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1、仁爱英语七年级上册Unit1简单练习题精品文档Unti1练习卷一、基础选择(25分)( )1. Alice: Whats your name, please? Lucy: _A. My names Lucy. B. Im nine. C. Im Meimei. .( A )2. Alice: Hello, Good morning! Lucy: _A. Hi, Morning. B. Hello, afternoon. C. Hello, Good evening.( A )3. Alice: How are you, Peter? Peter: _A. Fine, thanks. B. Gu

2、ess. C. Great. ( C )4. Tom: _, Li Lei. LiLei: Nice to meet you, too.A. How are you B. Whats your name C. Nice to meet you( C )5. Lily: _? Mike: Im fine.And you? A. Can I have some water B. How are you C. How old are you( B )6. _ you Tutu? A. are B. Are C. Is ( C )7. Whats _ name? A. you B. is C. you

3、r( C )8. Nice to _ you. A. Meet B. thank C. meet( C )9. I _ Bai Ling. A. is B. are C. am ( )10、Where are you ? I am from the USA. A. with B. from C.in( )11. is she ? She is Maria. A. Who B. who C. Where ( )12. Is she Maria ? No,she .A. is B. isnt C. are( )13. Who is this ? is Jim. A. this B. This C

4、. it ( )14. She is doctor.A. a B. an C. x( )15. is a teacher. A. Her B. His C. He ( )16. are Jim and Cake from ? They are from England. A. Where B. Who C . Which ( )17、Whats your telephone number ? AI am fine B I am Maria C. It is 0772- ( )18、What class are you in ? AI am from Jinxiu BClass Two CI a

5、m OK( )19、How old are you ? A0772- BClass Six CTwelve ( )20、Are you in Class 3? A. Thanks B Thats all right CNo, Im not( )21、 is this in English ?It is an orange. A. What B. How C. Where ( )22、Whats that in English ? AI am from England B. Yes , I am .CIt is a pen( )23、Is it orange ?Yes,it is . A. an

6、 B. a C. this ( )24、What are in English ?They are apples .A. this B these Cthat ( )25、What are in English ? They are cars . Athose B that C it 二、选择所给方框的词填空:仔细观察,注意大小写,您会选对的(25分)nice lets excuse this how fine thank thanks have whats old number class in an do an twelve your grade Where who this form t

7、cacher in good Im am1.Hello!Im Kangkang. your name ?2. to meet you!3. begin !4. me ! Are you Jane ?5. Mom, is my teacher, Mr Lee .6. are you ? Im . you .7. a nice day ! You, too.8. How are you ? Not bad , .How are you ?9、Whats your telephone ?10、How are you ?11、What are you in ? I am in Class Two.12

8、、Whats that English?13、What are you in ?I am in Grade One.14、This is apple .That is orange .15、Whats English name ?16、How you spell your name ? 17、How old is she ? .18、 are you from ? I am from Guilin.19、 is this ? This is Jim.20、They are Shanghai .Where are you from ?21、Where is Nanjing ? It is Jia

9、ngsu .22、She is a .23、 evening !24、Where are you from ? from Tokyo.25、Are you Kitty ? Yes , I .三、口语交际:写出下列用语的答语(30分)1、 Good morning ! 2、 Good afternoon ! 3、 Sit down,please ! 4、 Nice to meet you ! 5、 Whats your name ,please ? 6、 How do you do ? 7、 How are you ? 8、 Goodbye 9、 Are you Jane ? 10、 Is sh

10、e Maria ? A Yes ,she is .B I am from Guigang.C . He is from Hainan.D.No, they arent.F. Good evening!G. Cheers!H. She is MariaI. It is in Guangxi.J. She is from Guangzhou.K .I think they are from England.11.Where are you from ? ( ) 12.Where is she from ? ( )13.Where are they from ? ( )14.Where is he

11、from ? ( )15.Is she from Shanghai ? ( )16.Are they from Guilin ? ( )17.Good evening ! ( )18.Cheers ! ( ) 19.Who is she ? ( )20.Where is Nanning? ( ) ( )21. Which grade are you in? A. Its a computer.( ) 22. Where are you from? B. Im in Grade Six.( ) 23.Whats Jims telephone number? C. Glad to meet you, too.( ) 24. How are you? D. Its .( ) 25. Glad to meet you. E. Yes, there is. ( )2


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