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1、韩语专业术语分类词语(金融,外貌,化妆品,疾病,情绪,电影,时间)2008-03-21 04:33韩国语单词分类:(1)金融 银行 1. 提款机 2. 服务台 3. 柜台 4. 开户 5. 存钱 6. 领钱 7. 缴钱 8. 转账 9. 借贷 10. 抵押 11. 利息 12. 定期存款 13. 兑换外币 14. 美元 15. 汇率 16. 手续费 17. 护照 18. 身份证 19. 印章 20. 驾驶执照 21. 存折 22. 信用卡 23. 金融卡 24. 汇票 25. 支票 26. 旅行支票 27. 新钞 28. 旧钞 29. 硬币 30. 面值 31. 到银行取款 32. 把钱存在银

2、行 . 1. ; 活期存款 =往来存款 2. ; 个人存款 3. ; 小额活期存款 4. ; 存款户 5. ; 通知存款 6. ; 定期存款 7. ; 储蓄存款 8. ; 账款 9. ; 存款利息 10. ; 提取存款 11. 存折 =存款单 =存款本子 12. 存款总额 13. ; 预算总额 14. ; 工资1. . 汇兑清算表 : (exchange table, conversion table)汇价(汇) : (exchange rate)法定汇 : (official exchange rate)现行汇 : (current exchange rate)固定汇 : (fixed fl

3、at rate)银行买价 : (buying rate)银行卖价 : (selling rate)浮动汇 : (floating rate)中心汇 : (central rate)开盘汇 : (opening rate)收盘汇 : (closing rate)中间汇 : (mid-point rate, middling rate)名义汇 : (nominal rate)外汇期货交易 : (forward exchange transaction)升 水 : (premium)外汇折算 : (foreign exchange coefficient, conversion rate)贴现(贴水

4、) : (discount)再 贴 现 : (rediscounting(bills of exchange)涕泫经纪人 : (discount broker)银行贴现 : (bank discount)贴现市 : (discount market)套 汇 : (arbitration of exchange, cross exchange)套汇汇 : (cross rate, arbitrage rate)外汇储备 : (foreign currency (exchange) reserve)结 汇 : (settlement of exchange)外汇收支 : (balance of e

5、xchange)浮 动 : (float)2. (1) 汇 款 : (remittance)邮政汇款 : (postal remittance)电 汇 : (telegraphic transfer, T/T)外单电汇 : 外单押汇 : 委托付款书 : (authority to pay)委托购买证 : (authority to purchase, A/P)银行信用保证书(保函) : (letter of guarante, L/G)信 用 卡 : (credit card)信 用 证 : (Letter of credit, L/C)开 证 : (establishment of L/C,

6、 opening of L/C)审 证 : (examination of L/c)信用证有效期 : (expiry date of L/C)让 与 书 : (letter of assignment)转让手续费 : (transfer commission)租 船 人 : (charterer)租船合同 : (charter party)交 货 单 : (delivery order, D/O)海运保险单 : (marine insurance policy : MIP)打 : (dozen)正 本 : (original)复 样 : (copy)可抗力 : (force of majeur

7、e)(2) 外单信用证 : (documentary L/C)可撤销外单信用证 : (revocable documentary L/C)可撤销外单信用证(irrevocable documentary L/C)偿付信用证 : (reimbursement L/C)保兑信用证 : (confirmed L/C)保兑信用证(unconfirmed L/C指定议付信用证 : (restricted negotiable L/C)可转让信用证 : (transferable L/C)可转让信用证(non-transferable L/C)无限制转让信用证 : (without restriction

8、 L/C)可分割信用证 : (devisible L/C)可分割信用证(non-divisible L/C)对背(从属)信用证 : ()(back to back L/C, subsidiary L/C)即期信用证 : (sight L/C)迟付即期信用证 : (deferred sight L/C)远期信用证 : (usance L/C)预支信用证 : (anticipatory L/C)红条款信用证 : (red clause L/C)条款信用证 : (green clause L/C)循环信用证 : (revolving L/C)循环信用(fixed L/C)议付信用证 : (notia

9、ble L/C)带电汇条款信用证 : (with T/T reimbursement clause L/C)(3) () (E, F)(出口国)仓库交货 : ()(ex warehouse : EXW)(装运港)船边交货 : (free alongside ship : FAX)(出口国)工厂交货 : ()(free at factory : FAF)离 岸 价 : (free on board : FOB)(目的港)码头交货 : ()(free of charge : FOC)火 车 边 交 货 : (free on rail : FOR)船 边 交 货 : (free on stramer

10、 : FOS)() (C)成本加保险费和运费价(到岸价) : (cost, insurance, freight : CIF)到岸价加汮 : (cost,insurance, freight and commission :CIF & C). 1. 人寿保险(人险) : (life insurance) 物产保险(产险) : (property insurance)养老保险 : (endowment insurance)火灾保险(火险) : (fire insurance)全 损 险 : (insurance against) total loss only(TLO)一般保险 : (gener

11、al insurance)商业保险(实业保险) : (business insurance)渔业保险 : (fishery insurance)飞机, 船舶保险 : , (hull insurance)航空保险 : (aviation insurance)再 保 险 : (re-insurance)随意保险 : (facultative reinsurance)超损失分保 : (excess-loss reinsurance)双重(重复)保险 : (double insurance)草果货値的保险 : (over insurance)限额以下赔保险 : (excess insurance)汽车保险 : (auto insurance)意外事故保险 : (accident insurance)邮包运输保险 : (parcel post)窃盗保险 : (burglary insurance)雇用债务保险 : (employers liability insurance)因公伤亡保险 : (workers compensation insurance)失业保险 : (unemployment insurance)水险(海运货物保险) : (marine insurance, ocean marine cargo insurance)对货物(合同,顶单等)的保险 :


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