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1、.,7下Grammar A Using a, an and the,.,Warm up,What can they see in Sunshine Zoo?,.,a snake,a lion,a tiger,a giraffe,Lead-in,.,an egg,an umbrella,an orange,an English book,.,1. 第一次提到某人或某物时。 I have a book. 2. 泛指某一类的人或物。 A panda is very lovely.,不定冠词a / an 的用法,.,判断一个单词用 a 还是用 an,是根据其读音,而不是根据其首字母。以元音音素开头的词

2、前用“an”,以辅音音素开头的词前”a“。如:an hour, an apple, an elephant, a useful book等。Zxk,.,They also see giraffe and elephant. giraffe has long neck. elephant has large ears. ears are like open fans,a,an,The,a,The,The,.,小试身手:用a或an填空,_ lion _bird _orange _“L” _giraffe _ old man _ “u” _umbrella _ interesting book _

3、hour _ honest boy,a,a,an,an,an,an,an,a,a,an,注意:an是放于元音音素前,而不是元音字母前。,an,.,It is _ .,The panda is eating bamboo.,a panda,.,It is _ .,The monkey is eating an apple,a monkey,.,定冠词(the),1. 用于上文提到过的人或事物。,eg. I want to have a fashion show. Where can I have the show?,2. 用于谈话双方都知道的人或事物, 表示“这/那个”。,eg. Whos be

4、hind the door? Look at the blackboard.,.,4. 用于乐器名词前。,5. 用于某些adj.前表示一类人或事物。,eg. play the piano, play the violin, play the guitar,eg. the poor/rich, the old/young,3. 用于世界上独一无二的事物。,eg. the sun, the moon, the earth, the world, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace,.,7. 用于序数词、adj.最高级前。,eg. Hes the third chil

5、d of his family. I want to go to the biggest cinema.,6. 用于姓氏复数前,表示“夫妇/一家人”。,eg. The Whites often have a party in the garden.,8. 用于一些固定短语中。,eg. in the front/middle of , in the morning, at the same time, in the centre of ,.,Fun in the zoo (P47),1 a,2 a,3 The,4 the,5 an,6 a,7 a,8 an,9 the,10 the,.,1. 名

6、词前已经有指示代词(this, that, these, those)、形容词性物主代词(my, his, our )或名词所有格等限定词。 2. 表示语言、学科、三餐、球类运动、棋类运动的名词前。,不用冠词的情况,.,3. 表示星期、月份、季节、某些节日的名词前。 4. 表示人名、国名、称呼语或头衔等专有名词前。 5. 某些固定短语中。 by bike , by bus, at first, at work, on foot, go to school, go to bed,等。,.,在必要的地方用 a, an, the , 填空。,1. Where is Peter? He isnt at

7、 _ school. 2. There is _ orange in the fridge. 3. _ pencil on the desk belongs to Sandy. 4. I have _ new bike. I clean _ bike every day.,an,The,a,the,Exercise,.,5. Dad often goes fishing in _ summer. A: Can I help you? B: Im looking for _ pair of shoes. People in Nanjing now go to work by _ undergro

8、und. 8. Who is good at playing _ football in your class? 9. _ boy in a red coat is my cousin.,a,The,.,10. I live on _ third floor. 11. There is _ “h”, _ “o”, _ “u” in the word “hour”. 12. Simon likes to play _ piano but he doesnt like to play _basketball. 13. Beijing is _ capital of China.,the,the,t

9、he,a,an,an,.,1.This is _ orange , _ orange is orange 2.English is _useful language. 3.My brother is _usual boy but _ honest boy. 4. He is holding _umbrella. 5. _man in red is his father. Hes at _dinner 6. Who is _ strongest and _ most friendly? 7._girl over there is _ university student. 8. I have _

10、 cat . _ cats name is Mimi. 9. Monday is _ second day of a week. 10 _ sun is bigger than_ moon 11. I like playing _ basketball and _ piano. 12. He was born in _ May. 13. I saw _ old man pass by and _old man looked sad.,an the a a an an The / the the The a a The the The the / the / an the,.,Goodbye!,

11、.,Grammar B Prepositions of place 方位介词,方位介词常用来表示物体的位置,.,We study _ school every day.,Tom lives _ Washington D.C., the USA.,at,in,.,along,Millie is walking _ the road.,along,A cat is sleeping _ the balcony.,on,.,up,down,Kitty is climbing _ the hill.,up,Daniel is walking _ the stairs.,down,.,Hobo is w

12、alking _ the table.,around/round prep. 围绕,在周围,around/round,.,from,to,Amy is walking _ the sofa to the window.,from,Sandy is going _ the library.,to,.,The football field is the lake.,next to prep. 在隔壁,next to,.,inside,outside,The first bear is _ the box. The second bear is _ the box.,inside,outside,.

13、,Some people are standing _ the spring(喷泉).,in front of,There are some fruits _ the boy.,behind,.,across,Simon is swimming _ the pool.,across,through,A train is going _ a tunnel.,through,.,over,Eddie is jumping _ the chair.,over,A boy is lying _ the tree.,under,.,There is a bookshelf (书架) _ my desk.

14、,above,The sofa is _ those two pictures.,below,.,The bank is _ the hotel and the restaurant.,between,There are some butterflies _ the flowers.,among,.,on,over/above,in front of,behind,on the left of,on the right of,under/below,Prepositions of the place(方位介词),.,over 在的正上方 under在的正下方 above在的上方(表面 不接触)

15、 below 在的下方 on在的上面(表面接触),over,under,above,below,on,Do you know these words?Lets learn them together.,.,Can you fill in the blanks with these prepositions.,1. There is a face _ the desk. 2. The moon is _ the desk. 3. The sun is _ the desk. 4. I can see a star _ the desk. 5. There is a tree _ the desk.,desk,over,above,under,below,on,.,.,.,The flower are in front of the shop. The trees are behind



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