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1、中考英语-综合练习精选含解析一、完形填空(A)Born in 1979 in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, Yang Guang lost his sight (视力)when he was still a baby.As the saying goes, (像俗话说的那样)when God closes a door, he opens a window. Although he lived in(darkness), Yang Guang found something that made his life colorful. That is(music).

2、 Yang Guang started his life with music at the age of 7. Then, he(joined)a local art group and he stayed in the group(for)8 years. When he was 19, he decided to go to Beijing. Yang is(always)clear about what he wants andpursuespsjuz(追求)his goal witha strong will.It helped himgo (through)the difficul

3、t times in Beijing. If you want to do something, you have to go straight for it and dont(think about)other things or the result, he said. To attend the television show Xing Guang Da Dao wasa turning pointin this young mans life. By his excellent singing, Yang(successfully)won the contest of the week

4、, the month and the year of 2007. In the final round of years contest, he caught a cold, but he did not stop(him)fromstrivingstrav(努力奋斗)for his dream. This is only his first step of realizing his dreams. Yang Guang is still striving for his dreams and looking forward to(another)success.1. A. sadness

5、B. darknessC. happiness D. silence2. A. art B. singC. musicD. play3. A. joinedB. take part in C. join in D. attend4. A. after B. of C. inD. for5.A. alwaysB. never C. almost D. usually6. A. across B. inC. throughD. into7. A. think of B. think over C. think outD. think about8. A. carefully B. quicklyC

6、. successfullyD. luckily9. A. herB. himC. his D. he10. A. other B. the otherC. anotherD. others【解析】【文章大意】杨光在婴儿时失去了视力,但他对自己的追求目标总是非常清晰,这帮助他度过了在北京的困难时期。2007年参加电视节目“星光大道”,在比赛中赢得了奖项。在当年的最后一轮比赛时,他感冒了,但他没有停止他为自己的梦想而努力奋斗。1. 句意:虽然他在黑暗中生活,但杨光发现了使他的生活丰富多彩的东西。sadness悲伤;darkness黑暗;happiness快乐; silence沉默。考查名词及语境

7、理解。根据前面句子Yang Guang lost his sight when he was still a baby可知,故选B。2. 句意:那就是音乐。 art艺术;sing唱;music音乐;play玩。考查名词及语境理解。根据下句Yang Guang started his life with music at the age of 7.可知,故选C。3. 句意:然后,他加入了当地的艺术团。joined参加,加入; take part in参加;join in参加,加入; attend出席。考查动词及语境理解。根据art group可知,故选A。(1)join通常指参加某种固定的组织、

8、团队、军队等,强调成为其中一员。join sb. (in) doing sth.“和某人一起干某事”。(2)join in表示“参加某项活动”时,和take part in 可换用,但前者侧重娱乐、欣赏,而后者更侧重身体力行,参加在其中。(3)take part in 指参加各种活动,包括文娱、体育、比赛、斗争、罢工等(4)attend原意指出席,即出席会议。attend the meeting(5)这几组词都是瞬间动词(终止性动词),用于完成时的句子时不能跟延续的时间状语连用。4. 句意:他在那个艺术团待了八年。after 在之后;of的;in在里; for表示持续一段时间。考查介词及语境理

9、解。8 years 表示一段时间,用介词for,故选D。5. 句意:杨光对他想要什么和追求的目标总是非常清晰。always总是;never从不; almost几乎,近乎; usually通常。考查副词及语境理解。根据下句It helped him go the difficult times in Beijing可知,故选A。6. 句意:这帮助他度过了在北京的困难时期。考查介词及语境理解。across穿过;in在里;through穿过;into进入。go through通常指经历难关,故选C。7. 句意:如果你想做事情,你必须向前走,不考虑其他事情或结果。考查动词短语及语境理解。think o

10、f想起,有想法; think over重新考虑;think out解决;think about考虑。根据句意结合语境,故选D。8. 句意:杨光成功地赢了周赛。carefully仔细地;quickly迅速地;successfully成功地; luckily幸运地。考查副词及语境理解。根据won the contest of the week可知,故选C。9. 句意:在当年的最后一轮比赛时,他感冒了,但他没有停止他为自己的梦想而努力奋斗。考查代词及语境理解。her她,宾格; him他,宾格;his他的;he他。stop是动词,后跟代词作宾语,用宾格形式,故选B。10. 句意:杨光仍然在追求他的梦想

11、并期待另一个成功。考查形容词及语境理解。other其他的,别的;the other特指两者当中的另一者;another另一;others他人。根据句意,故选C。other+复数名词=others other又可接不可数名词。例如:other people=others,other information 别的/其它新闻。the other指两者中的另一个,常和one呼应着用。即常用结构:onethe other(一个另一个) another+数词表示 又,再。如:another two apples(=two more apples).some.others.一些.另一些.(B)How are

12、 American families different from Chinese families?In some ways American families are very different from Chinese ones,and in other ways they are(the same).American families,forexample,enjoy family dinners,support and love each other just as Chinese families(do).The differences come from culture,how

13、ever.Many Chinese students are (surprised)to learn that American teenagers are allowed to make many decisions on their own,and that parents want their children to (leave)home at eighteen.In most American families,children are encouraged to make their own choices(at)a young age.They start with small

14、choices and graduallyrduli逐渐地(larger)ones until theygraduaterdut from high school.That is when they face the biggest decision of their lives:(what)to do next.Parents and family will help with the choice,but the children themselves make the final decision.Americans (seldom)move back into family homes

15、 when they get older.Instead,they prefer to have their own (lives)for as long as possible.It is important to remember that these are cultural differences,and that Americans see this as(part)of the culture.11. A. too much B. all rightC. the same12.A. doB. go C. work13. A. worriedB. surprisedC. moved14. A. leaveB. return C. get15. A. of B. forC. at16. A. largerB. worse C. easier17. A. which B. howC. what18. A. oftenB. seldomC. once19. A. chances B. choicesC. lives20. A. halfB. partC. all【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了美国家庭与中国家庭的不同之处。在美国,孩子在很小的时候就被允许自己作决定,孩子长大后要离开父母独自生活。(1)由设空处前提到


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