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1、北京版小学英语五年级上册复习(1)精品文档北京版小学英语五年级上册复习 Lesson 1 重点词 肉类: meat(肉) 甜点类: sandwiches(三明治) fish (鱼) hamburgers(汉堡) chicken(鸡肉) donuts(面包圈) cupcakes(纸杯蛋糕) 主食类:rice(米饭) 饮料类:milk shake(奶昔) noodles(面条) apple juice(苹果汁) hot dog(热狗) milk(牛奶) French fries(薯条) water(水) Fried rice(炒米饭) soup(汤) 重点词组 a bottle of juice(

2、一瓶饮料) a bottle of water(一瓶水) 重点句型 Chicken or fish, which do you like better? 鸡肉和鱼,你更喜欢哪个? I like fish better. 我更喜欢鱼。 Sandwiches or hamburgers, which do you like better? 三明治和汉堡,你更喜欢哪个? I like sandwiches better. 我更喜欢三明治。 Donuts or cupcakes ,which do you like better? 面包圈和纸杯蛋糕,你更喜欢哪个? I like donuts bett

3、er. 我更喜欢面包圈。 Milk shake or apple juice, which do you like better? 奶昔和苹果汁,你更喜欢哪个? I like milk shake better. 我更喜欢奶昔。我会说What is your favourite food? What is your favourite drink?My favourite food is sandwiches. My favourite drink is milk shake. Lesson2 重点单词:English 英语 P.E. 体育 Chinese 语文calligraphy 书法 s

4、cience 科学 art 美术maths 数学 music 音乐 computer 电脑 重点词组:Over there 那里 favourite subject 最喜欢的科目 very much 非常 重点句型:Which class do you like best? I like English best.I do best in English 我会说: English is my favourite subject. I like English best. Lesson 3 重点词:reading drawing singing dancing 读书 画画 唱歌 跳舞 skati

5、ng swimming keeping birds 滑雪 游泳 养鸟 growing flowers throwing beanbags 养花 扔沙包 skipping rope 跳绳重点词组:Around the World fairy tale 环游世界 神话故事 science fiction wait a minute 科学小说 稍等重点句型:I like(reading),but I like(drawing) better. 我喜欢阅读 ,但是我更喜欢画画 。 我会说:(Mingming)likes(reading)better.(He)(reads)a lot of(books)

6、.Lesson 5重点词组1. come to my house . 来我家 2. go to your house.去你家 3. stay at home.待在家里 4. wait for my brother.等我弟弟 5. say that again.再说一遍 6. here you are. 给你7. walk the dog. 遛狗 8. tidy my room.整理房间 重点句型Would you like to come to my house ?你愿意来我家吗?Sorry, I cant. I must stay at home. 对不起,我不能。我必须待在家里。 我会说W

7、ould you please Lingling: Would you please pass me that books?Sara: Sure , here you are, Lingling .Lingling: Thank you, Sara. Lesson 6 一、句子1. Can I use your computer?Sorry. I need to finish my homework first. 2. Can I open the gift box?Sorry. Its not for you. 3. Can I go out and play?Sorry. Its rain

8、ing outside. 4. Can I watch the cartoons?Sorry. Dad is watching the news. 二、词组1.No problem没问题 2.half past four四点半3.on your own 靠自己 三、我会说1. May I use your pen?Sure. Here you are./Sorry. You cant. Because I need to- 2. May I use your ruler?Sure. Here you are./Sorry. You cant. Because I need to- 3. May I use your rubber/eraser?Sure. Here you are./Sorry. You cant. Because I need to- Lesson 7 重点词组 tidy my room 整理房间 water the plants浇植物 wash his socks 洗他的袜子


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