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1、巴蜀中学2016级九年级下半期试题精品文档重庆巴蜀中学初2016九年级下半期考试试题-英语单项选择( )1. history of the lonely island brought unusual feeling to me.A. The, aB. A, anC. The, anD. A, a( )2.Mr. Wang is a nice teacher. He often helps his students with _ physics after school.A. themB. theirC. theirsD. his( )3.He couldnt even afford a cup

2、 of tea because he had _ money left.A. anyB. noC. a littleD. few( )4.I want to know _ she will look like when she grows up.A. whereB. howC. whenD. what( )5.-Are you good at history, Rose?-_. But I will try to study it well this term. A. Thats all right B. Not very good C. No problem D. Quite well( )

3、6.You look tired these days. I think you need a _ sleep. A. shorter B. shortest C. better D. best( )7.- I dont understand_ with me.- Im sorry. But I was doing my homework.A. why you didnt watch the exciting movie “Fast and Furious 7”B. why didnt you watch the exciting movie “Fast and Furious 7”C. wh

4、y you dont watch the exciting movie “Fast and Furious 7”D. why dont you watch the watch exciting movie “Fast and Furious 7”( )8.-What can I do for you?-Im looking for the new CD by Li Jian-Good taste,and only a few leftI believe the CDs you ask for out soon A. being sold B. is sold C. will be sold D

5、. was selling( )9.- How long _ your brother _ the hometown?-Since he was only ten years old.A. has, leftB. has, been away from C. did, leaveD. was, away from( )10.The TV show was so boring that he stopped _ a magazine instead.A. readingB. to readC. readsD. from reading ( )11.-Steven, could you help

6、me _ when the plane will take off on the Internet?-Im sorry, my computer doesnt work. A. get on B. find out C. look for D. look after32. -Will it rain tomorrow?- _. Well have a field trip tomorrow.A. I think so.B. I hope so.C. Im afraid not.D. I hope not.33. Listen! There are some birds _ in the tre

7、e. What a beautiful morning!A. are singing B. singing C. to sing D. sang34. -Im sorry I cant find the library book anywhere-So Im afraid you have to_ it A. send for B. thank for C. pay for D. wait for35. -Would you like an apple pie for lunch? Ill make it for you-Honey, you_Lets go out to have somet

8、hing differentA. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. shouldnt36. Im afraid your dad cant join us for lunchHe_ a speech on Chinese art to the first-year students in the hall. A. gives B. has given C. is giving D. gave37. Breakfast at home is healthy and delicious, _ I have to eat breakfast on the way to scho

9、ol because I cant get up so early. A. and B. but C. so D. or38. -Do you think grandpa and grandma _late? -No, the train is usually on time.A. were B. have been C. was D. will be39. - great weather it is today!-YeahI will enjoy it with my family this afternoonA. How B. What C. How a D. What a40. -Con

10、gratulations! You won the first prize in the writing competition. -_. I have made several terrible mistakes. A. You must be joking.B. I think so. C. You are welcome. D. It doesnt matter. III完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。One day at the end of the class, a

11、 wise teacher told each of her students to bring a plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school.The next day she 41 her students, “From today on, for every person you dont like in your lives, you can choose a potato, write the persons name and the date 42 it and then put it in the plastic bag.”Day af

12、ter day, some of the students bags were very 43 . They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere they went for a week. They would put it inside their quilts 44 , on the seats when sitting in a car or on a bus, and next to their desks at school. The days carrying the bag around with them

13、45 students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds. They had to pay attention to it all the time 46 they wouldnt forget it. As time passed by, the potatoes went bad and 47 nasty (恶心的). They all tried to get rid of(摆脱) them.Too often we think of tolerance (宽容) as a gift to 48 people, and it clearly is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our sadness and hatred (仇恨) in our 49 , we will have to carry them around all our lives.Do you think you have got 50 from the wise teacher and what she asked her students to do?( ) 41. A. askedB. toldC. watchedD. saw( ) 42. A. inB.


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