管理提出建议。关键词:物流运输;运输系统;第三方物流;德邦物流;运输系统结构;LRP.Transport logistics enterprise transportation system type design optimizationAbstractAbstract:This paper expounds type of transportation logistics enterprises is th

4、e integration of warehousing and transportation transportation system management and service including goods carry the costs, time and goods in transit throughout the system of state control is an important link in the management process in the transportation technology would now combined with wareh

5、ouse management will greatly improve logistics service level of modern logistics and intelligent transportation juncture is transportation information collection and provide the system can be used for transportation technology of logistics management, a mobile information technology, vehicle positio

6、ning technology, vehicle identification technology, communication and network technology, combining characteristics of logistics business, construct logistics transport system framework. Currently, logistics has become the most important in the course of economic globalization, one of the topics. Wi

7、th the integration of the global economy, the production enterprise in order to enhance their core competitiveness of enterprises, will have more and more business outsourcing out, therefore, bred have mushroomed of numerous logistics enterprises. Along with the rapid development of our economy, the

8、 third party logistics enterprise as the customers strategic investors and the main risk undertaker, already more and more get to manufacture as main business of large-scale enterprises favour, become enterprises to reduce logistics costs, avoid logistics risk preferred logistics operation plan. The

9、 third party logistics development further accelerate the process, in the transportation systems, management mode, function construction have a profound changes, present a good development tendency, the service chain extending continuously strengthening and specialization. The third party logistics

10、enterprise also more and more focused on specific target market, give full play to its professional advantage, the third party logistics transport connotation further extend and expand. Deppon logistics Co., LTD. Of the third party logistics enterprise as a typical in the face of such favorable mark

11、et environment, is how it works. It faces what kind of opportunities and challenges are how to formulate long-term development strategy, to improve service to win customers, occupy market, ultimately drive the companys former development and brand influence. Based on Deppon logistics, for example, t

12、o ascend logistics service management meaning and based on the analysis of the present situation, especially for ascension Deppon logistics company logistics service management are proposed. Key words: Logistics transport; Transportation system; The third party logistics; DeBang logistics; Transport

13、ation system structure; LRP. 目录引 言物流运输系统是指原材料、零部件在工厂进行加工,制成成品以后,就会发生商品从工厂仓库到全国主要物流中心的大规模运输,这种形态常成为“干线运输”或“核心运输”,它涉及到利用货台、装卸机械等工具,并按一定的标准把商品单位化,进而工厂和物流节点之间进行长距离的运输。 商品进入厂商的物流中心后,接下来的运输业务主要是对应顾客的订货而进行的发货,包括将商品向批发业的配送中心或大型零售商的配送中心运输,甚至直接向零售店铺进行商品输送,即配送。本文通过ITS的掌握从物流运输系统的运输速度、运输成本、运输一致性和与物流节点的匹配性等多个方面来提

14、出现在我司运输系统中某一操作方法存在的问题,并针对问题寻找原因并提出优化的方案。现代的物流运输系统表现为企业生产与运输一体化的运输管理与服务其中货物运输所需的成本、时间及货物在途的状态控制是整个运输系统管理过程中的重要环节将智能运输技术与物流管理相结合将会极大地提升物流运输的水平,现代物流运输系统与智能运输系统的结合点是交通运输信息的采集与提供。就智能运输技术而言,可用于物流运输系统管理的有移动信息技术、车辆定位技术、车辆识别技术、通信与网络技术等。结合物流业务特点,构筑了智能物流运输系统框架.根据案例的分析,提出了当前物流企业计算机管理系统向智能物流运输系统发展的重点。第1章 绪论1.1 研

15、究的背景和意义1.1.1 物流运输系统简介面向“十二五”的中国服务业。报告对中国“十二五”时期服务业(物流服务、商业服务、电子商务和电信)发展主要目标进行了预测,预计“十二五”期间,服务业增加值占GDP的比重上升大约4个百分点,即占GDP比重约为47%,其中物流服务占2010年服务业产出的51.3,是比重最大的一类。中国要实现对WTO缔约国全面开放服务业的承诺,物流服务作为在服务业中所占比例较大的服务门类,肯定会首先遭遇国际物流业的竞争。随着中国经济的快速发展,中国的物流业也正在迅速发展,成为广受关注的一个经济热点。中国的运输、仓储等传统物流业务虽然已运行多年,然而现代物流业仍处在发展初期,尚




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